LocalFeatureService Class

  • LocalFeatureService
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LocalFeatureService

    A feature service that runs on the local server. More...

    Header: #include <LocalFeatureService.h>
    Inherits: Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LocalMapService

    Public Functions

    LocalFeatureService(const QString &packagePath, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    virtual ~LocalFeatureService() override
    bool isZDefaultEnabled() const
    QUrl mapServiceUrl() const
    void setZDefaultEnabled(bool zDefaultEnabled)
    void setZDefaultValue(double zDefaultValue)
    double zDefaultValue() const

    Reimplemented Public Functions

    virtual QUrl url() const override

    Detailed Description

    Note: Local server is only available on Windows and Linux.

    A local feature service requires a map package file (.mpkx) which has been authored in ArcGIS Pro.

    Relevant samples:

    • Local Server feature layer: Start a local feature service and display its features in a map.
    • Local server services: Demonstrates how to start and stop the Local Server and start and stop a local map, feature, and geoprocessing service running on the Local Server.

    Member Function Documentation

    [explicit] LocalFeatureService::LocalFeatureService(const QString &packagePath, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Constructor that takes a path to the map package file (packagePath) and an optional parent.

    [override virtual] LocalFeatureService::~LocalFeatureService()


    bool LocalFeatureService::isZDefaultEnabled() const

    Returns whether the use of Z default is enabled.

    QUrl LocalFeatureService::mapServiceUrl() const

    Gets the URL of this feature service's map service.

    This URL can be used to access the service as an ArcGISMapImageLayer.

    void LocalFeatureService::setZDefaultEnabled(bool zDefaultEnabled)

    Sets whether the use of Z default enabled to zDefaultEnabled.

    When editing features with z-values, you can provide a default z-value that will be applied to any features inserted or updated through the feature service that do not include z-values in geometries. If a z-value is provided, the default z-value will be ignored. However, if a z-value is not included, this default z-value will be applied.

    This method may only be called when the service is not started.

    See also isZDefaultEnabled().

    void LocalFeatureService::setZDefaultValue(double zDefaultValue)

    Sets the default Z value to zDefaultValue.

    This method may only be called when the service is not started.

    See also zDefaultValue().

    [override virtual] QUrl LocalFeatureService::url() const

    Reimplements: LocalService::url() const.

    Gets the URL of this feature service.

    This is the URL needed to access the feature service as a ServiceFeatureTable.

    You can use this URL in the constructor for a ServiceFeatureTable by appending the desired layer index as a string. For example, to access the first layer in the servive, append "/0" to this URL.

    double LocalFeatureService::zDefaultValue() const

    Gets the current default Z value.

    This value is 0 by default.

    See also setZDefaultValue().

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