IUID Interface

Provides access to members that work with globally unique identifier objects.

When To Use

Use the IUID interface to set the value of a UID object, set the subtype of the UID object, generate a new globally unique value, or compare two UID objects.


Name Description
Method Compare Indicates if the two UID objects represent the same globally unique identifier.
Method Generate Creates a new globally unique value for the UID object.
Read/write property SubType The subtype of the UID object.
Read/write property Value The value of the UID object.

IUID.Compare Method

Indicates if the two UID objects represent the same globally unique identifier.

Public Function Compare ( _
    ByVal otherID As UID _
) As Boolean
public bool Compare (
    UID otherID


Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified UID object represents the same globally unique value (GUID) as this UID object.

IUID.Generate Method

Creates a new globally unique value for the UID object.

Public Sub Generate ( _
public void Generate (


Creates a new globally unique value (GUID) for the UID object. This is a 128-bit integer used for CLSIDs and interface identifiers.

IUID.SubType Property

The subtype of the UID object.

Public Property SubType As Integer
public int SubType {get; set;}


Use the SubType property when working with classes that implement ICommandSubType that have multiple commands within a single class.

IUID.Value Property

The value of the UID object.

Public Property Value As Object
public object Value {get; set;}


The Value property is a string representing either the CLSID or ProgID of an interface or coclass.

COM interfaces and coclasses are identified by a globally unique identifier (GUID). The GUID for an interface is called an interface ID (IID). The GUID for a coclass is called class ID (CLSID). A ProgID is a text alias for a CLSID; the ProgID is a string composed of the project name and the class name of the coclass.

ArcGIS for Desktop developers can find the CLSID, ProgID, and subtype of a built-in command, menu, or toolbar in ArcMap or ArcCatalog, in the following technical documents:ArcGIS Developer Help for Desktop developers > General reference > Names and IDs > ArcMap commandsArcGIS Developer Help for Desktop developers > Technical General reference > Names and IDs > ArcCatalog commands

Classes that implement IUID

Classes Description
UID Unique Identifier Object.

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