IZ Interface

Provides access to members that identify geometric objects that can have 3D coordinates and defines operations on such objects.


IZ contains methods for setting Zs through interpolation based on existing Z values, Z values set at the From and To Points, and Z values from a FunctionalSurface. Z values may also be set to a single constant value. IZ also contains a method for determining if consecutive vertices exhibit a vertical relation.


Name Description
Method CalculateNonSimpleZs Calculates the non-simple Z values by extrapolation/interpolation for polylines and interpolation for polygons.
Method InterpolateFromSurface Use the specified functional surface to generate Z values for the vertices of this object.
Method InterpolateZsBetween Generate Z values by linear interpolation for all vertices in the range [start+1, end-1].
Method MultiplyZs Multiplies all the Z values by a factor.
Method OffsetZs Offsets all the Z values by an offset value.
Method SetConstantZ Sets Z coordinates at all vertices to zLevel.
Read-only property ZMax The maximum Z value.
Read-only property ZMin The minimum Z value.
Read-only property ZVertical Indicates if at least two consecutive vertices of this polyline or polygon have the same x and y values, but distinct z values.

IZ.CalculateNonSimpleZs Method

Calculates the non-simple Z values by extrapolation/interpolation for polylines and interpolation for polygons.

Public Sub CalculateNonSimpleZs ( _
public void CalculateNonSimpleZs (


Calculates Z attribute values for each non-simple (NaN) Z value from existing simple (non-NaN) Z attributes on the interfaced Geometry.

IZ.InterpolateFromSurface Method

Use the specified functional surface to generate Z values for the vertices of this object.

Public Sub InterpolateFromSurface ( _
    ByVal interpolationSurface As IFunctionalSurface _
public void InterpolateFromSurface (
    IFunctionalSurface interpolationSurface


Sets Z attributes for all Points on the interfaced Geometry within the Domain of the FunctionalSurface equal to the Z value on the FunctionalSurface at each (X, Y) Point.

IZ.InterpolateZsBetween Method

Generate Z values by linear interpolation for all vertices in the range [start+1, end-1].

Public Sub InterpolateZsBetween ( _
    ByVal startPart As Integer, _
    ByVal startPoint As Integer, _
    ByVal endPart As Integer, _
    ByVal endPoint As Integer _
public void InterpolateZsBetween (
    int startPart,
    int startPoint,
    int endPart,
    int endPoint


Sets the Z attributes from the vertices between the StartPoint of the startPart and the EndPoint of the endPart. The values of the StartPoint and EndPoint remain unchanged, but all vertices inbetween are assigned Z values proportional to the distance along the curve between the StartPoint and EndPoint and the difference between the Z values of the StartPoint and EndPoint.

IZ.SetConstantZ Method

Sets Z coordinates at all vertices to zLevel.

Public Sub SetConstantZ ( _
    ByVal zLevel As Double _
public void SetConstantZ (
    double zLevel


Sets all Z attributes in the object equal to the constant input Z value.

IZ.ZVertical Property

Indicates if at least two consecutive vertices of this polyline or polygon have the same x and y values, but distinct z values.

Public ReadOnly Property ZVertical As Boolean
public bool ZVertical {get;}


Returns TRUE when at least two consecutive vertices have the same X and Y coordinates, but different Z attributes. Returns FALSE if all consecutive vertices have different X and Y coordinates, or if they have the same Z attribute.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IZCollection Provides access to operations on Z-aware geometries.

Classes that implement IZ

Classes Description
Multipoint An ordered collection of points; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes.
Polygon A collection of rings ordered by their containment relationship; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes.
Polyline An ordered collection of paths; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes.

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