ITriangleFan Interface

Indicator interface that identifies a triangle fan.


A TriangleFan is a type of surface patch used to construct a MultiPatch, defined by a collection of Points that specify the triangle surfaces that comprise it. The first point in the TriangleFan is the origin point and is included in all of the triangle surfaces. For a TriangleFan with six points, the triangle surfaces are defined by points: (0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3), (0, 3, 4), (0, 4, 5). The front side is established by orienting the first three vertices clockwise.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IGeometry Provides access to members that describe properties and behavior of all geometric objects.

Classes that implement ITriangleFan

Classes Description
TriangleFan A continuous 3D fan of triangles, where each triangle after the first shares an edge with the preceding triangle, and all triangles share a common pivot point.


TriangleFan Example

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