IAngularConverter2 Interface

Provides access to methods that allow an angle to be converted from one direction unit to another.


Name Description
Read/write property NegativeAngles Allow an angle to be converted from one direction unit to another.

IAngularConverter2.NegativeAngles Property

Allow an angle to be converted from one direction unit to another.

Public Property NegativeAngles As Boolean
public bool NegativeAngles {get; set;}

Classes that implement IAngularConverter2

Classes Description
AngularConverter Converts angle measurement from one unit to another.
DirectionFormat An object for formatting numbers in a direction format.


IAngularConverter2 extends the AngularConverter object and allows you to change the output values for GetString to be within the range -180� to 180�. The default string is within the range 0� to 360� (or its equivalent in the relevant direction type).

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