esriSRVerticalDatumType Constants

The available vertical datums.

Constant Value Description
esriSRVertDatum_​AHD 5111 AHD.
esriSRVertDatum_​AHD_​Tasmania 5112 AHD (Tasmania).
esriSRVertDatum_​AIOC1995 5133 AIOC 1995.
esriSRVertDatum_​Alicante 5180 Alicante.
esriSRVertDatum_​Antalya 5173 Antalya.
esriSRVertDatum_​Auckland 5157 Auckland.
esriSRVertDatum_​Baltic1980 5185 Baltic 1980.
esriSRVertDatum_​Baltic1982 5184 Baltic 1982.
esriSRVertDatum_​BalticSea 5105 Baltic Sea.
esriSRVertDatum_​BandarAbbas 5150 Bandar Abbas.
esriSRVertDatum_​Belfast 5131 Belfast.
esriSRVertDatum_​BlackSea 5134 Black Sea.
esriSRVertDatum_​Bluff 5158 Bluff.
esriSRVertDatum_​Cascais 5178 Cascais.
esriSRVertDatum_​CaspianSea 5106 Caspian Sea.
esriSRVertDatum_​ChathamIsland 5169 Chatham Island.
esriSRVertDatum_​Constanta 5179 Constanta.
esriSRVertDatum_​CVD1928 5114 CVD 1928.
esriSRVertDatum_​DanskNormalNul 5132 Dansk Normal Nul.
esriSRVertDatum_​DHHN1985 5182 DHHN 1985.
esriSRVertDatum_​DHHN1992 5181 DHHN 1992.
esriSRVertDatum_​Douglas 5148 Douglas.
esriSRVertDatum_​Dunedin 5159 Dunedin.
esriSRVertDatum_​Durres 5175 Durres.
esriSRVertDatum_​EGM96Geoid 5171 EGM96 Geoid.
esriSRVertDatum_​EVRF2000 5129 EVRF 2000.
esriSRVertDatum_​FahudHeightDatum 5124 Fahud Height Datum.
esriSRVertDatum_​FairIsle 5139 Fair Isle.
esriSRVertDatum_​Fao 5149 Fao.
esriSRVertDatum_​FlannanIsles 5146 Flannan Isles.
esriSRVertDatum_​Foula 5141 Foula.
esriSRVertDatum_​GebrauchshohenAdria 5176 Gebrauchshohen Adria.
esriSRVertDatum_​Gisborne 5160 Gisborne.
esriSRVertDatum_​HaTien1960 5125 Ha Tien 1960.
esriSRVertDatum_​Helsinki1960 5116 Helsinki 1960.
esriSRVertDatum_​HongKongChartDatum 5136 Hong Kong Chart Datum.
esriSRVertDatum_​HongKongPrincipalDatum 5135 Hong Kong Principal Datum.
esriSRVertDatum_​HonDau1992 5126 Hon Dau 1992.
esriSRVertDatum_​IGN1987 5154 IGN 1987.
esriSRVertDatum_​IGN1988 5155 IGN 1988.
esriSRVertDatum_​IGN1989 5156 IGN 1989.
esriSRVertDatum_​JapaneseStandardLevellingDatum1949 5122 Japanese Standard Levelling Datum 1949.
esriSRVertDatum_​KOCConstructionDatum 5188 KOC Construction Datum.
esriSRVertDatum_​KOCWellDatum 5187 KOC Well Datum.
esriSRVertDatum_​KuwaitPWD 5186 Kuwait PWD.
esriSRVertDatum_​Landeshohennetz1995 5128 Landeshohennetz 1995.
esriSRVertDatum_​Landesnivellement1902 5127 Landesnivellement 1902.
esriSRVertDatum_​Lerwick 5140 Lerwick.
esriSRVertDatum_​Lyttleton 5161 Lyttleton.
esriSRVertDatum_​MalinHead 5130 Malin Head.
esriSRVertDatum_​Maputo 5121 Maputo.
esriSRVertDatum_​MeanSeaLevel 5100 Mean Sea Level.
esriSRVertDatum_​Moturiki 5162 Moturiki.
esriSRVertDatum_​Napier 5163 Napier.
esriSRVertDatum_​NationalVerticalNetwork1999 5177 National Vertical Network 1999.
esriSRVertDatum_​NAVD1988 5103 NAVD 1988.
esriSRVertDatum_​Nelson 5164 Nelson.
esriSRVertDatum_​NGF_​IGN69 5119 NGF IGN69.
esriSRVertDatum_​NGF_​IGN78 5120 NGF IGN78.
esriSRVertDatum_​NGF_​Lalle 5118 NGF Lalle.
esriSRVertDatum_​NGG1977 5153 NGG 1977.
esriSRVertDatum_​NGNC 5151 NGNC.
esriSRVertDatum_​NGVD1929 5102 NGVD 1929.
esriSRVertDatum_​NivellementGeneralDuLuxembourg 5172 Nivellement General Du Luxembourg.
esriSRVertDatum_​NormaalAmsterdamsPeil 5109 Normaal Amsterdams Peil.
esriSRVertDatum_​NorthRona 5143 North Rona.
esriSRVertDatum_​NorwayNormalNul1954 5174 Norway Normal Nul 1954.
esriSRVertDatum_​Newlyn_​OrkneyIsles 5138 Ordnance Datum Newlyn (Orkney Isles).
esriSRVertDatum_​OneTreePoint 5165 One Tree Point.
esriSRVertDatum_​Oostende 5110 Oostende.
esriSRVertDatum_​OrdnanceDatumNewlyn 5101 Ordnance Datum Newlyn.
esriSRVertDatum_​PDOHeightDatum1993 5123 PDO Height Datum 1993.
esriSRVertDatum_​PiraeusHarbour1986 5115 Piraeus Harbour 1986.
esriSRVertDatum_​Poolbeg 5152 Poolbeg.
esriSRVertDatum_​Riketshoghtsystem1970 5117 Rikets hoghtsystem 1970.
esriSRVertDatum_​SeaLevel 5113 Sea Level.
esriSRVertDatum_​SNN76 5183 SNN76.
esriSRVertDatum_​StewartIsland 5170 Stewart Island.
esriSRVertDatum_​Stornoway 5144 Stornoway.
esriSRVertDatum_​St_​Kilda 5145 St. Kilda.
esriSRVertDatum_​St_​Marys 5147 St. Marys.
esriSRVertDatum_​SuleSkerry 5142 Sule Skerry.
esriSRVertDatum_​Taranaki 5167 Taranaki.
esriSRVertDatum_​Tararu 5166 Tararu.
esriSRVertDatum_​Wellington 5168 Wellington.
esriSRVertDatum_​YellowSea1956 5104 Yellow Sea 1956.
esriSRVertDatum_​YellowSea1985 5137 Yellow Sea 1985.
esriSRVertDatum_​DangerIsland1950 5190 Danger Island 1950.
esriSRVertDatum_​Guadeloupe1951 5193 Guadeloupe 1951.
esriSRVertDatum_​Lagos1955 5194 Lagos 1955.
esriSRVertDatum_​Martinique1955 5192 Martinique 1955.
esriSRVertDatum_​Mayotte1950 5191 Mayotte 1950.
esriSRVertDatum_​NGC1948 5189 NGC 1948.
esriSRVertDatum_​WGS1984Geoid 105100 WGS 1984 Geoid.
esriSRVertDatum_​NGPF 5195 Nivellement General de Polynesie Francaise.
esriSRVertDatum_​IGN1966 5196 IGN 1966.
esriSRVertDatum_​MooreaSAU1981 5197 Moorea SAU 1981.
esriSRVertDatum_​RaiateaSAU2001 5198 Raiatea SAU 2001.
esriSRVertDatum_​MaupitiSAU2001 5199 Maupiti SAU 2001.
esriSRVertDatum_​HuahineSAU2001 5200 Huahine SAU 2001.
esriSRVertDatum_​TahaaSAU2001 5201 Tahaa SAU 2001.
esriSRVertDatum_​BoraBoraSAU2001 5202 Bora Bora SAU 2001.
esriSRVertDatum_​IGLD1955 5204 IGLD 1955.
esriSRVertDatum_​IGLD1985 5205 IGLD 1985.
esriSRVertDatum_​EGM84Geoid 5203 EGM84 Geoid.
esriSRVertDatum_​DVR90 5206 Dansk Vertical Reference 1990.
esriSRVertDatum_​RH2000 5208 Rikets Hojdsystem 2000.


This enumeration contains entries for predefined vertical datums added for version 9.2. The value corresponds to the factory code used in the Projection Engine library.

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