IIntervalRange2 Interface

Provides access to members that control classifications that need an interval range.


IIntervalRange2 can be used in place of IClassify and IIntervalRange to get the default interval from a DefinedInterval classification CoClass. To get the default interval make one call to IIntervalRange2.Default instead of first calling IClassify.SetHistogramData and then calling IIntervalRange.Default.

Because IClassify is incompatible with some ArcObjects APIs including VB.NET and Java, the method described above must be used when developing with these languages.


Name Description
Read-only property Default The Default Range for the data.
Write-only property IntervalRange The Interval Range. Call before Classify.

IIntervalRange2.Default Property

The Default Range for the data.

Public Function get_Default ( _
    ByVal values As Object, _
    ByVal frequencies As Object _
) As Double
public double get_Default (
    object values,
    object frequencies


Default****is the default interval from a DefinedInterval classification CoClass. Default takes two safe arrays that must have the same number of elements and an index of zero for their first element. The first array is the numeric data values, defined as an array of double. This array must be sorted in increasing value order. The second array represents the frequency of occurrence of the values, that is, an integer count of the number of times a value occurs.

For example, if the two arrays were called DataValues and DataFrequency, the lowest value would be stored in DataValue(0), and the number of times this value occurred would be stored in DataFrequency(0).

You could populate these arrays in code yourself, but if the data is available through the attribute field of a table, you can utilize the TableHistogram object to gather the data values and frequencies for you.

Use this property as an alternative to calling IClassify.SetHistogramData and then calling IIntervalRange.Default.

IIntervalRange2.IntervalRange Property

The Interval Range. Call before Classify.

Public WriteOnly Property IntervalRange
public void IntervalRange {set;}


IntervalRangeis the range expressed as the data interval.

Classes that implement IIntervalRange2

Classes Description
DefinedInterval Defines a defined interval classification method.

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