IConstructPoint Interface

Provides access to members that construct a point using other geometries and measures.


Name Description
Method ConstructAlong Constructs a point distance units along the input curve.
Method ConstructAngleBisector Constructs a point on the bisector of the angle (from, through, to). When useAcuteAngle is false, the sign of distance will select a point right or left of (from, through, to). Otherwise, the sign of distance will select the acute/obtuse point.
Method ConstructAngleDistance Constructs a point at a specified angle (in radians) from the horizontal axis and a specified distance away from the input point.
Method ConstructAngleIntersection Constructs the point of intersection between two lines defined by the input points and angles (in radians).
Method ConstructDeflection Constructs a point in the polar coordinate system defined by baseLine and its 'from' point. The angle is in radians.
Method ConstructDeflectionIntersection Constructs the point of intersection of two rays with origins at the endpoints of the base line and the specified angles (in radians). If onRightSide is true, this work will be done to the right of the base line, otherwise to the left.
Method ConstructOffset Constructs a point distance units along the input curve and offset units perpendicularly away from it.
Method ConstructParallel Constructs a point distance units from start, parallel to the tangent at the point nearest to start on the (extended) segment.
Method ConstructPerpendicular Constructs a point 'distance' units from p and lying along the line normal to base and passing through p.
Method ConstructThreePointResection Constructs the point of observation from which two signed angles between three points were measured; returns an angle which can help establish the confidence of the observation location: A small angle indicates greater uncertainty in the location.

IConstructPoint.ConstructAlong Method

Constructs a point distance units along the input curve.

Public Sub ConstructAlong ( _
    ByVal curve As ICurve, _
    ByVal extension As esriSegmentExtension, _
    ByVal distance As Double, _
    ByVal asRatio As Boolean _
public void ConstructAlong (
    ICurve curve,
    esriSegmentExtension extension,
    double distance,
    bool asRatio


If the Distance parameter is less than zero, or greater than the length of the curve (when asRatio is false), or greater than one (when asRatio is true), then the value of the Extension parameter is used to determine the coordinates of the constructed point. In these cases, the point can be placed somewhere along an embedding geometry, or somewhere along a tangent geometry.

The embedding geometry of a straight line segment is a straight line extending infinitely in both directions. The embedding geometry of a circular arc is a complete circle. The embedding geometry of an elliptic arc is a complete ellipse. A bezier curve has no embedding geometry.

A tangent geometry is always a ray (a straight line extending infinitely in one direction) tangent to the input curve at either its from (start) or to (end) points.

Possible values for the Extension parameter are: -------------------------------------------------esriNoExtension The constructed point will always be on the input curve. A distance < 0 will pin the constructed point to the location of the input curve's from point. A distance > the curve length (or > 1 when asRatio is true) will pin the location to the curve's to point.

esriExtendTangentAtFrom If the distance parameter is < 0 then the point is constructed along a ray tangent to the start point of the curve, in a direction away from the curve.

esriExtendTangentAtTo If the distance parameter is greater than the length of the input curve (or > 1 when asRatio is true), then the constructed point is placed along a ray tangent to the end point of the curve, in a direction away from the curve.

esriExtendEmbeddedAtFrom Similar to the tangent option, but uses the embedding geometry instead of the tangent lines.

esriExtendEmbeddedAtTo Similar to the tangent option, but uses the embedding geometry instead of the tangent lines.

esriExtendEmbedded The point is constructed based on either the start or end points of the curve.

esriExtendTangents The point is tangential extended from the start or endpoint of the curve.

These values can be combined using the VB Or operator, or the C++ bitwise OR operator.

Example 1: esriExtendTangentAtFrom Or esriExtendTangentAtTo

Instead of using esriExtendTangents you could use esriExtendTangentAtFrom Or esriExtendTangentAtTo.This would allow the point to be constructed anywhere along infinte straight lines, beginning from either the start or end of the curve, regardless of whether the distance parameter was less than 0, or greater than the length of the input curve (or > 1 when asRatio is true).

ConstructPoint ConstructAlong Example

//Select a polyline in ArcMap and calculate a point along the line

         // at 100 distance units from the start point.

         public void ConstructPointAlongLine(IPolyline pl)


             ICurve polyLine = pl;

             IPoint point1 = ConstructPointAlong(100, polyLine, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, false);

             System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("x,y = " + point1.X + "," + point1.Y);

             IPoint point2 = ConstructPointAlong(0.5, polyLine, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, true);

             System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("x,y = " + point2.X + "," + point2.Y);


         public IPoint ConstructPointAlong(double distance, ICurve curve, esriSegmentExtension extension, bool asRatio)


             IConstructPoint contructionPoint = new PointClass();

             contructionPoint.ConstructAlong(curve, extension, distance, asRatio);

             return contructionPoint as IPoint;

'+++ Calculate a point along a polyline

     '+++ at 100 distance units from the start point.

    Public Sub t_ConstructAlong(ByRef pPolyLine As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPolyline)

         On Error GoTo Errorhandler

         Dim pPoint As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        Dim pCrv As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ICurve

         pCrv = pPolyLine

         pPoint = PtConstructAlong(100, pCrv, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, False)

         MsgBox("x,y = " & pPoint.X & "," & pPoint.Y)

        pPoint = PtConstructAlong(0.5, pPolyLine, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, True) ' Midpoint

         MsgBox("x,y = " & pPoint.X & "," & pPoint.Y)

        Exit Sub


         MsgBox(Err.Number & "..." & Err.Description)

         Exit Sub

    End Sub

    Public Function PtConstructAlong(ByVal dDist As Double, ByVal pCurve As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ICurve, ByVal extension As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriSegmentExtension, ByVal asRatio As Boolean) As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

         Dim pCPoint As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IConstructPoint

         pCPoint = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

         pCPoint.ConstructAlong(pCurve, extension, dDist, asRatio)

         PtConstructAlong = pCPoint

     End Function

IConstructPoint.ConstructAngleBisector Method

Constructs a point on the bisector of the angle (from, through, to). When useAcuteAngle is false, the sign of distance will select a point right or left of (from, through, to). Otherwise, the sign of distance will select the acute/obtuse point.

Public Sub ConstructAngleBisector ( _
    ByVal from As IPoint, _
    ByVal through As IPoint, _
    ByVal to As IPoint, _
    ByVal distance As Double, _
    ByVal useAcuteAngle As Boolean _
public void ConstructAngleBisector (
    IPoint from,
    IPoint through,
    IPoint to,
    double distance,
    bool useAcuteAngle


Constructs a Point at specified Distance along the line which bisects the Angle formed by the right side of the three input points. If the right side angle is smaller, the constructed line along which the Point is constructed will always bisect this angle, regardless of the value of bUseSmallerAngle. However, if the right side angle is larger, and bUseSmallerAngle is TRUE, then the Point will be on the line constructed which bisects the smaller angle (left side) instead of the right side angle.


The method uses a vector geometry to calculate the point. The Smaller Angle is the angle less than PI.If From , To and Through points are all on a straight line , the point is calculated perpendicular (to the right) of the line.

Construct Angle Bisector

private void ConstructAngleBisector()


            IPoint fromPoint = new PointClass();

            fromPoint.PutCoords(0, 0);

            IPoint throughPoint = new PointClass();

            throughPoint.PutCoords(10, 0);

            IPoint toPoint = new PointClass();

            toPoint.PutCoords(0, 10);

            IConstructPoint constructionPoint = new PointClass();

            constructionPoint.ConstructAngleBisector(fromPoint, throughPoint, toPoint, 10, true);

            IPoint outPutPoint = constructionPoint as IPoint;

            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Output point : " + outPutPoint.X + " , " + outPutPoint.Y);

Public Sub ConstructAngleBisector()

        Dim ptTr As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        Dim ptTo As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        Dim ptFrom As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        Dim pConstructLine As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IConstructLine

        Dim pOutPutLine As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ILine

        Dim Pi As Double

        Pi = 4 * Math.Atan(1)

        ptTr = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        ptTo = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        ptFrom = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        pConstructLine = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Line

        ptTr.PutCoords(0, 0)

        ptTo.PutCoords(0, 10)

        ptFrom.PutCoords(10, 0)

        pConstructLine.ConstructAngleBisector(ptFrom, ptTr, ptTo, 10, True)

        pOutPutLine = pConstructLine 'QI


        'Angle from the XAxis

        Debug.Print((180 * pOutPutLine.Angle) / Pi)

    End Sub

IConstructPoint.ConstructAngleDistance Method

Constructs a point at a specified angle (in radians) from the horizontal axis and a specified distance away from the input point.

Public Sub ConstructAngleDistance ( _
    ByVal p As IPoint, _
    ByVal inAngle As Double, _
    ByVal distance As Double _
public void ConstructAngleDistance (
    IPoint p,
    double inAngle,
    double distance


The ConstructAngleDistance method, given a point (p), construct another point at an angle (inangle) and a distance(distance).


Angle in radians and distancein map units. The angle is measured counter-clockwise from the horizontal line and can be negative. If the distance is negative then the opposite direction is assumed (same as angle + PI).

// select a point in ArcMap and calculate a new point with the

        // angle of 45 degrees and distance on 250 map units.

        public void ConstructAngleDistance()


            IMxDocument mxDocument = m_application.Document as IMxDocument;

            IMap map = mxDocument.FocusMap;

            ISelection featureSelection = map.FeatureSelection;

            IEnumFeature featureEnumerator = featureSelection as IEnumFeature;


            IFeature currentFeature = featureEnumerator.Next();

            double distance = 250;

            double angle = 45;

            while (currentFeature != null)


                if (currentFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)


                    IPoint startPoint = currentFeature.Shape as IPoint;

                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Start Point: " + startPoint.X + ", " + startPoint.Y + "\n" +

                               "Angle: " + angle + "\n" + "Distance: " + distance);

                    IPoint point = _ConstructAngleDistance(startPoint, angle, distance);

                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("x,y = " + point.X + "," + point.Y);


                currentFeature = featureEnumerator.Next();



        private IPoint _ConstructAngleDistance(IPoint point, double angle, double distance)


            //Convert the angle degrees to radians

            double angleRad = angle * 2 * Math.PI / 360;

            IConstructPoint construcionPoint = new PointClass();

            construcionPoint.ConstructAngleDistance(point, angleRad, distance);

            return construcionPoint as IPoint;

'+++ select a point in ArcMap and calculate a new point with the

    '+++ angle of 45 degrees and distance on 100 map units.

    Public Sub t_ConstructAngleDistance(ByRef pMXDoc As ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument)

        On Error GoTo Errorhandler

        Dim pEnumFeat As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IEnumFeature

        Dim pFeature As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeature

        Dim pSelection As ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.ISelection

        Dim pMap As ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IMap

        Dim pPoint As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        Dim pStart As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        Dim dDist As Long

        Dim dAngle As Long

        pMap = pMXDoc.FocusMap

        pSelection = pMap.FeatureSelection

        pEnumFeat = pSelection


        pFeature = pEnumFeat.Next

        dDist = 250

        dAngle = 45

        While Not pFeature Is Nothing

            If pFeature.Shape.GeometryType = ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint Then

                pStart = pFeature.Shape

                Debug.Print(1, "Start Point:" & pStart.X & "," & pStart.Y & vbCrLf & _

                   "Angle:" & dAngle & vbCrLf & "Distance:" & dDist)

                pPoint = PtConstructAngleDistance(pStart, dAngle, dDist)

                Debug.Print(1, "x,y = " & pPoint.X & "," & pPoint.Y & vbCrLf)

            End If

            pFeature = pEnumFeat.Next

        End While

        Exit Sub


        MsgBox(Err.Number & "..." & Err.Description)

        Exit Sub

    End Sub

    Public Function PtConstructAngleDistance(ByVal pPoint As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint, ByVal dAngle As Long, ByVal dDist As Long) As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        Const PI = 3.14159265358979

        Dim dAngleRad As Double

        Dim pCPoint As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IConstructPoint

        pCPoint = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        dAngleRad = dAngle * 2 * PI / 360 'Convert the angle degrees to radians

        pCPoint.ConstructAngleDistance(pPoint, dAngleRad, dDist)

        PtConstructAngleDistance = pCPoint

    End Function

IConstructPoint.ConstructAngleIntersection Method

Constructs the point of intersection between two lines defined by the input points and angles (in radians).

Public Sub ConstructAngleIntersection ( _
    ByVal p1 As IPoint, _
    ByVal angle1 As Double, _
    ByVal p2 As IPoint, _
    ByVal angle2 As Double _
public void ConstructAngleIntersection (
    IPoint p1,
    double angle1,
    IPoint p2,
    double angle2


Angles are specified as geometric angles measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis of the Cartesian coordinate system. All angles are specified in radians .ConstructAngleIntersection Example

//This method constructs a new point as intersection of 2 lines

        public void ConstructAngleIntersection()


            IPoint fromPoint = new PointClass();

            fromPoint.PutCoords(0, 0);

            IPoint toPoint = new PointClass();

            toPoint.PutCoords(100, 0);

            double angle1Rad = 45 * 2 * Math.PI / 360;

            double angle2Rad = 135 * 2 * Math.PI / 360;

            IConstructPoint constructionPoint = new PointClass();

            constructionPoint.ConstructAngleIntersection(fromPoint, angle1Rad, toPoint, angle2Rad);

            IPoint outPutPoint = constructionPoint as IPoint;

            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Output point : " + outPutPoint.X + " , " + outPutPoint.Y);

'+++ Construct a new point as intersection of 2 lines

    Public Sub t_ConstructAngleIntersection()

        On Error GoTo Errorhandler

        Dim pPoint1 As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        Dim pPoint2 As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        Dim pPoint As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        Dim dAngle1 As Long

        Dim dAngle2 As Long

        pPoint1 = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        pPoint2 = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        pPoint1.PutCoords(0, 0)

        pPoint2.PutCoords(100, 0)

        dAngle1 = 45

        dAngle2 = 135

        pPoint = ptConstructAngleIntersection(pPoint1, dAngle1, pPoint2, dAngle2)

        MsgBox("x,y = " & pPoint.X & "," & pPoint.Y)

        Exit Sub


        MsgBox(Err.Number & "..." & Err.Description)

        Exit Sub

    End Sub

    Public Function ptConstructAngleIntersection(ByVal pPt1 As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint, ByVal dAngle1 As Long, ByVal pPt2 As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint, ByVal dAngle2 As Long) As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        Const PI As Double = 3.14159265358979

        Dim dAngleRad1 As Double

        Dim dAngleRad2 As Double

        Dim pCPoint As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IConstructPoint

        pCPoint = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        dAngleRad1 = dAngle1 * 2 * PI / 360 ' Conversion degrees to radians

        dAngleRad2 = dAngle2 * 2 * PI / 360

        pCPoint.ConstructAngleIntersection(pPt1, dAngleRad1, pPt2, dAngleRad2)

        ptConstructAngleIntersection = pCPoint

    End Function

IConstructPoint.ConstructDeflection Method

Constructs a point in the polar coordinate system defined by baseLine and its 'from' point. The angle is in radians.

Public Sub ConstructDeflection ( _
    ByVal baseLine As ILine, _
    ByVal distance As Double, _
    ByVal inAngle As Double _
public void ConstructDeflection (
    ILine baseLine,
    double distance,
    double inAngle


The ConstructDeflection method, given a line (baseline), creates a new point at a distance (distance) and at an angle (inAngle).


The point is constructed from the baseline start point using the deflection angle (the angle from the baseline to the point) and the distance. The deflection angle is given in radians the distance in map units. When distance is > 0, a positive value for angle rotates the constructed point counter-clockwise about the start point of baseline, and a negative value for angle rotates it the other way. Vice versa when distance is < 0.ConstructDeflection Example

//Constructs a point from the baseline from (0,0) to (1,1)

// with the deflection angle of 45 degrees (PI/4 radians).

public void ConstructDeflection()


    IPoint fromPoint = new PointClass();

    fromPoint.PutCoords(0, 0);

    IPoint toPoint = new PointClass();

    toPoint.PutCoords(1, 1);

    ILine line = new LineClass();

    line.PutCoords(fromPoint, toPoint);

    double distance = 1.4142135623731;

    double angle = Math.PI / 4;

    IConstructPoint constructionPoint = new PointClass();

    constructionPoint.ConstructDeflection(line, distance, angle);

    IPoint point = constructionPoint as IPoint;

    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("x,y = " + point.X + ", " + point.Y);

'+++ Constructs a point from the baseline from (0,0) to (1,1)

    '+++ with the deflection angle of 45 degrees (PI/4 radians).

    Public Sub t_ConstructDeflection()

        On Error GoTo Errorhandler

        Dim pPointFrom As IPoint

        Dim pPointTo As IPoint

        Dim pLine As ILine

        Dim pPoint As IPoint

        Dim pCPoint As IConstructPoint

        Dim dDist As Double

        Dim dAngle As Double

        Dim pi As Double

        pPointFrom = New Point

        pPointTo = New Point

        pCPoint = New Point

        pPoint = New Point

        pLine = New Line

        pPointFrom.PutCoords(0, 0)

        pPointTo.PutCoords(1, 1)

        pLine.PutCoords(pPointFrom, pPointTo)

        dDist = 1.4142135623731

        pi = 4 * Math.Atan(1)

        dAngle = pi / 4

        pCPoint.ConstructDeflection(pLine, dDist, dAngle)

        pPoint = pCPoint

        MsgBox("x,y = " & pPoint.X & "," & pPoint.Y)

        Exit Sub


        MsgBox(Err.Number & "..." & Err.Description)

        Exit Sub

    End Sub

IConstructPoint.ConstructDeflectionIntersection Method

Constructs the point of intersection of two rays with origins at the endpoints of the base line and the specified angles (in radians). If onRightSide is true, this work will be done to the right of the base line, otherwise to the left.

Public Sub ConstructDeflectionIntersection ( _
    ByVal baseLine As ILine, _
    ByVal startAngle As Double, _
    ByVal endAngle As Double, _
    ByVal OnRightSide As Boolean _
public void ConstructDeflectionIntersection (
    ILine baseLine,
    double startAngle,
    double endAngle,
    bool OnRightSide


the bRightSide flag can be used to always force the constructed point to be on the right side of the baseline.The startAngle is the angle (in radians) from the baseline's startpoint of the line to the constructed point. The endAngle is the angle (in radians) from the baseline's endpoint to the constructed point.Both angles have to be > 0 and < 2 PI radians. Their sum must also be less than PI radians.ConstructDeflectionIntersection Example

//Constructs a point from the baseline from (0,0) to (1,1)

//with the deflection angle of 45 degrees (PI/4 radians).

public void ConstructDeflectionIntersection()


  IPoint fromPoint = new PointClass();

  fromPoint.PutCoords(0, 0);

  IPoint toPoint = new PointClass();

  toPoint.PutCoords(1, 1);

  ILine line = new LineClass();

  line.PutCoords(fromPoint, toPoint);

  double startAngle = Math.PI / 4;

  double endAngle = Math.PI / 4;

  IConstructPoint constructionPoint = new PointClass();

  constructionPoint.ConstructDeflectionIntersection(line, startAngle, endAngle, false);

  IPoint point = constructionPoint as IPoint;

  System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("x,y = " + point.X + ", " + point.Y);

'+++ Constructs a point as the intersection of 2 lines with angles

     '+++ dStartAngle (from the startpoint of the line) and dEndAngle.

     '+++ The flag to force the line to the right side is turned off.

    Public Sub t_ConstructDeflectionIntersection()

         Dim pPointFrom As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

         Dim pPointTo As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

         Dim pLine As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ILine

         Dim pPoint As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

         Dim pCPoint As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IConstructPoint

         Dim dStartAngle As Double

         Dim dEndAngle As Double

         Dim pi As Double

        pPointFrom = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

         pPointTo = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

         pCPoint = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

         pPoint = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

         pLine = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Line

        pPointFrom.PutCoords(0, 0)

         pPointTo.PutCoords(1, 0)

         pLine.PutCoords(pPointFrom, pPointTo)

        pi = 4 * Math.Atan(1)

         dStartAngle = pi / 4

         dEndAngle = pi / 4

        pCPoint.ConstructDeflectionIntersection(pLine, dStartAngle, dEndAngle, False)

         pPoint = pCPoint

         MsgBox("x,y = " & pPoint.X & "," & pPoint.Y)

    End Sub

IConstructPoint.ConstructOffset Method

Constructs a point distance units along the input curve and offset units perpendicularly away from it.

Public Sub ConstructOffset ( _
    ByVal curve As ICurve, _
    ByVal extension As esriSegmentExtension, _
    ByVal distance As Double, _
    ByVal asRatio As Boolean, _
    ByVal Offset As Double _
public void ConstructOffset (
    ICurve curve,
    esriSegmentExtension extension,
    double distance,
    bool asRatio,
    double Offset


A positive Offset distance will create a point on the right side of the curve and a negative offset will create a point on the left side of the curve.ConstructPoint ConstructOffset ExampleSet the asRatio flag to be True if you want the distance to be a ratio of the curve length. If set to True, then a distance of 0.5 will be equal to half of the curve length (i.e. 50%).

//This example demonstrates how to use IConstructPoint.ConstructOffset method

private void ConstructOffset()


    IPoint[] points = new IPoint[4];

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)


        points[i] = new PointClass();


    points[0].PutCoords(0, 0);

    points[1].PutCoords(10, 0);

    points[2].PutCoords(20, 0);

    points[3].PutCoords(30, 0);

    IPointCollection polyline = new Polyline();

    //helper class to solve C-Style Array usage in COM classes

    IGeometryBridge geometryBride = new GeometryEnvironmentClass();

    geometryBride.AddPoints(polyline as IPointCollection4, ref points);

    IConstructPoint constructionPoint = new PointClass();

    //The spatial reference should be set on the new point here (Code skipped)

    //Example 1: Distance No ratio, Positive offset

    constructionPoint.ConstructOffset(polyline as ICurve, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, 15, false, 5);

    IPoint outPutPoint1 = constructionPoint as IPoint;

    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Output point : " + outPutPoint1.X + " , " + outPutPoint1.Y);

    //Output point : 15 , -5  


    //Example 2: Distance as ratio, Positive offset

    constructionPoint.ConstructOffset(polyline as ICurve, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, 0.5, true, 5);

    IPoint outPutPoint2 = constructionPoint as IPoint;

    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Output point : " + outPutPoint2.X + " , " + outPutPoint2.Y);

    //Output point : 15 , -5  


    //Example 3: Distance No ratio, Negative offset

    constructionPoint.ConstructOffset(polyline as ICurve, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, 15, false, -5);

    IPoint outPutPoint3 = constructionPoint as IPoint;

    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Output point : " + outPutPoint3.X + " , " + outPutPoint3.Y);

    //Output point : 15 , 5

'This example demonstrates how to use IConstructPoint::ConstructOffset

    Sub ConstructOffset()

        Dim ptc As IPointCollection, pt(3) As IPoint, i As Long

        Dim pconsPoint As IConstructPoint, ptout As IPoint

        ptc = New Polyline

        'The spatial reference should be set on the polyline here (Code skipped)

        For i = 0 To 3

            pt(i) = New Point


        pt(0).PutCoords(0, 0)

        pt(1).PutCoords(10, 0)

        pt(2).PutCoords(20, 0)

        pt(3).PutCoords(30, 0)

        ptc.AddPoints(4, pt(0))

        'The spatial reference should be set on the new point here (Code skipped)


        'Example 1: Distance No ratio, Positive offset

        pconsPoint = New Point

        pconsPoint.ConstructOffset(ptc, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, 15, False, 5)

        ptout = pconsPoint

        Debug.Print("Output point : " & ptout.X & " , " & ptout.Y)

        'Output point : 15 , -5


        'Example 2: Distance as ratio, Positive offset

        pconsPoint = New Point

        pconsPoint.ConstructOffset(ptc, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, 0.5, True, 5)

        ptout = pconsPoint

        Debug.Print("Output point : " & ptout.X & " , " & ptout.Y)

        'Output point : 15 , -5


        'Example 3: Distance No ratio, Negative offset

        pconsPoint = New Point

        pconsPoint.ConstructOffset(ptc, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, 15, False, -5)

        ptout = pconsPoint

        Debug.Print("Output point : " & ptout.X & " , " & ptout.Y)

        'Output point : 15 , 5

    End Sub

IConstructPoint.ConstructParallel Method

Constructs a point distance units from start, parallel to the tangent at the point nearest to start on the (extended) segment.

Public Sub ConstructParallel ( _
    ByVal Segment As ISegment, _
    ByVal extension As esriSegmentExtension, _
    ByVal start As IPoint, _
    ByVal distance As Double _
public void ConstructParallel (
    ISegment Segment,
    esriSegmentExtension extension,
    IPoint start,
    double distance


ConstructParallel constructs a Point a specified distance from the input point in the direction parallel to the tangent of the nearest point on the extended input segment.


ConstructPoint ConstructParallel Example

//The example shows how to construct a point parallel to the first segment 

//of a selected polyline. Use ArcMap and the Object Editor to select the 


public void ConstructPointParallelToLine(IMxDocument mxDocument)


    IMap map = mxDocument.FocusMap;

    IEnumFeature selectedFeatures = map.FeatureSelection as IEnumFeature;


    IFeature currentFeature = selectedFeatures.Next();

    IConstructPoint constructionPoint = new PointClass();

    while (currentFeature != null)


        if (currentFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)


            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = currentFeature.Shape as IGeometryCollection;

            ISegmentCollection segmentCollection = geometryCollection.get_Geometry(0) as ISegmentCollection;

            ISegment segment = segmentCollection.get_Segment(0);

            IPoint fromPoint = new PointClass();


            //add 10 to the x coordinate in order to get a diffrent point for this example

            fromPoint.X = fromPoint.X + 10;

            constructionPoint.ConstructParallel(segment, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, fromPoint, segment.Length / 2);

            IPoint outPutPoint = constructionPoint as IPoint;

            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Output point : " + outPutPoint.X + " , " + outPutPoint.Y);


        currentFeature = selectedFeatures.Next();


' The example shows how to construct a point parallel to the first segment 

    ' of a selected polyline. Use ArcMap and the Object Editor to select the 

    ' polyline.

    Public Sub t_constructParallel(ByVal pApp As ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IApplication)

        Dim pID As New ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UID

        pID = "esriEditor.editor"

        Dim pEditor As ESRI.ArcGIS.Editor.IEditor

        pEditor = pApp.FindExtensionByCLSID(pID)

        If pEditor.SelectionCount > 1 Then

            MsgBox("select one polyline")

            Exit Sub

        End If

        Dim pEnumFeat As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IEnumFeature

        Dim pFeature As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeature

        Dim i As Long

        pEnumFeat = pEditor.EditSelection

        Dim pSeg As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ISegment

        Dim pGeoColl As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IGeometryCollection

        Dim pPoint As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        pPoint = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        Dim pCPoint As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IConstructPoint

        pCPoint = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        Dim pThroughPoint As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        pThroughPoint = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        pFeature = pEnumFeat.Next

        While Not pFeature Is Nothing

            If pFeature.Shape.GeometryType = ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline Then

                pGeoColl = pFeature.Shape

                Dim pSegColl As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ISegmentCollection

                pSegColl = pGeoColl.Geometry(0)

                pSeg = pSegColl.Segment(0)


                pThroughPoint.X = pThroughPoint.X + 10

                pCPoint.ConstructParallel(pSeg, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, pThroughPoint, pSeg.Length / 2)

                pPoint = pCPoint

                MsgBox(pPoint.X & "," & pPoint.Y)

            End If

            pFeature = pEnumFeat.Next

        End While

    End Sub

IConstructPoint.ConstructPerpendicular Method

Constructs a point 'distance' units from p and lying along the line normal to base and passing through p.

Public Sub ConstructPerpendicular ( _
    ByVal base As ISegment, _
    ByVal extension As esriSegmentExtension, _
    ByVal p As IPoint, _
    ByVal distance As Double, _
    ByVal bUseLineOrientation As Boolean _
public void ConstructPerpendicular (
    ISegment base,
    esriSegmentExtension extension,
    IPoint p,
    double distance,
    bool bUseLineOrientation


ConstructPerpendicular constructs a Point a specified distance from the input point in the direction parallel to the normal (perpendicular to the tangent) of the nearest point on the extended input segment.


ConstructPoint ConstructPerpendicular Example

IConstructPoint.ConstructThreePointResection Method

Constructs the point of observation from which two signed angles between three points were measured; returns an angle which can help establish the confidence of the observation location: A small angle indicates greater uncertainty in the location.

Public Sub ConstructThreePointResection ( _
    ByVal point1 As IPoint, _
    ByVal angleP1P2 As Double, _
    ByVal point2 As IPoint, _
    ByVal angleP2P3 As Double, _
    ByVal point3 As IPoint, _
    ByRef arcAngle As Double _
public void ConstructThreePointResection (
    IPoint point1,
    double angleP1P2,
    IPoint point2,
    double angleP2P3,
    IPoint point3,
    ref double arcAngle


The ConstructThreePointResection method constructs a new point given three points and two signed view angles. It finds the viewpoints from which the two point pairs are viewed at the given angles. When both angles are equal to pi/2 radians, there is only one solution; otherwise there can be up to four solutions. A positive angle indicates that the viewpoint is to be on the right hand side of the line between the corresponding points; a negative angle places the resulting point on the left. There may not be a feasible solution for the given input, in which case the resulting point is empty. The quality of the solution is given by the arcAngle parameter. The smaller the angle the less stable the solution. The returned angle is between 0 and pi/2.


Given three points and two angles measured from the constructed point.Note that there is no unique solution if all three points are on the same circle.

Private Shared Sub t_ConstructThreePointResection()

     On Error GoTo Errorhandler

     Dim pPoint As IPoint

     Dim pCPoint As IConstructPoint

     Dim pPoint1 As IPoint

     Dim pPoint2 As IPoint

     Dim pPoint3 As IPoint

     Dim dAngle1 As Double

     Dim dAngle2 As Double


     pCPoint = New Point

     pPoint = New Point

     pPoint1 = New Point

     pPoint2 = New Point

     pPoint3 = New Point


     pPoint1.PutCoords(0, 1)

     pPoint2.PutCoords(2, 2)

     pPoint3.PutCoords(1, 0)


     dAngle1 = Math.PI / 4

     dAngle2 = Math.PI / 4


     pCPoint.ConstructThreePointResection(pPoint1, dAngle1, pPoint2, dAngle2, pPoint3, Math.PI / 2)

     pPoint = pCPoint


     MsgBox("x,y = " & pPoint.X & "," & pPoint.Y)

     Exit Sub


     MsgBox(Err.Number & "..." & Err.Description)

     Exit Sub

End Sub

Classes that implement IConstructPoint

Classes Description
Point A two dimensional point, optionally with measure, height, and ID attributes.

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