IEnumCurve Interface

Provides access to members that allow efficient construction of sequential subcurves along a polyline or polygon.


Name Description
Method Clone Returns a copy of this enumerator positioned at the same segment.
Read-only property CurveDistance The current distance from the start of the curve.
Method GetSubcurve Extracts a portion of this curve into a new curve.
Method Next Moves iterator to a specified distance along the curve.
Read-only property PartIndex The current part index.
Method Reset Resets the iterator to the start of the curve.
Read-only property Segment The segment covering the current distance of this curve iterator.
Read-only property SegmentDistance The distance within the current segment of the current distance of this curve iterator.
Read-only property SegmentIndex The current segment index within the current part.
Read/write property StopOptions Stop options for the distance iterator.
Read-only property StopReason The reason for the current position of the distance iterator.

IEnumCurve.Clone Method

Returns a copy of this enumerator positioned at the same segment.

Public Function Clone ( _
) As IEnumCurve
public IEnumCurve Clone (


Returns a duplicate copy of the IEnumCurve. The distance iterator location along the segment enumeration is maintained.

IEnumCurve.CurveDistance Property

The current distance from the start of the curve.

Public ReadOnly Property CurveDistance As Double
public double CurveDistance {get;}


Returns the distance from the start of the curve to the current location of the distance iterator.


Note: Gaps between parts are ignored in distance computations.

IEnumCurve.GetSubcurve Method

Extracts a portion of this curve into a new curve.

Public Function GetSubcurve ( _
    ByVal fromDistance As Double, _
    ByVal toDistance As Double, _
    ByVal asRatio As Boolean _
) As ICurve
public ICurve GetSubcurve (
    double fromDistance,
    double toDistance,
    bool asRatio


The GetSubCurve method returns a polyline or path object corresponding to a portion of the input curve. If the ISegmentCollection points to a IPolyline or a IPolygon then the output is of type IPolyline, otherwise the output is of type IPath.


Note: Gaps between parts are ignored in distance computations.

Parameters description:

fromDistance: Input Double. Input distance that determines where the subcurve should start. The value of that parameter should be in map unit unless asRatio is true.toDistance: Input Double. Input distance that determines where the subcurve should stop. The value of that parameter should be in map unit unless asRatio is true.asRatio: Input Boolean. The asRatio determines if the input distances should be interpreted as map unit asRatio = false distance or parametric distance asRatio = True (0 = distance of 0, 1 = full length of the curve).

IEnumCurve.Next Method

Moves iterator to a specified distance along the curve.

Public Sub Next ( _
    ByVal distance As Double _
public void Next (
    double distance


Advances the distance iterator to a specified distance along the enumerated curve.


Note: Gaps between parts are ignored in distance computations.

IEnumCurve.PartIndex Property

The current part index.

Public ReadOnly Property PartIndex As Integer
public int PartIndex {get;}


Returns the Part Index of the part referenced by the current location of the distance iterator.

IEnumCurve.Reset Method

Resets the iterator to the start of the curve.

Public Sub Reset ( _
public void Reset (


Returns the distance iterator to the beginning of the enumerated curve. The distance along the curve is returned to the zero distance.

IEnumCurve.Segment Property

The segment covering the current distance of this curve iterator.

Public ReadOnly Property Segment As ISegment
public ISegment Segment {get;}


Returns the segment at the current distance along the enumerated curve referenced by the distance iterator.

IEnumCurve.SegmentDistance Property

The distance within the current segment of the current distance of this curve iterator.

Public ReadOnly Property SegmentDistance As Double
public double SegmentDistance {get;}


Returns the distance from the From Point of the current Segment to the location of the distance iterator.

IEnumCurve.SegmentIndex Property

The current segment index within the current part.

Public ReadOnly Property SegmentIndex As Integer
public int SegmentIndex {get;}


Returns the index of the Segment referenced by the current location of the distance iterator. The Segment Index is relative to the Part to which the segment belongs.

IEnumCurve.StopOptions Property

Stop options for the distance iterator.

Public Property StopOptions As esriCurveIteratorEnum
public esriCurveIteratorEnum StopOptions {get; set;}


Returns and sets the current esriCurveIteratorEnum stop conditions for the distance iterator.

IEnumCurve.StopReason Property

The reason for the current position of the distance iterator.

Public ReadOnly Property StopReason As esriCurveIteratorEnum
public esriCurveIteratorEnum StopReason {get;}


Returns an esriCurveIteratorEnum that describes the reason for the current location of the distance iterator.


Note: The StopReason returns value different than esriCurveIteratorNoStop only if the enumerator wasn't explicitly set to the end points of a part. For example, setting the enumerator to a distance of zero will not return esriCurveIteratorStopAtPartFrom even if that option was set with the StopOptions property.

Classes that implement IEnumCurve

Classes Description

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