IESRISpatialReferenceGEN Interface

Provides access to members that generate well known string (WKS) representations of spatial reference objects.


This interface can be used by developers who are familiar with the Projection Engine format for persisting string representations of these components. The ESRISpatialReferenceSize property returns the number of bytes required to hold the projection engine string representation of object implementing this interface. This number is guaranteed to be large enough but may be larger than needed. The number returned from ExportToESRISpatialReference is the exact number of bytes used in the buffer to hold the string. The example code, which demonstrates how to use this method, expects that a valid SpatialReference object has already been created.

The ImportFromESRISpatialReference method defines a spatial reference from its Projection Engine string representation. If you open up a PRJ file in Notepad that contains the string description of a ProjectedCoordinateSystem, you will see something like (but as a single line):



Name Description
Read-only property ESRISpatialReferenceSize The number of bytes required to hold the persistant representation of this spatial reference component.
Method ExportToESRISpatialReference Exports this spatial reference component to a buffer.
Method ImportFromESRISpatialReference Defines this spatial reference component from the specified ESRISpatialReference buffer.

IESRISpatialReferenceGEN.ESRISpatialReferenceSize Property

The number of bytes required to hold the persistant representation of this spatial reference component.

Public ReadOnly Property ESRISpatialReferenceSize As Integer
public int ESRISpatialReferenceSize {get;}

IESRISpatialReferenceGEN.ExportToESRISpatialReference Method

Exports this spatial reference component to a buffer.

Public Sub ExportToESRISpatialReference ( _
    ByRef str As String, _
    ByRef cBytesWrote As Integer _
public void ExportToESRISpatialReference (
    ref string str,
    ref int cBytesWrote
private void CreateESRISpatialReferenceInfo()


    IESRISpatialReferenceGEN esriSpatialReference = new GeographicCoordinateSystemClass();

    ISpatialReferenceFactory3 spatialReferenceFactory = new SpatialReferenceEnvironmentClass();

    //Predefined GeogCoordSys - esriSRGeoCS_Airy1830

    IGeographicCoordinateSystem geographicCoordinateSystem = spatialReferenceFactory.CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem((int)esriSRGeoCSType.esriSRGeoCS_Airy1830);

    ISpatialReference3 spatialReference = geographicCoordinateSystem as ISpatialReference3;

    IVerticalCoordinateSystem verticalCoordinateSystem = spatialReferenceFactory.CreateVerticalCoordinateSystem((int)esriSRVerticalCSType.esriSRVertCS_Alicante);

    spatialReference.VerticalCoordinateSystem = verticalCoordinateSystem;

    esriSpatialReference = spatialReference as IESRISpatialReferenceGEN;

    String buffer = "";

    int bytesWrote;

    esriSpatialReference.ExportToESRISpatialReference(out buffer, out bytesWrote);

    ISpatialReferenceInfo spatialReferenceInfo;

    spatialReferenceFactory.CreateESRISpatialReferenceInfo(buffer, out spatialReferenceInfo, out bytesWrote);


Sub CreateESRISpatialReferenceInfo()

        Dim pSpatialReferenceFactory3 As ISpatialReferenceFactory3

        pSpatialReferenceFactory3 = New SpatialReferenceEnvironment

        Dim pESRISpatialReference As IESRISpatialReferenceGEN

        Dim pSRI As ISpatialReferenceInfo

        Dim pGeographicCoordinateSystem As IGeographicCoordinateSystem

        Dim pVCS As IVerticalCoordinateSystem

        Dim pSR3 As ISpatialReference3

        Dim pBytes As Long

        Dim pBuffer As String

        pBuffer = ""

        pESRISpatialReference = New GeographicCoordinateSystem

        pSpatialReferenceFactory3 = New SpatialReferenceEnvironment

        'Predefined GeogCoordSys - esriSRGeoCS_Airy1830

        pGeographicCoordinateSystem = pSpatialReferenceFactory3.CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem(esriSRGeoCSType.esriSRGeoCS_Airy1830)

        pSR3 = pGeographicCoordinateSystem

        pVCS = pSpatialReferenceFactory3.CreateVerticalCoordinateSystem(esriSRVerticalCSType.esriSRVertCS_Alicante)

        pSR3.VerticalCoordinateSystem = pVCS

        pESRISpatialReference = pSR3

        pESRISpatialReference.ExportToESRISpatialReference(pBuffer, pBytes)

        pSpatialReferenceFactory3.CreateESRISpatialReferenceInfo(pBuffer, pSRI, pBytes)

        Debug.Print(pSRI.Name + ", " + pSRI.Abbreviation)

    End Sub

IESRISpatialReferenceGEN.ImportFromESRISpatialReference Method

Defines this spatial reference component from the specified ESRISpatialReference buffer.

Public Sub ImportFromESRISpatialReference ( _
    ByVal str As String, _
    ByRef cBytesRead As Integer _
public void ImportFromESRISpatialReference (
    string str,
    ref int cBytesRead

Classes that implement IESRISpatialReferenceGEN

Classes Description
AngularUnit Creates a angular unit of measure.
Datum Creates a datum.
GeographicCoordinateSystem Creates a geographic coordinate system.
LinearUnit Creates a linear unit of measure.
Parameter Creates a parameter.
PrimeMeridian Creates a prime meridian.
ProjectedCoordinateSystem Creates a projected coordinate system.
Projection Creates a map projection.
Spheroid Creates a spheroid.
UnknownCoordinateSystem Creates an unknown coordinate system.
VerticalCoordinateSystem Creates a vertical coordinate system.
VerticalDatum Creates a vertical datum.


If working with a .NET language or Java, use this interface rather than IESRISpatialReference.

public void ExportToESRISpatialReference(ISpatialReference spatialReference)


   long bytes = 0;

   string buffer = null;

   ISpatialReference projectedCoordinateSystem = spatialReference;

   IESRISpatialReferenceGEN2 parameterExport = projectedCoordinateSystem;

   parameterExport.ExportToESRISpatialReference2(buffer, bytes);

Public Sub ExportToESRISpatialReference(ByVal spatialReference As ISpatialReference)

      Dim bytes As Long = Nothing

      Dim buffer As String = Nothing

      Dim projectedCoordinateSystem As ISpatialReference = spatialReference

      Dim parameterExport As IESRISpatialReferenceGEN2 = projectedCoordinateSystem

      parameterExport.ExportToESRISpatialReference2(buffer, bytes)

End Sub

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