IXMLSerializer Interface

Provides access to members that control the XML serialization and deserialization of objects.


The XMLSerializer interface allows you to serialize and deserialize objects. The Serializer will call an instance of the private SerializeData and QI the objects for IXMLSerialize and call Serialize. Once the serialization is complete you ask the SerializeData to write the properties it holds using XMLWriter. The Deserialization is the opposite process and uses XMLReader.


Name Description
Method LoadFromString Loads an object from an XML string.
Method ReadObject Reads an object from XML.
Method ReadObjectByType Reads an object from XML given an XML type.
Method SaveToString Saves an object to an XML string.
Method WriteObject Writes an object as XML.

IXMLSerializer.LoadFromString Method

Loads an object from an XML string.

Public Function LoadFromString ( _
    ByVal XML As String, _
    ByVal environment As IPropertySet, _
    ByVal flags As IXMLFlags _
) As Object
public object LoadFromString (
    string XML,
    IPropertySet environment,
    IXMLFlags flags

IXMLSerializer.ReadObject Method

Reads an object from XML.

Public Function ReadObject ( _
    ByVal pReader As IXMLReader, _
    ByVal environment As IPropertySet, _
    ByVal flags As IXMLFlags _
) As Object
public object ReadObject (
    IXMLReader pReader,
    IPropertySet environment,
    IXMLFlags flags

IXMLSerializer.ReadObjectByType Method

Reads an object from XML given an XML type.

Public Function ReadObjectByType ( _
    ByVal pReader As IXMLReader, _
    ByVal environment As IPropertySet, _
    ByVal flags As IXMLFlags, _
    ByVal typeNamespace As String, _
    ByVal TypeName As String _
) As Object
public object ReadObjectByType (
    IXMLReader pReader,
    IPropertySet environment,
    IXMLFlags flags,
    string typeNamespace,
    string TypeName

IXMLSerializer.SaveToString Method

Saves an object to an XML string.

Public Function SaveToString ( _
    ByVal obj As Object, _
    ByVal environment As IPropertySet, _
    ByVal flags As IXMLFlags _
) As String
public string SaveToString (
    object obj,
    IPropertySet environment,
    IXMLFlags flags

IXMLSerializer.WriteObject Method

Writes an object as XML.

Public Sub WriteObject ( _
    ByVal pWriter As IXMLWriter, _
    ByVal environment As IPropertySet, _
    ByVal flags As IXMLFlags, _
    ByVal elementName As String, _
    ByVal elementNamespaceURI As String, _
    ByVal obj As Object _
public void WriteObject (
    IXMLWriter pWriter,
    IPropertySet environment,
    IXMLFlags flags,
    string elementName,
    string elementNamespaceURI,
    object obj

Classes that implement IXMLSerializer

Classes Description
XMLSerializer An XML serializer and deserializer of objects.


The IXmlSerializer interface provides five methods to use for object serialization and deserialization. The WriteObject method writes an object as XML while ReadObject method reads an object from XML. The LoadFromString method loads an object from an XML string, while SaveToString method saves an object as an XML string. The ReadObjectType method reads an object from XML given an XML type.

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