IGeometricBufferSourceSink64 Interface

Client-supplied interface that provides support for buffering a group of geometries by different distances.


Name Description
Method ReadNext Reads the next geometry (along with a client specified geometry id) and distance from the source - or returns a nil geometry when at the end.
Method WriteNext Writes the next output buffer to its destination. The client id is valid when buffers have not been dissolved or exploded.

IGeometricBufferSourceSink64.ReadNext Method

Reads the next geometry (along with a client specified geometry id) and distance from the source - or returns a nil geometry when at the end.

Public Sub ReadNext ( _
    ByRef geomID As Int64&, _
    ByRef nextGeometry As IGeometry, _
    ByRef pDistance As Double _
public void ReadNext (
    ref Int64& geomID,
    ref IGeometry nextGeometry,
    ref double pDistance

IGeometricBufferSourceSink64.WriteNext Method

Writes the next output buffer to its destination. The client id is valid when buffers have not been dissolved or exploded.

Public Sub WriteNext ( _
    ByVal geomID As Long, _
    ByVal pBufferedGeometry As IGeometry _
public void WriteNext (
    long geomID,
    IGeometry pBufferedGeometry

Classes that implement IGeometricBufferSourceSink64

Classes Description

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