IExtensionManager Interface

Provides access to members that query extension.


Name Description
Read-only property Extension The extension at the specified index.
Read-only property ExtensionCLSID The CLSID of the extension at the specified index.
Read-only property ExtensionCount The number of extensions loaded in the application.
Method FindExtension Finds the extension by CLSID (IUID) or name (String).

IExtensionManager.Extension Property

The extension at the specified index.

Public Function get_Extension ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
) As IExtension
public IExtension get_Extension (
    int Index


Returns the extension at the specified index from the extensions currently loaded in the application. The first extension has an index of 0 and the last extension has in index of ExtensionCount - 1.


This is not the only way to get a reference to an extension; the IApplicationinterface has FindExtensionByCLSID and FindExtensionByNamemethods.

IExtensionManager.ExtensionCLSID Property

The CLSID of the extension at the specified index.

Public Function get_ExtensionCLSID ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
) As UID
public UID get_ExtensionCLSID (
    int Index


Returns the unique identifer (UID) of the extension at the specified index from the extensions currently loaded in the application. The first extension has an index of 0 and the last extension has in index of ExtensionCount - 1.

IExtensionManager.ExtensionCount Property

The number of extensions loaded in the application.

Public ReadOnly Property ExtensionCount As Integer
public int ExtensionCount {get;}


Returns the number of extensions currently loaded in the application.

IExtensionManager.FindExtension Method

Finds the extension by CLSID (IUID) or name (String).

Public Function FindExtension ( _
    ByVal nameOrID As Object _
) As IExtension
public IExtension FindExtension (
    object nameOrID


The FindExtension method will get an extension by either its name string or by its CLSID. Using IExtensionManager is not the only way to get a reference to an extension; the IApplication interface has FindExtensionByCLSID and FindExtensionByName methods.

_nameOrID_is a variant representing the identifier of the extension. This can either be the UID of the extension or the name string.


COM coclasses are identified by a globally unique identifier (GUID). There two formats for the GUID for a coclass: a class ID (CLSID) and a ProgID. The ProgID is a text alias for a CLSID. The UID coclass can be used to represent the GUID of an extension object. You can set the IUID.Value property to either the CLSID or the ProgID.

To find the Name, CLSID, and ProgID of an ESRI extension, refer to the following technical document:ArcObjects Developer Help > Technical Documents > Names and IDs > Extensions

Classes that implement IExtensionManager

Classes Description
ExtensionManager Extension Manager - a singleton.


The Application object implements the IExtensionManagerinterface that has properties to get a reference to a particular extension and to get a count of how many extension are currently loaded.

Note, other types of objects can also implement IExtensionManager. For example, the Editor toolbar in ArcMap is an extension that manages editor extensions. Therefore, the Editor object also implements IExtensionManager.

See the About Extensions topics for more details.

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