IVolume Interface

Provides access to members that return properties common to MultiPatches.


This interface is new at ArcGIS 9.3.


Name Description
Read-only property Volume The enclosed 3D volume.

IVolume.Volume Property

The enclosed 3D volume.

Public ReadOnly Property Volume As Double
public double Volume {get;}


Returns the volume of 3D space occupied by a MultiPatch. Handles closed and some non-closed MultiPatches.


If Patches comprising a MultiPatch geometry have improperly ordered vertices such that positive faces are not pointing outwards, a negative volume will be returned. To ensure proper orientation, add vertices in a clockwise manner relative to an outside observer.

public static void CalculateVolume()


                  IGeometry  geometry = GetMultiPatchGeometry();


                IVolume  volume = geometry as IVolume;

                 double calculatedVolume = volume.Volume;


                 //calculatedVolume = 225.048


Classes that implement IVolume

Classes Description
Envelope A rectangle with sides parallel to a coordinate system defining the extent of another geometry; optionally has min and max measure, height and ID attributes.
MultiPatch A collection of surface patches.

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