esriGeoTransTypeEnum Constants

The geometric transformation types.

Constant Value Description
esriGeoTransRPC -6 Transformation is a RPC.
esriGeoTransFrameCamera -5 Transformation is a frame camera model.
esriGeoTransPolySimilarity -4 Transformation is a similarity polynomial.
esriGeoTransProjective -3 Transformation is projective.
esriGeoTransPolyOrder0 -2 Transformation is a 0 order polynomial (shift only).
esriGeoTransRubberSheeting -1 Transformation is rubbersheeting.
esriGeoTransSpline 0 Transformation is spline.
esriGeoTransPolyOrder1 1 Transformation is a first order polynomial.
esriGeoTransPolyOrder2 2 Transformation is a second order polynomial.
esriGeoTransPolyOrder3 3 Transformation is a third order polynomial.
esriGeoTransPolyOrderUndefined 4 Transformation is undefined.

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