IRelationResult Interface

Provides access to members that meet the specific relation between two sets of geometries. Not currently implemented for geometries containing elliptic arcs.


Name Description
Method Add Add elements of other Relation to the end of this Relations, and the set is re-sorted.
Method FlipRelations Flips the left and right indexes of all the elements of the relation.
Method Intersect Construct the set with only those elements that exist in both relation sets.
Read-only property RelationElement The ith element of the relation. The indexes refer to elements of the left and right operand geometry bags.
Read-only property RelationElementCount The number of pairs of geometries in the relation.
Method SetRelationElement The ith element of the relation. The indexes refer to elements of the left and right operand geometry bags.
Method SetRelationElements Sets RelationResult with an array of relations.
Method SortLeft Sort the set according to the left index.
Method SortRight Sort the set according to the right index.
Method Subtract Finds elements existing in another relation set and delete them from this set.

IRelationResult.Add Method

Add elements of other Relation to the end of this Relations, and the set is re-sorted.

Public Sub Add ( _
    ByVal pRelations As IRelationResult _
public void Add (
    IRelationResult pRelations

IRelationResult.FlipRelations Method

Flips the left and right indexes of all the elements of the relation.

Public Sub FlipRelations ( _
public void FlipRelations (

IRelationResult.Intersect Method

Construct the set with only those elements that exist in both relation sets.

Public Sub Intersect ( _
    ByVal pRelations As IRelationResult _
public void Intersect (
    IRelationResult pRelations

IRelationResult.RelationElement Property

The ith element of the relation. The indexes refer to elements of the left and right operand geometry bags.

Public Sub RelationElement ( _
    ByVal i As Integer, _
    ByRef left As Integer, _
    ByRef right As Integer _
public void RelationElement (
    int i,
    ref int left,
    ref int right
void DemoRelationElement(IGeomtryCollection geomColl1, IGeometryCollection geomColl2)


         IRelationalOperatorNxM relOpNxM = geomColl1 as IRelationalOperatorNxM;

         IRelationResult relRes = relOpNxM.Within(geomColl2 as IGeometryBag);

         int count = relRes.RelationElementCount;

         int left, right;

         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)


                 relRes.RelationElement(i, out left, out right);

                 IGeometry geom1 = geomColl1.get_Geometry(left);

                 IGeometry geom2 = geomColl2.get_Geometry(right);

                 //geom1 of geomColl1 is Within geom2 of geomColl2



IRelationResult.RelationElementCount Property

The number of pairs of geometries in the relation.

Public ReadOnly Property RelationElementCount As Integer
public int RelationElementCount {get;}

IRelationResult.SetRelationElement Method

The ith element of the relation. The indexes refer to elements of the left and right operand geometry bags.

Public Sub SetRelationElement ( _
    ByVal i As Integer, _
    ByVal left As Integer, _
    ByVal right As Integer _
public void SetRelationElement (
    int i,
    int left,
    int right

IRelationResult.SetRelationElements Method

Sets RelationResult with an array of relations.

Public Sub SetRelationElements ( _
    ByVal cPairs As Integer, _
    ByRef Pairs As esriRelationPair _
public void SetRelationElements (
    int cPairs,
    ref esriRelationPair Pairs

IRelationResult.SortLeft Method

Sort the set according to the left index.

Public Sub SortLeft ( _
public void SortLeft (

IRelationResult.SortRight Method

Sort the set according to the right index.

Public Sub SortRight ( _
public void SortRight (

IRelationResult.Subtract Method

Finds elements existing in another relation set and delete them from this set.

Public Sub Subtract ( _
    ByVal pRelations As IRelationResult _
public void Subtract (
    IRelationResult pRelations

Classes that implement IRelationResult

Classes Description
RelationResult The indexes of geometrybag elements that are in a specified relation.
void DemoIRelationResult(IFeatureClass featClsPolygon0, IFeatureClass featClsPolyline0)




                object obj = Type.Missing;

                IGeometryCollection geomCollGon = new GeometryBagClass() as IGeometryCollection;

                IFeatureCursor featCur = featClsPolygon0.Search(null, false);

                IFeature feat = featCur.NextFeature();

                while (feat != null)


                    geomCollGon.AddGeometry(feat.ShapeCopy, ref obj, ref obj);

                    feat = featCur.NextFeature();


                IGeometryCollection geomCollLine = new GeometryBagClass() as IGeometryCollection;

                featCur = featClsPolyline0.Search(null, false);

                feat = featCur.NextFeature();

                while (feat != null)


                    geomCollLine.AddGeometry(feat.ShapeCopy, ref obj, ref obj);

                    feat = featCur.NextFeature();


                IRelationalOperatorNxM relOpNxM = geomCollGon as IRelationalOperatorNxM;

                IRelationResult relRes = relOpNxM.Crosses(geomCollLine as IGeometryBag);

                int count = relRes.RelationElementCount;

                int left, right;

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)


                    relRes.RelationElement(i, out left, out right);

                    IGeometry geomGon = geomCollGon.get_Geometry(left);

                    IGeometry geomLine = geomCollLine.get_Geometry(right);

                    //geomGon crosses geomLine



            catch (Exception e)




Sub Test(ByVal featClsPolygon0 As IFeatureClass, ByVal featClsPolyline0 As IFeatureClass)

        Dim geomCollGon As IGeometryCollection

        geomCollGon = New GeometryBagClass()

        Dim featCur As IFeatureCursor

        featCur = featClsPolygon0.Search(Nothing, False)

        Dim feat As IFeature

        feat = featCur.NextFeature()

        While (Not feat Is Nothing)


            feat = featCur.NextFeature()

        End While

        Dim geomCollLine As IGeometryCollection

        geomCollLine = New GeometryBagClass()

        featCur = featClsPolyline0.Search(Nothing, False)

        feat = featCur.NextFeature()

        While (Not feat Is Nothing)


            feat = featCur.NextFeature()

        End While

        Dim relOpNxM As IRelationalOperatorNxM

        relOpNxM = geomCollGon

        Dim relRes As IRelationResult

        relRes = relOpNxM.Crosses(geomCollLine)

        Dim count As Integer

        count = relRes.RelationElementCount

        Dim left As Integer, right As Integer, i As Integer

        Dim geomGon As IGeometry, geomLine As IGeometry

        For i = 0 To count - 1

            relRes.RelationElement(i, left, right)

            geomGon = geomCollGon.Geometry(left)

            geomLine = geomCollLine.Geometry(right)

            'geomGon crosses geomLine

        Next i

    End Sub

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