esriSRUnit2Type Constants

More available units of measure.

Constant Value Description
esriSRUnit_​British1936Foot 9095 British Foot (1936).
esriSRUnit_​GoldCoastFoot 9094 Gold Coast Foot.
esriSRUnit_​InternationalChain 9097 International Chain.
esriSRUnit_​InternationalLink 9098 International Link.
esriSRUnit_​InternationalYard 9096 International Yard.
esriSRUnit_​StatuteMile 9093 Statute Mile.
esriSRUnit_​SurveyYard 109002 US survey Yard.
esriSRUnit_​50KilometerLength 109030 50 Kilometer Length.
esriSRUnit_​150KilometerLength 109031 150 Kilometer Length.
esriSRUnit_​Decimeter 109005 Decimeter.
esriSRUnit_​Centimeter 1033 Centimeter.
esriSRUnit_​Millimeter 1025 Millimeter.
esriSRUnit_​InternationalInch 109008 International inch.
esriSRUnit_​USsurveyInch 109009 US survey inch.
esriSRUnit_​InternationalRod 109010 International rod.
esriSRUnit_​USsurveyRod 109011 US survey rod.
esriSRUnit_​USNauticalMile 109012 US nautical mile (pre-1954).
esriSRUnit_​UKNauticalMile 109013 UK nautical mile (pre-1970).


This enumeration contains entries for some of the predefined units of measure. Please see esriSRUnitType for other predefined units of measure. A value corresponds to the factory code used in the Projection Engine library.

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