ITimeExtent Interface

Provides access to members that control the Time Extent.


The ITimeExtent interface is used to work with a specific perid of time. It includes a Start Time and an End Time, but can also provide the length of time between the start time and the end time. Note that the period of time is contiguous, so there are no gaps in the ITimeExtent.


Name Description
Read/write property Empty Indicates whether the time extent is empty.
Read/write property EndTime The time extent's end time.
Method Intersect Adjust to intersect with the input time value.
Method Project Projects this time value from its time reference, to a given time reference.
Method ProjectFromUTC Projects this time value from UTC, to its time reference.
Method ProjectToUTC Projects this time value from its time reference, to UTC.
Method QueryTimeDuration Obtains the time extent's time duration.
Method SetExtent Writes start and end time, with copies of the input time values.
Read/write property StartTime The time extent's start time.
Read/write property TimeReference The time reference associated with the time value.
Method Union Adjust to ovelap the input time value.

ITimeExtent.Empty Property

Indicates whether the time extent is empty.

Public Property Empty As Boolean
public bool Empty {get; set;}

ITimeExtent.EndTime Property

The time extent's end time.

Public Property EndTime As ITime
public ITime EndTime {get; set;}


The passed value for EndTime must be after or equal to the current value of the StartTime property. To avoid problems, it is preferable to use the SetExtent method when setting both the start time and end time.

ITimeExtent.Intersect Method

Adjust to intersect with the input time value.

Public Sub Intersect ( _
    ByVal otherTimeValue As ITimeValue _
public void Intersect (
    ITimeValue otherTimeValue


The current extent is adjusted to include the time period (if any) where the original value intersects with the passed TimeExtent value.

ITimeExtent.QueryTimeDuration Method

Obtains the time extent's time duration.

Public Function QueryTimeDuration ( _
) As ITimeDuration
public ITimeDuration QueryTimeDuration (

ITimeExtent.SetExtent Method

Writes start and end time, with copies of the input time values.

Public Sub SetExtent ( _
    ByVal StartTime As ITime, _
    ByVal EndTime As ITime _
public void SetExtent (
    ITime StartTime,
    ITime EndTime


This function sets both the Start Time and End Time as one atomic action.

ITimeExtent.StartTime Property

The time extent's start time.

Public Property StartTime As ITime
public ITime StartTime {get; set;}


The StartTime passed into this function must be before or equal to the current value of the EndTime property. To avoid problems, it is preferable to use the SetExtent method when setting both the start time and end time.

ITimeExtent.Union Method

Adjust to ovelap the input time value.

Public Sub Union ( _
    ByVal otherTimeValue As ITimeValue _
public void Union (
    ITimeValue otherTimeValue


This method expands the current TimeExtent to include its previous extent and the extent of the passed TimeExtent. The result is continuous, so any gap between the previous extent and the passed extent is included in the new extent.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ITimeValue Provides access to members that control the Time Value.

Classes that implement ITimeExtent

Classes Description
TimeExtent An object that represents a time-referenced time extent.

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