The Views Navigation widget provides interactive access to the views in a Section widget. As users access the views in the section, only the content in the section refreshes instead of the entire page, providing better app performance.
You can create multiple views of similar content in a Section widget to avoid too much scrolling in your app. Include a Views Navigation widget so users can click tabs or buttons or drag a slider to refresh the section content and access the views.
Usage notes
The page must have a Section widget to which you can link the Views Navigation widget. You must position the widget outside the section; you cannot nest the Views Navigation widget in its corresponding Section widget. For example, position the widget above or below a section (ideal for horizontal tabs) or at the left or right of a section (ideal for vertical tabs).
When you add a Views Navigation widget, the Quick style window appears next to the widget where you can select from a variety of styles including tabs, symbols, a slider, and navigation buttons. (To access this window again later, click the Quick style button on the widget’s toolbar.) You can also configure your own design by choosing colors and fonts for the widget’s various states in the advanced settings.
For the tab and symbol styles, you can include all the section's views or specific views. To specify the sequence of the views, open the Section widget's configuration panel and drag the views in the order you want them to appear in the Views Navigation widget. You can also edit the view names in the Section widget’s settings.
The Views Navigation widget includes the following settings:
- Link to—Choose a section widget from the page.
Depending on the style you choose, you can configure different settings.
For the tab styles (default, underline, and pills), you can configure the following settings:
Views—Define the views to show in the widget by selecting one of the following options:
- Auto—Include tabs for all the views in the section.
- Custom—Include tabs for specific views in the section.
Direction—Display the tabs horizontally or vertically.
Spacing—Define the spacing between tabs in pixels.
Alignment—Determine placement of the tab text. For example, if you choose a horizontal pill style, the tab names align with the tab: the left or right edge or centered between.
Show icon—Display icons for each view. You can change each view's icon in the Section widget's settings.
Show text—Display a label for each view.
Advanced—Override your app’s theme to change the widget’s background color, border radius, and style.
Background—Add a background color to the widget.
Border radius—Enter a border radius for the background in pixels (px) or percent (%).
States—Style the tabs' three states to provide users a visual cue when they hover over or select a tab. Default is the tab state without user interaction; Selected is the user selection of the tab, which displays the corresponding view in the linked Section widget; and Hover is the tab state when a user points to it.
- Text—Change the font size (in pixels) and color, and style the tab using bold, italic, strikethrough, and underline formatting.
- Icon—When Show icon is turned on, you can change the size (in pixels) and color of the view icons.
- Background—Choose a fill color for the tab.
- Border or Underline—Choose the tab’s border color, style (such as dashed or dotted), and width in pixels. You can style all sides of the border at the same time or style each of them separately. For the Tab underline style, you can only choose a line color and width.
- Border radius—Change the radius size (by pixels or percent) to shape the tab corners.
For the Symbol style, you can configure the following settings:
Views—Define the views to show in the widget by selecting one of the following options:
- Auto—Include symbols for all the views in the section.
- Custom—Include symbols for specific views in the section.
Direction—Display the symbols horizontally or vertically.
Spacing—Define the spacing between symbols in pixels.
Alignment—Determine placement of the symbols in the widget. For example, if you choose a vertical direction, the symbols align with the widget container: the left or right edge or centered.
Tooltip—Enable hover text that displays the view's name.
Symbol—Select icons for the current view and other views.
Advanced—Override your app’s theme and change the widget’s background color, border radius, and icons.
- Background