

Storybook is a user interface development environment and playground for UI components.

In ArcGIS Experience Builder, we use Storybook as a stand-alone and isolated environment to document and preview the following:

  • The UI components in the "jimu-ui" library.
  • The theme core variables (theme tokens) available for customization.

You can view the hosted version at

There are three categories in the left hand navigation bar:

  • Components: A list of samples and API documentation of the UI components available from "jimu-ui".
  • Theme: Documentation and a preview of the core variables in the theme system, such as color and font.
  • Playground: A place that you can test certain components by dynamically modifying their properties.

There are two view modes in the header section of the site:

  • Canvas: In this view, you can use the Storybook addons to play with the UI components by modifying their properties, or test them for accessibility.

Note: Only the components under the "Playground" category support addons.

  • Docs: Use this mode to view stories in the "Components" and "Theme" categories. Samples with source code and API documentation are available for the UI components under "Components" category in this view.

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