esriTileState Constants

Cached tile state.

Constant Value Description
esriTileStateRegular 0 Regular tile: tile retrieved successfully from the tile host.
esriTileStateResampledOnNoData 1 Tile, obtained by resampling from lower resolution tile because of no data available.
esriTileStateResampledOnFailure 2 Tile, obtained by resampling from lower resolution tile because of I/O failure.
esriTileState_​NotModified 3 Tile is not modified on the data source since the previous request. The client has the latest version of the tile.
esriTileState_​MissingTopLevelData -2147483648 Flag, indicating, that the data has been obtained from a top-level LOD, which is not present on the source. Requires special processing by the client.

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