Map and scene view

The view concept is the same as the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, however in ArcGIS Experience Builder, the view is wrapped as JimuMapView to ensure a consistent extensibility model when creating widgets, message/actions, etc. To create a JimuMapView object, a widget can use the JimuMapViewManager.createJimuMapView() method. A JimuMapView object has these main properties:

  • view: the map/scene view object.
  • datasourceId: the data source (webmap/webscene) that creates the view
  • mapWidgetId: the widget that creates the object
  • jimuLayerViews: the layer view object wrapper

In Experience Builder, the Map widget creates the JimuMapView object. If a widget needs to use the JimuMapView object, it can use the MapWidgetSelector component in the setting page to select a map widget. After it gets the map widget ID, the widget can use <JimuMapViewComponent> to get the created JimuMapView object. The widget can use the JimuMapViewSelector component in the setting page to select the JimuMapView object as well.

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