IEnvelopeGEN Interface

OLE Automation compatibility interface for IEnvelope.


The IEnvelopeGen methods are designed to comply with any programming languages supported in ARCObjects (ex: VB 6.0, C++, Java, VB.NET, C#...). For example, writing code using this interface in VB 6.0 may result in less rework in a migration to VB.NET.


Name Description
Method CenterAt Moves this envelope so it is centered at p.
Method DefineFromPoints Defines the envelope to cover all the points.
Method DefineFromWKSPoints Defines the envelope to cover all the points.
Read/write property Depth The depth of the envelope.
Method Expand Moves the X and Y coordinates of the sides toward or away from each other.
Method ExpandM Moves the measure of the sides toward or away from each other.
Method ExpandZ Moves the Z attribute of the sides toward or away from each other.
Read-only property Height The height of the envelope.
Write-only property Height The height of the envelope.
Method Intersect Adjusts to include only the area also included by inEnvelope.
Read/write property LowerLeft The lower left corner.
Read/write property LowerRight The lower right corner.
Read/write property MinMaxAttributes A reference to the attribute structures for this envelope.
Read/write property MMax The maximum measure value in the area of the envelope.
Read/write property MMin The minimum measure value in the area of the envelope.
Method Offset Moves the sides x units horizontally and y units vertically.
Method OffsetM Moves the sides m units.
Method OffsetZ Moves the sides z units.
Method PutCoords Constructs an envelope from the coordinate values of lower, left and upper, right corners.
Method PutWKSCoords Copies e's dimensions into this envelope.
Method QueryCoords Returns the coordinates of lower, left and upper, right corners.
Method QueryWKSCoords Copies the left, bottom, right and top sides into e.
Method Union Adjusts to overlap inEnvelope.
Read/write property UpperLeft The upper left corner.
Read/write property UpperRight The upper right corner.
Read/write property Width The width of the envelope.
Read/write property XMax The position of the right side.
Read/write property XMin The position of the left side.
Read/write property YMax The position of the top.
Read/write property YMin The position of the bottom.
Read/write property ZMax The maximum Z value in the area of the envelope.
Read/write property ZMin The minimum Z value in the area of the envelope.

IEnvelopeGEN.CenterAt Method

Moves this envelope so it is centered at p.

Public Sub CenterAt ( _
    ByVal p As IPoint _
public void CenterAt (
    IPoint p


refer to the CenterAt method of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.DefineFromPoints Method

Defines the envelope to cover all the points.

Public Sub DefineFromPoints ( _
    ByRef Points As IPoint[] _
public void DefineFromPoints (
    ref IPoint[] Points


Please see the DefineFromPoints method of IEnvelope for more details

//This example demonstrates how to use the IEnvelopeGEN.DefineFromPoints method.

//IEnvelopeGEN is used because C# does not support C-Style Arrays used in IEnvelope.DefineFromPoints

public void EnvelopeDefineFromPointExample()


  IPoint[] points = new IPoint[10];

  for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)


    points[i] = new PointClass();

    points[i].PutCoords(i* 10, i * 5);


  IEnvelopeGEN envelope = new EnvelopeClass();

  envelope.DefineFromPoints(ref points);  String report = "Envelope: \n" +

                   "LowerLeft  X = " + envelope.LowerLeft.X + "\n" +

                   "LowerLeft  Y = " + envelope.LowerLeft.Y + "\n\n" +

                   "LowerRight X =  " + envelope.LowerRight.X + "\n" +

                   "LowerRight Y =  " + envelope.LowerRight.Y + "\n\n" +

                   "UpperLeft  X = " + envelope.UpperLeft.X + "\n" +

                   "UpperLeft  Y = " + envelope.UpperLeft.Y + "\n\n" +

                   "UpperRight X =  " + envelope.UpperRight.X + "\n" +

                   "UpperRight Y =  " + envelope.UpperRight.Y;  System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(report);

Public Sub EnvelopeDefineFromPointsArrayExample()

        Dim pEnv As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IEnvelopeGEN

        Dim pPoints(0 To 6) As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint

        pEnv = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Envelope

        pPoints(0) = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        pPoints(1) = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        pPoints(2) = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        pPoints(3) = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        pPoints(4) = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        pPoints(5) = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        pPoints(6) = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point

        pPoints(0).PutCoords(5, 5)

        pPoints(1).PutCoords(15, 30)

        pPoints(2).PutCoords(10, 30)

        pPoints(3).PutCoords(35, 50)

        pPoints(4).PutCoords(20, 20)

        pPoints(5).PutCoords(15, 40)

        pPoints(6).PutCoords(45, 80)


    End Sub

IEnvelopeGEN.DefineFromWKSPoints Method

Defines the envelope to cover all the points.

Public Sub DefineFromWKSPoints ( _
    ByRef wksPoints As WKSPoint[] _
public void DefineFromWKSPoints (
    ref WKSPoint[] wksPoints


Please see the DefineFromWKSPoints method of IEnvelope for more details

IEnvelopeGEN.Depth Property

The depth of the envelope.

Public Property Depth As Double
public double Depth {get; set;}


refer to the Depth property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.Expand Method

Moves the X and Y coordinates of the sides toward or away from each other.

Public Sub Expand ( _
    ByVal dx As Double, _
    ByVal dy As Double, _
    ByVal asRatio As Boolean _
public void Expand (
    double dx,
    double dy,
    bool asRatio


refer to the Expand method of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.ExpandM Method

Moves the measure of the sides toward or away from each other.

Public Sub ExpandM ( _
    ByVal dm As Double, _
    ByVal asRatio As Boolean _
public void ExpandM (
    double dm,
    bool asRatio


refer to the ExpandM method of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.ExpandZ Method

Moves the Z attribute of the sides toward or away from each other.

Public Sub ExpandZ ( _
    ByVal dz As Double, _
    ByVal asRatio As Boolean _
public void ExpandZ (
    double dz,
    bool asRatio


refer to the ExpandZ method of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.Height Property

The height of the envelope.

Public Property Height As Double
public double Height {get; set;}


refer to the Height property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.Height Property

The height of the envelope.

Public Property Height As Double
public double Height {get; set;}


refer to the Height property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.Intersect Method

Adjusts to include only the area also included by inEnvelope.

Public Sub Intersect ( _
    ByVal inEnvelope As IEnvelope _
public void Intersect (
    IEnvelope inEnvelope


refer to the Intersect method of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.LowerLeft Property

The lower left corner.

Public Property LowerLeft As IPoint
public IPoint LowerLeft {get; set;}


refer to the LowerLeft property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.LowerRight Property

The lower right corner.

Public Property LowerRight As IPoint
public IPoint LowerRight {get; set;}


refer to the LowerRight property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.MinMaxAttributes Property

A reference to the attribute structures for this envelope.

Public Property MinMaxAttributes As IntPtr
public IntPtr MinMaxAttributes {get; set;}


refer to the MinMaxAttributes property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.MMax Property

The maximum measure value in the area of the envelope.

Public Property MMax As Double
public double MMax {get; set;}


refer to the MMax property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.MMin Property

The minimum measure value in the area of the envelope.

Public Property MMin As Double
public double MMin {get; set;}


refer to the MMin property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.Offset Method

Moves the sides x units horizontally and y units vertically.

Public Sub Offset ( _
    ByVal X As Double, _
    ByVal Y As Double _
public void Offset (
    double X,
    double Y


refer to the Offset method of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.OffsetM Method

Moves the sides m units.

Public Sub OffsetM ( _
    ByVal M As Double _
public void OffsetM (
    double M


refer to the OffsetM method of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.OffsetZ Method

Moves the sides z units.

Public Sub OffsetZ ( _
    ByVal Z As Double _
public void OffsetZ (
    double Z


refer to the OffsetZ method of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.PutCoords Method

Constructs an envelope from the coordinate values of lower, left and upper, right corners.

Public Sub PutCoords ( _
    ByVal XMin As Double, _
    ByVal YMin As Double, _
    ByVal XMax As Double, _
    ByVal YMax As Double _
public void PutCoords (
    double XMin,
    double YMin,
    double XMax,
    double YMax


refer to the PutCoords method of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.PutWKSCoords Method

Copies e's dimensions into this envelope.

Public Sub PutWKSCoords ( _
    ByRef e As WKSEnvelope _
public void PutWKSCoords (
    ref WKSEnvelope e


refer to the PutWKSCoords method of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.QueryCoords Method

Returns the coordinates of lower, left and upper, right corners.

Public Sub QueryCoords ( _
    ByRef XMin As Double, _
    ByRef YMin As Double, _
    ByRef XMax As Double, _
    ByRef YMax As Double _
public void QueryCoords (
    ref double XMin,
    ref double YMin,
    ref double XMax,
    ref double YMax


refer to the QueryCoords method of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.QueryWKSCoords Method

Copies the left, bottom, right and top sides into e.

Public Sub QueryWKSCoords ( _
    ByRef e As WKSEnvelope _
public void QueryWKSCoords (
    ref WKSEnvelope e


refer to the QueryWKSCoords method of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.Union Method

Adjusts to overlap inEnvelope.

Public Sub Union ( _
    ByVal inEnvelope As IEnvelope _
public void Union (
    IEnvelope inEnvelope


refer to the Union method of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.UpperLeft Property

The upper left corner.

Public Property UpperLeft As IPoint
public IPoint UpperLeft {get; set;}


refer to the UpperLeft property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.UpperRight Property

The upper right corner.

Public Property UpperRight As IPoint
public IPoint UpperRight {get; set;}


refer to the UpperRight property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.Width Property

The width of the envelope.

Public Property Width As Double
public double Width {get; set;}


refer to the Width property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.XMax Property

The position of the right side.

Public Property XMax As Double
public double XMax {get; set;}


refer to the XMax property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.XMin Property

The position of the left side.

Public Property XMin As Double
public double XMin {get; set;}


refer to the XMin property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.YMax Property

The position of the top.

Public Property YMax As Double
public double YMax {get; set;}


refer to the YMax property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.YMin Property

The position of the bottom.

Public Property YMin As Double
public double YMin {get; set;}


refer to the YMin property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.ZMax Property

The maximum Z value in the area of the envelope.

Public Property ZMax As Double
public double ZMax {get; set;}


refer to the ZMax property of IEnvelope

IEnvelopeGEN.ZMin Property

The minimum Z value in the area of the envelope.

Public Property ZMin As Double
public double ZMin {get; set;}


refer to the ZMin property of IEnvelope

Classes that implement IEnvelopeGEN

Classes Description
Envelope A rectangle with sides parallel to a coordinate system defining the extent of another geometry; optionally has min and max measure, height and ID attributes.

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