IVector Interface

Provides access to vector properties and operations.


A general vector interface containing functions to manipulate vectors in an arbitrary number of dimensions. Contains basic vector characteristics including Dimension and Magnitude as well as general vector operations including Normalization, scalar nultiplication, Vector Addition, Vector Subtraction, Vector Dot Product, and Vector Cross Product. To access methods specific to 3D Vectors, use the IVector3D interface.


Name Description
Method AddVector Construct a new vector by adding a different vector to this vector.
Read/write property ComponentByIndex The component corresponding to a given index.
Method ConstructAddVector Set this vector by adding two input vectors.
Method ConstructSubtractVector Set this vector by subtracting the second input vector from the first one.
Read-only property Dimension The dimension of this vector.
Method DotProduct Returns the dot product of this vector and another vector.
Read-only property IsEmpty Indicates if the vector is empty (unset).
Read/write property Magnitude The length of the vector.
Method Normalize Normalize the vector (scale it to magnitude = 1).
Method Scale Scale the vector by the given factor.
Method SetEmpty Makes the vector empty (unset).
Method SubtractVector Construct a new vector by subtracting a different vector from this vector.

IVector.AddVector Method

Construct a new vector by adding a different vector to this vector.

Public Function AddVector ( _
    ByVal otherVector As IVector _
) As IVector
public IVector AddVector (
    IVector otherVector


Returns a newly constructed Vector by adding the components of the base vector to the corresponding components of the input vector.


IVector AddVector Example

IVector.ComponentByIndex Property

The component corresponding to a given index.

Public Function get_ComponentByIndex ( _
    ByVal componentIndex As Integer _
) As Double
Public Sub set_ComponentByIndex ( _
    ByVal componentIndex As Integer, _
    ByVal componentValue As Double _
public double get_ComponentByIndex (
    int componentIndex
public void set_ComponentByIndex (
    int componentIndex,
    double componentValue


Returns or sets the value of the component of the specified index. The first component has index 0. An Nth Dimensional vector has N components (0, 1, . . ., N-2, N-1).

IVector.ConstructAddVector Method

Set this vector by adding two input vectors.

Public Sub ConstructAddVector ( _
    ByVal vector1 As IVector, _
    ByVal vector2 As IVector _
public void ConstructAddVector (
    IVector vector1,
    IVector vector2


Constructs a new Vector by adding the components of the first vector to the corresponding components of the second vector.


IVector ConstructAddVector Example

IVector.ConstructSubtractVector Method

Set this vector by subtracting the second input vector from the first one.

Public Sub ConstructSubtractVector ( _
    ByVal vector1 As IVector, _
    ByVal vector2 As IVector _
public void ConstructSubtractVector (
    IVector vector1,
    IVector vector2


Constructs a new Vector by subtracting the components of the second vector from the corresponding components of the first vector.


IVector ConstructSubtractVector Example

IVector.Dimension Property

The dimension of this vector.

Public ReadOnly Property Dimension As Integer
public int Dimension {get;}


Returns the Dimension of the Vector. The Dimension corresponds to the number of unique Components that define the vector.


Vector Dimension Example

IVector.DotProduct Method

Returns the dot product of this vector and another vector.

Public Function DotProduct ( _
    ByVal otherVector As IVector _
) As Double
public double DotProduct (
    IVector otherVector


Returns a double representing the Dot Product of the base vector and the input vector. The Dot Product is the sum of multiplying corresponding components of each vector.

IVector.IsEmpty Property

Indicates if the vector is empty (unset).

Public ReadOnly Property IsEmpty As Boolean
public bool IsEmpty {get;}


Returns TRUE if all of the components of the vector have undefined (NaN) values. An Empty vector is NOT the same as a Null vector.

IVector.Magnitude Property

The length of the vector.

Public Property Magnitude As Double
public double Magnitude {get; set;}


Returns and sets the magnitude of the vector. The magnitude is analgous to the length of the vector.


IVector Magnitude Example

IVector.Normalize Method

Normalize the vector (scale it to magnitude = 1).

Public Sub Normalize ( _
public void Normalize (


Normalizes the Vector to a unit vector with Magnitude = 1 and the same direction as the original vector.


Normalize is the same as Scaling the vector by 1 / Magnitude.

IVector Normalize Example

IVector.Scale Method

Scale the vector by the given factor.

Public Sub Scale ( _
    ByVal ScaleFactor As Double _
public void Scale (
    double ScaleFactor


Multiplies each component of the Vector by a given Scale factor. If the scale factor is positive, the resulting scaled vector has the same direction as the original vector. If the scale factor is negative, the resulting scaled vector has the opposite direction as the original vector. The Magnitude of the scaled vector = OriginalMagnitude * Abs(ScaleFactor).


Scaling a Vector by 1 / Magnitude effectively Normalizes the vector and results in a unit vector.

IVector Scale Example

IVector.SetEmpty Method

Makes the vector empty (unset).

Public Sub SetEmpty ( _
public void SetEmpty (


Sets the vector equal to an empty vector in which all components have undefined (NaN) values.

IVector.SubtractVector Method

Construct a new vector by subtracting a different vector from this vector.

Public Function SubtractVector ( _
    ByVal otherVector As IVector _
) As IVector
public IVector SubtractVector (
    IVector otherVector


Returns a newly constructed Vector by subtracting the components of the input vector from the corresponding components of the base vector.


IVector SubtractVector Example

Classes that implement IVector

Classes Description
Vector3D A 3D vector containing dx, dy, and dz components.

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