IXMLReader2 Interface

Provides access to members that control the sequential reading of XML.


Name Description
Read-only property Attributes Attributes of current element.
Method CloseElement Moves position to parent element.
Read-only property HasElementChildren Indicates whether the current element has child elements.
Read-only property IsLastChild Indicates whether the current element is the last child element of its parent.
Read-only property LocalName Local name of current element.
Method LookupPrefix Obtains the prefix for a declared URI.
Read-only property NamespaceDeclarations Namespace declarations of current element.
Read-only property NamespacePrefix Namespace prefix of current element.
Read-only property NamespaceURI Namespace URI of current element.
Method NextElement Moves position to next element.
Method OpenElement Moves position to first child element.
Method ReadBinary Reads the current element value as a binary array.
Method ReadBoolean Reads the current element value as a boolean.
Method ReadByte Reads the current element value as a byte.
Method ReadDate Reads the current element value as a date.
Method ReadDouble Reads the current element value as a double.
Method ReadFloat Reads the current element value as a float.
Method ReadFrom Specifies the input XML stream.
Method ReadInt64 Reads the current element value as an int64.
Method ReadInteger Reads the current element value as a long.
Method ReadShort Reads the current element value as a short.
Method ReadVariant Reads the current element value as a variant.
Read-only property Text Text value of current element.
Read-only property XML XML representation of the current element.

IXMLReader2.ReadInt64 Method

Reads the current element value as an int64.

Public Function ReadInt64 ( _
) As Long
public long ReadInt64 (

IXMLReader2.XML Property

XML representation of the current element.

Public ReadOnly Property XML As String
public string XML {get;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IXMLReader Provides access to members that control the sequential reading of XML.

Classes that implement IXMLReader2

Classes Description
XMLReader An XML sequential document reader.

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