ISpatialReferenceInfo Interface

Provides access to members that control the properties common to all components of a spatial reference system.


Name Description
Read-only property Abbreviation The abbreviated name of this spatial reference component.
Read-only property Alias The alias of this spatial reference component.
Read-only property FactoryCode The factory code (WKID) of the spatial reference.
Read-only property Name The name of this spatial reference component.
Read-only property Remarks The comment string of this spatial reference component.

ISpatialReferenceInfo.Abbreviation Property

The abbreviated name of this spatial reference component.

Public ReadOnly Property Abbreviation As String
public string Abbreviation {get;}

ISpatialReferenceInfo.Alias Property

The alias of this spatial reference component.

Public ReadOnly Property Alias As String
public string Alias {get;}

ISpatialReferenceInfo.FactoryCode Property

The factory code (WKID) of the spatial reference.

Public ReadOnly Property FactoryCode As Integer
public int FactoryCode {get;}


The factory code is an integer identifier that is unique by projection engine object type, such as a projected coordinate system. You can use a factory code in the ISpatialReferenceFactory::CreateProjectedCoordinateSystem method for example. If you create a custom projected coordinate system, the factory code is zero.

ISpatialReferenceInfo.Name Property

The name of this spatial reference component.

Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
public string Name {get;}

ISpatialReferenceInfo.Remarks Property

The comment string of this spatial reference component.

Public ReadOnly Property Remarks As String
public string Remarks {get;}

Classes that implement ISpatialReferenceInfo

Classes Description
AngularUnit Creates a angular unit of measure.
Datum Creates a datum.
GeographicCoordinateSystem Creates a geographic coordinate system.
HVDatumTransformation Horizonatal and Vertical datum transformation.
LinearUnit Creates a linear unit of measure.
Parameter Creates a parameter.
PrimeMeridian Creates a prime meridian.
ProjectedCoordinateSystem Creates a projected coordinate system.
Spheroid Creates a spheroid.
UnknownCoordinateSystem Creates an unknown coordinate system.
VerticalCoordinateSystem Creates a vertical coordinate system.
VerticalDatum Creates a vertical datum.
private void PrintSpatialReferenceInfo()


        // use activator class with SpatialReferenceEnvironment singleton

        Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriGeometry.SpatialReferenceEnvironment");

        System.Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType);

        ISpatialReferenceFactory3 spatialReferenceFactory = obj as ISpatialReferenceFactory3;

        ISpatialReference spatialReference = spatialReferenceFactory.CreateSpatialReference((int)esriSRGeoCSType.esriSRGeoCS_WGS1984);

        ISpatialReferenceInfo spatialReferenceInfo = spatialReference as ISpatialReferenceInfo;







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