Release 1.2

See what's new for the latest release.


There are two new samples that demonstrate how to create a widget using functions as React components. Here are the newest samples:

Builder updates

ArcGIS Experience Builder includes a new Table widget, support for more data types, configurable screen groups, new templates, and more window and widget settings. Some of the highlights are listed below.

  • Subscriber content—When adding data, you can now directly browse content from ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World. Subscriber content is marked with icons.
  • Data types—You can now connect to feature collections (excluding map notes and route layers) and Point and 3D Object scene layers (with query support).
  • Templates—Four more default templates have been added: Dart, Pocket, Quick navigation, and Parallax. Parallax is a scrolling page template that uses the new screen group.
  • Screen groups—Configure a screen group to organize content and widgets on scrolling pages so users can scroll through multiple screens worth of content with a fixed main stage background for each screen in the group before continuing to scroll to content in blocks further down the page.
  • Windows—Use the new Tooltip template for anchored windows that provide more information about the linked widget, such as a button or image. For fixed windows, choose between two standard interaction types: Confirmation or Do not show again, with option to exclude the OK button.
  • Outline options—The widget options in the Outline view now include the Pin tool for widgets on scrolling pages.
  • Quick navigation—Use the quick navigation menu at the bottom of the configuration window to select a page or window in your experience and access its settings. This menu also provides a preview of the page hierarchy and window types.
  • App status—There are now three status badges for your web experiences: Draft, Published, and Unpublished changes.


In addition to the new Table widget, several widgets have more settings and styles.

  • Table (beta) widget (new)—Display attribute tables for feature layers. Include one or more sheets in the widget that users can access via tabs or a list. Selecting records in the Table widget can trigger action in other widgets, such as a Map or List widget.
  • Bookmark widget—Enable a new option to automatically navigate a connected map to the first bookmark in the widget. You can also turn off looping when the widget is set to auto-play.
  • Embed widget—You can configure additional options, such as setting the auto-refresh interval for embedded content and allowing users to access embedded ArcGIS items shared across organizations without prompting for credentials.
  • Filter widget—You can now choose predefined values (unique and multiple) in SQL expression builder.
  • Legend widget—Change the font and background color.
  • List widget—Provide a hint that appears as placeholder text in the search box to help end users search for relevant values.
  • Map widget—Change the highlight color for features selected in the map.
  • Menu widget—Display an icon for each menu item that identifies it as a page, link, or folder.
  • Section widget—The widget now has auto-play settings and built-in navigation tools for users to access the section views.
  • Share widget—Includes new options to share apps in Pinterest and LinkedIn. You can also change the default color of media icons to white or black.
  • Survey widget—Adds support for passing polyline or polygon from the map widget to a question in the survey widget.
  • Text— When the text takes up more space than the size of the widget, a fade effect appears at the bottom of the widget with a jumping arrow icon in the corner to indicate when there is more text than is showing so end users know to scroll to see more.
  • Views Navigation widget—Specify the spacing and alignment of tab and symbol styles and the line width for the underline tab style.

Breaking changes

  • Switch to ES modules
    • Syntax import MyModule = require('my-module'); is no longer supported, use let/const MyModule = require('my-module'); or import * as MyModule from 'my-module'; instead.
  • jimu-ui/basic/item-selector and ItemSelector
    • Type of props selectedItems changed from IItem to IItemWithPortalUrl
    • Type of props partSelectedItems changed from IItem to IItemWithPortalUrl
    • Type of onSelect's parameters changed from IItem to IItemWithPortalUrl
    • Type of onRemove's parameters changed from IItem to IItemWithPortalUrl
  • jimu-ui and FloatingPanel props have been refactored.
  • Widget
    • queryObject is not injected into widget props, use mapExtraStateProps when widget requires it.
  • Data source
    • DataSourceTypes.FeatureQuery is removed.
  • jimu-core
    • MutableStoreManager.updateStateValue() will call widgetMutableStatePropChange action.
    • MutableStatePropsVersion is stored with propKey.
    • polished.getValueAndUnit is deprecated, use stripUnit instead.
  • Theme variable and type change
    • Remove sm, default, and lg sizes from theme.typography.sizes
    • Remove headings, paragraph, label, hr, small, and mark preset styles
    • Add variants to typography, including the following definitions:
      • h1 to h6
      • body1 and body2
      • caption1 and caption2
    • Types removed from jimu-core theme.ts:
      • ThemeHeadings, ThemeParagraph, ThemeLabel, and ThemeHr
      • ThemeSmall, ThemeMark, ThemeFontStyleGroup and IMThemeFontStyleGroup
    • Type added to jimu-core theme.ts:
      • ThemeFontVariantKeys, ThemeFontVariant, and ThemeFontVariants
    • Type changes to jimu-core theme.ts:
      • ThemeTypographyBase:
        • Removed sm, default, and lg from sizes
        • Added body1, body2, caption1 and caption2
      • ThemeTypography:
        • Removed headings, paragraph, label, hr, small, and mark
        • Added variants

Previous releases

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
