IClone Interface

Provides access to members that control cloning of objects.


Use the IClone interface to clone objects.

See the topics on implementing cloning for more details.


Name Description
Method Assign Assigns the properties of src to the receiver.
Method Clone Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone.
Method IsEqual Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties.
Method IsIdentical Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object.

IClone.Assign Method

Assigns the properties of src to the receiver.

Public Sub Assign ( _
    ByVal src As IClone _
public void Assign (
    IClone src


Use Assign method to assign the properties of source object to receiver object. Both objects need to have the same CLSIDs. Both source and receiver objects need to be instantiated.

IClone.Clone Method

Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone.

Public Function Clone ( _
) As IClone
public IClone Clone (


The Clone method is similar to the Assign method except that the receiver object does not need to be cocreated.

IClone.IsEqual Method

Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties.

Public Function IsEqual ( _
    ByVal other As IClone _
) As Boolean
public bool IsEqual (
    IClone other


IsEqual returns True if the receiver and the source have the same properties. Note, this does not imply that the receiver and the source reference the same object.

IClone.IsIdentical Method

Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object.

Public Function IsIdentical ( _
    ByVal other As IClone _
) As Boolean
public bool IsIdentical (
    IClone other


IsIdentical returns true if the receiver and the source reference the same object.

Classes that implement IClone

Classes Description
AbridgedMolodenskyTransformation (esriGeometry) Creates an Abridged Molodensky transformation.
AdjustXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) An adjustment (rubber sheeting) transform class.
AffineTransformation2D (esriGeometry) A two dimensional affine transformation.
AffineTransformation3D (esriGeometry) A three dimensional transformation.
AngleFormat An object for formatting numbers in an angle format.
AngularUnit (esriGeometry) Creates a angular unit of measure.
ApproximationXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A transformation that approximates other transformations.
BezierCurve (esriGeometry) A cubic Bezier curve defined between two points; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes at each endpoint.
CircularArc (esriGeometry) A portion of a circle that connects two points optionally has measure, height and ID attributes at each endpoint.
CodedValueDomain (esriGeoDatabase) Esri Attribute set constraint object.
CompositeGeoTransformation (esriGeometry) Performs a sequence of geographic transformations.
CompositeXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A composite geodata transform collection class.
CoordinateFrameTransformation (esriGeometry) Creates a Coordinate Frame transformation.
CoordinateXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A coordinate transform class.
CurrencyFormat An object for formatting numbers in a currency format.
CustomNumberFormat An object for formatting numbers in a user-defined format.
DateFormat An object for formatting date time.
Datum (esriGeometry) Creates a datum.
DENetworkDataset (esriGeoDatabase) Network Dataset Data Element object.
DENetworkDatasetType (esriGeoDatabase) Network Dataset Data Element Type object.
DirectionFormat An object for formatting numbers in a direction format.
EdgeConnectivityRule (esriGeoDatabase) Esri Edge-Edge NetworkConnectivity rule object.
EllipticArc (esriGeometry) A portion of the boundary of a 2D ellipse that connects two points; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes at each endpoint.
EnumFeatureGeometry (esriGeoDatabase) Esri enumerator for geometries of a feature class or selection set.
Envelope (esriGeometry) A rectangle with sides parallel to a coordinate system defining the extent of another geometry; optionally has min and max measure, height and ID attributes.
EpipolarXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A transformation that map native image to epipolar image.
FIDSet (esriGeoDatabase) Esri FID Set object.
Field (esriGeoDatabase) Esri Field object.
FieldGroup (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to standard operations on field group objects.
Fields (esriGeoDatabase) Esri Fields object.
Formosat2Xform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A Formosat2 transform class.
FractionFormat An object for formatting numbers in a fraction format.
FrameXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A standard frame camera model transformation class.
FullTextIndexDefinition (esriGeoDatabase) Esri FullTextIndex Definition object.
GCSShiftXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A GCS shift geodata transform class.
GeocentricTranslation (esriGeometry) Creates a geocentric translation.
GEOCONTransformation (esriGeometry) Creates a GEOCON-based transformation.
Geographic2DOffsetTransformation (esriGeometry) Creates a geographic 2D offset transformation.
GeographicCoordinateSystem (esriGeometry) Creates a geographic coordinate system.
GeometricXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A geometric transform class.
GeometryBag (esriGeometry) An ordered collection of objects that support the IGeometry interface.
GeometryDef (esriGeoDatabase) Esri Geometry Definition object.
GeoTransformation (esriGeometry) Generic geotransformation class, holds either a WKT (string) or a WKID (factory code).
GPNetworkDatasetMembership (esriGeoDatabase) The Network Dataset Membership object.
HARNTransformation (esriGeometry) Creates a HARN-based transformation.
HVCompositeDatumTransformation (esriGeometry) Horizonatal and Vertical datum transformation.
HVDatumTransformation (esriGeometry) Horizonatal and Vertical datum transformation.
IdentityXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) An identity transform class.
ImageQueryFilter (esriCarto) An image query filter.
Index (esriGeoDatabase) Esri Index object.
Indexes (esriGeoDatabase) Esri Indices object.
JunctionConnectivityRule (esriGeoDatabase) Esri Junction-Edge NetworkConnectivity rule object.
LatLonFormat An object for formatting numbers in a lat/lon format.
Line (esriGeometry) A 2D straight line between a pair of 2D endpoints; can optionally have height, measure and ID attributes at each endpoint.
LinearUnit (esriGeometry) Creates a linear unit of measure.
LocaleInfo An object that represents a locale info.
LongitudeRotationTransformation (esriGeometry) Creates a longitude rotation transformation.
LSRXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A Local Space Rectangular transform class.
MolodenskyBadekasTransformation (esriGeometry) Creates a Molodensky-Badekas transformation.
MolodenskyTransformation (esriGeometry) Creates a Molodensky transformation.
MosaicRule (esriCarto) A mosaic rule class.
MultiPatch (esriGeometry) A collection of surface patches.
Multipoint (esriGeometry) An ordered collection of points; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes.
NADCON5Transformation (esriGeometry) Creates a NADCON5-based transformation.
NADCONTransformation (esriGeometry) Creates a NADCON-based transformation.
Names (esriGeoDatabase) An object to hold a collection of names.
NetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory (esriGeoDatabase) A container for defining global turn delay for a specified angle category and from, to, and cross road category.
NetworkTravelModeType (esriGeoDatabase) Network Travel Mode Type object.
NTv2Transformation (esriGeometry) Creates a NTv2-based transformation.
NullTransformation (esriGeometry) Creates a null geographic transformation.
NumericFormat An object for formatting numbers in a variety of numeric formats.
Parameter (esriGeometry) Creates a parameter.
Path (esriGeometry) A sequence of connected segments.
PercentageFormat An object for formatting numbers in a percentage format.
Point (esriGeometry) A two dimensional point, optionally with measure, height, and ID attributes.
Polygon (esriGeometry) A collection of rings ordered by their containment relationship; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes.
Polyline (esriGeometry) An ordered collection of paths; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes.
PolynomialXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A polynomial transform class.
PositionVectorTransformation (esriGeometry) Creates a Position Vector transformation.
PrimeMeridian (esriGeometry) Creates a prime meridian.
ProjectedCoordinateSystem (esriGeometry) Creates a projected coordinate system.
Projection (esriGeometry) Creates a map projection.
ProjectiveTransformation2D (esriGeometry) A two dimensional projective transformation.
ProjectiveXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A projective transform class.
PropertySet Esri Property Set object.
PushbroomXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A Pushbroom sensor model class.
QueryFilter (esriGeoDatabase) Esri Query Filter object.
RangeDomain (esriGeoDatabase) Esri Range Domain object.
Raster (esriDataSourcesRaster) An in-memory representation of a dynamic raster that can perform resampling and reprojection.
RasterDef (esriGeoDatabase) Raster Column Definition Class.
RasterStorageDef (esriGeoDatabase) Raster Value Storage Definition Class.
RateFormat An object for formatting numbers in a rate format.
Ray (esriGeometry) A 3D ray that begins at a point and extends infinitely along a line in one direction only.
RecordNumberSet (esriGeoDatabase) A collection of record numbers. Record number sets are used in selections with file based data.
RecordSet (esriGeoDatabase) Esri Record Set object.
RelationshipRule (esriGeoDatabase) Esri relationship rule object.
RenderingRule (esriCarto) An image service rendering rule class.
Ring (esriGeometry) An area bounded by one, closed sequence of connected segments; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes at each vertex.
RPCXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A Rational Polynomial Coefficient (RPC) transform class.
SARXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A SAR transform class.
ScaleFormat A utility object for formatting scale.
ScientificFormat An object for formatting numbers in a scientific format.
SICDXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) Sensor Independent Complex Data (SICD) Xform.
SpatialFilter (esriGeoDatabase) Esri Spatial Filter object.
Sphere (esriGeometry) A complete sphere.
Spheroid (esriGeometry) Creates a spheroid.
SplineXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A Thin Plate Spline transform class.
SPOT5Xform (esriDataSourcesRaster) A SPOT5 1A transform class.
Time An object that represents a date and time value.
TimeDuration An object that represents a time duration value.
TimeExtent An object that represents a time-referenced time extent.
TimeInstant An object that represents a time-referenced instant in time.
TimeReference An object that represents a time reference, including a time zone.
TimeZoneInfo An object that represents a time zone information.
TimeZoneRule An object that represents a time zone dynamic adjustments rule.
TopologyRule (esriGeoDatabase) Esri Topology Rule object.
TriangleFan (esriGeometry) A continuous 3D fan of triangles, where each triangle after the first shares an edge with the preceding triangle, and all triangles share a common pivot point.
Triangles (esriGeometry) A collection of 3D triangles, where each consecutive triplet of vertices defines a new triangle
TriangleStrip (esriGeometry) A continuous 3D strip of triangles, where each triangle after the first shares an edge with the preceding triangle.
UnitChangeTransformation (esriGeometry) Creates a unit change transformation.
UnknownCoordinateSystem (esriGeometry) Creates an unknown coordinate system.
Vector3D (esriGeometry) A 3D vector containing dx, dy, and dz components.
VerticalCoordinateSystem (esriGeometry) Creates a vertical coordinate system.
VerticalDatum (esriGeometry) Creates a vertical datum.
XMLIndex (esriGeoDatabase) XML Index Object.
XMLIndexTag (esriGeoDatabase) XML Index Tag Object.
XMLIndexTags (esriGeoDatabase) XML Index Tags Collection Object.
XmlPropertySet (esriGeoDatabase) Esri XML PropertySet object.
XYEvent2FieldsProperties (esriGeoDatabase) Defines the fields needed for an xy event layer, requiring atleast X and Y fields.

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