IWin32Shape Interface

Provides access to members that prepare a set of GDI drawing instructions for a geometry.


Name Description
Method ExportToWin32Shape Exports a set of GDI drawing instruction for this geometry to the specified buffer. The exact number of bytes written is returned.

IWin32Shape.ExportToWin32Shape Method

Exports a set of GDI drawing instruction for this geometry to the specified buffer. The exact number of bytes written is returned.

Public Sub ExportToWin32Shape ( _
    ByVal Transform As ITransformation, _
    ByVal displayExtent As IEnvelope, _
    ByRef byteCount As Integer, _
    ByVal byteBuffer As IntPtr, _
    ByVal compatibleBuffer As Boolean, _
    ByRef dice As Boolean _
public void ExportToWin32Shape (
    ITransformation Transform,
    IEnvelope displayExtent,
    ref int byteCount,
    ref IntPtr byteBuffer,
    ref bool compatibleBuffer,
    ref bool dice

Classes that implement IWin32Shape

Classes Description

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