IScaleFormat Interface

Provides access to scale formatting options.


Name Description
Read/write property AbbreviateUnits Abbreviate the units in the scale string.
Method CalcMapUnitValue Calculate the number of map units corresponding to the specified page units at the given absolute scale.
Read/write property CapitolizeUnits Capitolize the units in the scale string.
Read/write property CustomFormat A string defining the scale format. Embed XML tokens where scale values should go, i.e., <SCA a=''Attribute''>. Possible attributes: Scale, Separator, PageUnitValue, PageUnits, EqualsText, MapUnits.
Read/write property Equals The text used for 'equals', i.e., ' = ' in 1 inch = 5 miles.
Read/write property Format Format used to display scale, i.e., 1:20000 or 1 inch equals 5 miles.
Method LoadFromRegistry Obtain the scale format to the system default.
Read/write property MapUnits The map units used to display a scale, i.e., the 'miles' in 1 inch = 5 miles.
Read/write property NumberFormat Format used to display scale value, i.e., 20,000.
Read/write property PageUnits The page units used to display a scale, i.e., the 'inch' in 1 inch = 5 miles.
Read/write property PageUnitValue The number preceding the page units in a scale, i.e., the '1' in 1 inch = 5 miles.
Read/write property ReverseOrder Reverse the standard order [1:1000] becomes [1000:1] and [1 in = 10 mi] becomes [10 mi = 1 in].
Method SaveToRegistry Store the scale format as the system default.
Method ScaleToString Convert the absolute scale to a string using the current IScaleFormat attributes.
Read/write property Separator Character(s) used to separate '1' from the scale in an absolute scale, i.e., the ':' in 1:20000.
Method StringToScale Convert the string to an absolute scale using the current IScaleFormat attributes.

IScaleFormat.AbbreviateUnits Property

Abbreviate the units in the scale string.

Public Property AbbreviateUnits As Boolean
public bool AbbreviateUnits {get; set;}

IScaleFormat.CalcMapUnitValue Method

Calculate the number of map units corresponding to the specified page units at the given absolute scale.

Public Function CalcMapUnitValue ( _
    ByVal absoluteScale As Double _
) As Double
public double CalcMapUnitValue (
    double absoluteScale

IScaleFormat.CapitolizeUnits Property

Capitolize the units in the scale string.

Public Property CapitolizeUnits As Boolean
public bool CapitolizeUnits {get; set;}

IScaleFormat.CustomFormat Property

A string defining the scale format. Embed XML tokens where scale values should go, i.e., <SCA a=''Attribute''>. Possible attributes: Scale, Separator, PageUnitValue, PageUnits, EqualsText, MapUnits.

Public Property CustomFormat As String
public string CustomFormat {get; set;}

IScaleFormat.Equals Property

The text used for 'equals', i.e., ' = ' in 1 inch = 5 miles.

Public Property Equals As String
public string Equals {get; set;}

IScaleFormat.Format Property

Format used to display scale, i.e., 1:20000 or 1 inch equals 5 miles.

Public Property Format As esriScaleFormat
public esriScaleFormat Format {get; set;}

IScaleFormat.LoadFromRegistry Method

Obtain the scale format to the system default.

Public Sub LoadFromRegistry ( _
public void LoadFromRegistry (

IScaleFormat.MapUnits Property

The map units used to display a scale, i.e., the 'miles' in 1 inch = 5 miles.

Public Property MapUnits As esriUnits
public esriUnits MapUnits {get; set;}

IScaleFormat.NumberFormat Property

Format used to display scale value, i.e., 20,000.

Public Property NumberFormat As INumberFormat
public INumberFormat NumberFormat {get; set;}

IScaleFormat.PageUnits Property

The page units used to display a scale, i.e., the 'inch' in 1 inch = 5 miles.

Public Property PageUnits As esriUnits
public esriUnits PageUnits {get; set;}

IScaleFormat.PageUnitValue Property

The number preceding the page units in a scale, i.e., the '1' in 1 inch = 5 miles.

Public Property PageUnitValue As Double
public double PageUnitValue {get; set;}

IScaleFormat.ReverseOrder Property

Reverse the standard order [1:1000] becomes [1000:1] and [1 in = 10 mi] becomes [10 mi = 1 in].

Public Property ReverseOrder As Boolean
public bool ReverseOrder {get; set;}

IScaleFormat.SaveToRegistry Method

Store the scale format as the system default.

Public Sub SaveToRegistry ( _
public void SaveToRegistry (

IScaleFormat.ScaleToString Method

Convert the absolute scale to a string using the current IScaleFormat attributes.

Public Function ScaleToString ( _
    ByVal Scale As Double _
) As String
public string ScaleToString (
    double Scale

IScaleFormat.Separator Property

Character(s) used to separate '1' from the scale in an absolute scale, i.e., the ':' in 1:20000.

Public Property Separator As String
public string Separator {get; set;}

IScaleFormat.StringToScale Method

Convert the string to an absolute scale using the current IScaleFormat attributes.

Public Function StringToScale ( _
    ByVal scaleStr As String _
) As Double
public double StringToScale (
    string scaleStr

Classes that implement IScaleFormat

Classes Description
ScaleFormat A utility object for formatting scale.

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