IRay Interface

Provides access to 3D Ray properties and methods. A ray has one endpoint (its origin) and continues infinitely in one direction.


A Ray is a one-dimensional object defined by an Origin point and a directional Vector. A Ray extends to infinity from the Origin point in the direction of the Vector.


Name Description
Read-only property Dimension The topological dimension of this geometry.
Read-only property Envelope Creates a copy of this geometry's envelope and returns it.
Read-only property GeometryType The type of this geometry.
Method GeoNormalize Shifts longitudes, if need be, into a continuous range of 360 degrees.
Method GeoNormalizeFromLongitude Normalizes longitudes into a continuous range containing the longitude. This method is obsolete.
Method GetEnumIntersect Not implemented at this release.
Method GetPointAtDistance Constructs a point at a distance along the ray.
Method Intersect Returns a point collection containing all points of intersection, in order along the ray.
Method Intersects Indicates if the ray intersects the target geometry.
Read-only property IsEmpty Indicates whether this geometry contains any points.
Read/write property Origin The origin point of the ray.
Method Project Projects this geometry into a new spatial reference.
Method QueryEnvelope Copies this geometry's envelope properties into the specified envelope.
Method QueryFirstIntersection Returns the first point of intersection between the ray and the target geometry. The point is set empty if there is no intersection.
Method QueryOrigin Sets a point equal to the ray's origin.
Method QueryPointAtDistance Queries a point at a distance along the ray.
Method QueryVector Sets a vector equal to a unit vector with the same direction as the ray.
Method SetEmpty Removes all points from this geometry.
Method SnapToSpatialReference Moves points of this geometry so that they can be represented in the precision of the geometry's associated spatial reference system.
Read/write property SpatialReference The spatial reference associated with this geometry.
Read/write property Vector The direction vector of the ray.

IRay.GetEnumIntersect Method

Not implemented at this release.

Public Function GetEnumIntersect ( _
    ByVal targetGeometry As IGeometry _
) As IEnumIntersection
public IEnumIntersection GetEnumIntersect (
    IGeometry targetGeometry


This method is currently not implemented.

IRay.GetPointAtDistance Method

Constructs a point at a distance along the ray.

Public Function GetPointAtDistance ( _
    ByVal distance As Double _
) As IPoint
public IPoint GetPointAtDistance (
    double distance
public  static  void  GetPointAtDistance()


                 const double  Distance = 8.822;


               ILine  line =  new  LineClass();

                line.FromPoint = GetPoint();

                line.ToPoint = GetPoint();


                 IRay  ray =  new  RayClass();

                ray.Origin = line.FromPoint;

                ray.Vector = ConstructVector3D(line.ToPoint.X - line.FromPoint.X, line.ToPoint.Y - line.FromPoint.Y, line.ToPoint.Z - line.FromPoint.Z);


                 IPoint  point = ray.GetPointAtDistance(Distance);


                 //point = (5.244, 3.749, 4.738)


          private static IPoint GetPoint()


              const double Min = -10;

              const double Max = 10;


              Random random = new Random();


              double x = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();

              double y = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();

              double z = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();


              IPoint  point =  ConstructPoint3D(x, y, z);


              MakeZAware(point as IGeometry);


              return point;



           private  static  IPoint  ConstructPoint3D(double  x,  double  y,  double  z)


               IPoint  point = ConstructPoint2D(x, y);

              point.Z = z;


              return  point;



           private  static  IPoint  ConstructPoint2D(double  x,  double  y)


               IPoint  point =  new  PointClass();

              point.PutCoords(x, y);


              return  point;


          private static void MakeZAware(IGeometry geometry)


              IZAware zAware = geometry as IZAware;

              zAware.ZAware = true;



           public static IVector3D ConstructVector3D(double xComponent, double yComponent, double zComponent)


              IVector3D vector3D = new Vector3DClass();

              vector3D.SetComponents(xComponent, yComponent, zComponent);


              return vector3D;


IRay.Intersect Method

Returns a point collection containing all points of intersection, in order along the ray.

Public Sub Intersect ( _
    ByVal targetGeometry As IGeometry, _
    ByVal intersectionPoints As IPointCollection _
public void Intersect (
    IGeometry targetGeometry,
    IPointCollection intersectionPoints


Implemented for Points, Multipoints, Polylines, Polygons, Envelopes, and Multipatches.


This method is intended to be called against top-level geometries only (Point, Multipoint, Polyline, Polygon, Envelope, MultiPatch). To call this method against a Segment/Path or Ring, first add the part to a Polyline or Polygon container, respectively, and then call this method against the container.

public  static  void  QueryPointsOfIntersection()


                 ILine  line =  new  LineClass();

                line.FromPoint = GetPoint();

                line.ToPoint = GetPoint();


                IRay  ray =  new  RayClass();

                ray.Origin = line.FromPoint;

                ray.Vector = ConstructVector3D(line.ToPoint.X - line.FromPoint.X, line.ToPoint.Y - line.FromPoint.Y, line.ToPoint.Z - line.FromPoint.Z);


                IGeometry multiPatchGeometry = GetMultiPatchGeometry();


                 IPointCollection  intersectionPointCollection =  new  MultipointClass();

                  ray.Intersect(multiPatchGeometry, intersectionPointCollection);


                 //intersectionPointCollection[0] = (5, -2.13, 0.092)

                 //intersectionPointCollection[1] = (1.612, -2.651, 7.012)


          private static IPoint GetPoint()


              const double Min = -10;

              const double Max = 10;



             Random random = new Random();



             double x = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();

              double y = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();

              double z = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();



             IPoint  point =  ConstructPoint3D(x, y, z);



             MakeZAware(point as IGeometry);



             return point;



           private  static  IPoint  ConstructPoint3D(double  x,  double  y,  double  z)


               IPoint  point = ConstructPoint2D(x, y);

              point.Z = z;


              return  point;



           private  static  IPoint  ConstructPoint2D(double  x,  double  y)


               IPoint  point =  new  PointClass();

              point.PutCoords(x, y);


              return  point;


          private static void MakeZAware(IGeometry geometry)


              IZAware zAware = geometry as IZAware;

              zAware.ZAware = true;



           public static IVector3D ConstructVector3D(double xComponent, double yComponent, double zComponent)


              IVector3D vector3D = new Vector3DClass();

              vector3D.SetComponents(xComponent, yComponent, zComponent);



             return vector3D;


IRay.Intersects Method

Indicates if the ray intersects the target geometry.

Public Function Intersects ( _
    ByVal targetGeometry As IGeometry _
) As Boolean
public bool Intersects (
    IGeometry targetGeometry


Implemented for Points, Multipoints, Polylines, Polygons, Envelopes, and Multipatches.


This method is intended to be called against top-level geometries only (Point, Multipoint, Polyline, Polygon, Envelope, MultiPatch). To call this method against a Segment/Path or Ring, first add the part to a Polyline or Polygon container, respectively, and then call this method against the container.

public  static  void  TestIntersection()


                 ILine  line =  new  LineClass();

                line.FromPoint = GetPoint();

                line.ToPoint = GetPoint();


                IRay  ray =  new  RayClass();

                ray.Origin = line.FromPoint;

                ray.Vector = ConstructVector3D(line.ToPoint.X - line.FromPoint.X, line.ToPoint.Y - line.FromPoint.Y, line.ToPoint.Z - line.FromPoint.Z);


                IGeometry multiPatchGeometry = GetMultiPatchGeometry();


                 bool  intersects =  ray.Intersects(multiPatchGeometry);


                 //intersects = true


          private static IPoint GetPoint()


              const double Min = -10;

              const double Max = 10;



             Random random = new Random();



             double x = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();

              double y = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();

              double z = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();



             IPoint  point =  ConstructPoint3D(x, y, z);



             MakeZAware(point as IGeometry);



             return point;



           private  static  IPoint  ConstructPoint3D(double  x,  double  y,  double  z)


               IPoint  point = ConstructPoint2D(x, y);

              point.Z = z;


              return  point;



           private  static  IPoint  ConstructPoint2D(double  x,  double  y)


               IPoint  point =  new  PointClass();

              point.PutCoords(x, y);


              return  point;


          private static void MakeZAware(IGeometry geometry)


              IZAware zAware = geometry as IZAware;

              zAware.ZAware = true;



           public static IVector3D ConstructVector3D(double xComponent, double yComponent, double zComponent)


              IVector3D vector3D = new Vector3DClass();

              vector3D.SetComponents(xComponent, yComponent, zComponent);



             return vector3D;


IRay.Origin Property

The origin point of the ray.

Public Property Origin As IPoint
public IPoint Origin {get; set;}


Returns and sets the Origin of the Ray. The Origin is the starting Point from which the Ray infinitely extends in the direction of its vector.


Ray Origin Example

IRay.QueryFirstIntersection Method

Returns the first point of intersection between the ray and the target geometry. The point is set empty if there is no intersection.

Public Sub QueryFirstIntersection ( _
    ByVal targetGeometry As IGeometry, _
    ByVal intersectionPoint As IPoint _
public void QueryFirstIntersection (
    IGeometry targetGeometry,
    IPoint intersectionPoint


Implemented for Points, Multipoints, Polylines, Polygons, Envelopes, and Multipatches.


This method is intended to be called against top-level geometries only (Point, Multipoint, Polyline, Polygon, Envelope, MultiPatch). To call this method against a Segment/Path or Ring, first add the part to a Polyline or Polygon container, respectively, and then call this method against the container.If a Ray intersects an Envelope and is located within the bounds of the Envelope, the result of QueryFirstIntersection will be the point closest to the Ray origin along the Ray, located on the exterior of the Envelope at which an intersection takes place.

public  static  void  QueryFirstIntersection()


                 ILine  line =  new  LineClass();

                line.FromPoint = GetPoint();

                line.ToPoint = GetPoint();


                IRay  ray =  new  RayClass();

                ray.Origin = line.FromPoint;

                ray.Vector = ConstructVector3D(line.ToPoint.X - line.FromPoint.X, line.ToPoint.Y - line.FromPoint.Y, line.ToPoint.Z - line.FromPoint.Z);


                IGeometry multiPatchGeometry = GetMultiPatchGeometry();


                 IPoint  firstIntersectionPoint =  new  PointClass();

                  ray.QueryFirstIntersection(multiPatchGeometry, firstIntersectionPoint);


                 //firstIntersectionPoint = (5, -2.13, 0.092)


          private static IPoint GetPoint()


              const double Min = -10;

              const double Max = 10;



             Random random = new Random();



             double x = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();

              double y = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();

              double z = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();



             IPoint  point =  ConstructPoint3D(x, y, z);



             MakeZAware(point as IGeometry);



             return point;



           private  static  IPoint  ConstructPoint3D(double  x,  double  y,  double  z)


               IPoint  point = ConstructPoint2D(x, y);

              point.Z = z;


              return  point;



           private  static  IPoint  ConstructPoint2D(double  x,  double  y)


               IPoint  point =  new  PointClass();

              point.PutCoords(x, y);


              return  point;


          private static void MakeZAware(IGeometry geometry)


              IZAware zAware = geometry as IZAware;

              zAware.ZAware = true;



           public static IVector3D ConstructVector3D(double xComponent, double yComponent, double zComponent)


              IVector3D vector3D = new Vector3DClass();

              vector3D.SetComponents(xComponent, yComponent, zComponent);



             return vector3D;


IRay.QueryOrigin Method

Sets a point equal to the ray's origin.

Public Sub QueryOrigin ( _
    ByVal vectorOrigin As IPoint _
public void QueryOrigin (
    IPoint vectorOrigin


Returns the Origin of the Ray into the input Point.


Note: The output geometry must be co-created prior to the query. The output geometry is not co-created by the method; it is populated. This can be used in performance critical situations. For example, creating the geometry only once outside a loop and use the query method could improve performance.

Ray QueryOrigin Example

IRay.QueryPointAtDistance Method

Queries a point at a distance along the ray.

Public Sub QueryPointAtDistance ( _
    ByVal distance As Double, _
    ByVal Point As IPoint _
public void QueryPointAtDistance (
    double distance,
    IPoint Point
public  static  void  QueryPointAtDistance()


                 const double  Distance = 8.822;


               ILine  line =  new  LineClass();

                line.FromPoint = GetPoint();

                line.ToPoint = GetPoint();


                 IRay  ray =  new  RayClass();

                ray.Origin = line.FromPoint;

                ray.Vector = ConstructVector3D(line.ToPoint.X - line.FromPoint.X, line.ToPoint.Y - line.FromPoint.Y, line.ToPoint.Z - line.FromPoint.Z);


                 IPoint  point =  new  PointClass();

                  ray.QueryPointAtDistance(Distance, point);


                 //point = (5.244, 3.749, 4.738)


          private static IPoint GetPoint()


              const double Min = -10;

              const double Max = 10;


              Random random = new Random();


              double x = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();

              double y = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();

              double z = Min + (Max - Min) * random.NextDouble();


              IPoint  point =  ConstructPoint3D(x, y, z);


              MakeZAware(point as IGeometry);


              return point;



           private  static  IPoint  ConstructPoint3D(double  x,  double  y,  double  z)


               IPoint  point = ConstructPoint2D(x, y);

              point.Z = z;


              return  point;



           private  static  IPoint  ConstructPoint2D(double  x,  double  y)


               IPoint  point =  new  PointClass();

              point.PutCoords(x, y);


              return  point;


          private static void MakeZAware(IGeometry geometry)


              IZAware zAware = geometry as IZAware;

              zAware.ZAware = true;



           public static IVector3D ConstructVector3D(double xComponent, double yComponent, double zComponent)


              IVector3D vector3D = new Vector3DClass();

              vector3D.SetComponents(xComponent, yComponent, zComponent);


              return vector3D;


IRay.QueryVector Method

Sets a vector equal to a unit vector with the same direction as the ray.

Public Sub QueryVector ( _
    ByVal directionVector As IVector3D _
public void QueryVector (
    IVector3D directionVector


Returns the Vector3D of the Ray. The Vector3D determines the direction the Ray extends from its Origin. The Vector of a Ray is always Normalized to a unit vector.


Ray QueryVector Example

IRay.Vector Property

The direction vector of the ray.

Public Property Vector As IVector3D
public IVector3D Vector {get; set;}


Returns and sets the Vector3D of the Ray. The Vector3D determines the direction the Ray extends from its Origin. The Vector of a Ray is always Normalized to a unit vector.


Ray Vector Example

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IGeometry Provides access to members that describe properties and behavior of all geometric objects.

Classes that implement IRay

Classes Description
Ray A 3D ray that begins at a point and extends infinitely along a line in one direction only.


A fixed tolerance value is currently used for the three intersection methods: Intersects(), Intersect(), and QueryFirstIntersection().

Ray Example

public IRay CreateRay(IPoint point, IVector3D vector)


        IRay ray = new RayClass();

        //If the input point.Z is NAN (Not A Number = value not set) set the z to 0

        if (point.Z.Equals(Double.NaN))


            point.Z = 0;


        ray.Origin = point;

        ray.Vector = vector;

        return ray;


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