RendererSceneProperties Class

  • RendererSceneProperties
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RendererSceneProperties

    Provides access to scene specific properties. More...

    Header: #include <RendererSceneProperties.h>
    Since: Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0

    Public Functions

    RendererSceneProperties(const QString &extrusionExpression, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExtrusionMode extrusionMode)
    RendererSceneProperties(const QString &headingExpression, const QString &pitchExpression, const QString &rollExpression)
    RendererSceneProperties(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RendererSceneProperties &other)
    RendererSceneProperties(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RendererSceneProperties &&other)
    QString extrusionExpression() const
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExtrusionMode extrusionMode() const
    QString headingExpression() const
    bool isEmpty() const
    QString pitchExpression() const
    QString rollExpression() const
    void setExtrusionExpression(const QString &extrusionExpression)
    void setExtrusionMode(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExtrusionMode extrusionMode)
    void setHeadingExpression(const QString &headingExpression)
    void setPitchExpression(const QString &pitchExpression)
    void setRollExpression(const QString &rollExpression)
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RendererSceneProperties &operator=(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RendererSceneProperties &other)
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RendererSceneProperties &operator=(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RendererSceneProperties &&other)

    Detailed Description

    Scene properties can be retrieved from the Renderer and used to set scene specific properties defining the behavior in 3D.

    Relevant samples:

    Member Function Documentation

    RendererSceneProperties::RendererSceneProperties(const QString &extrusionExpression, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExtrusionMode extrusionMode)

    Creates a new scene view properties object with extrusion properties.

    • extrusionExpression - Extrusion expression to be used.
    • extrusionMode - Extrusion mode to apply to the scene view properties ExtrusionMode.

    RendererSceneProperties::RendererSceneProperties(const QString &headingExpression, const QString &pitchExpression, const QString &rollExpression)

    Creates a new scene view properties object with rotation properties.

    • headingExpression - A QString to the heading expression to be used.
    • pitchExpression - A QString to the pitch expression to be used.
    • rollExpression - A QString to the roll expression to be used.

    RendererSceneProperties::RendererSceneProperties(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RendererSceneProperties &other)

    Copy constructor from other RendererSceneProperties.

    RendererSceneProperties::RendererSceneProperties(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RendererSceneProperties &&other)

    Move constructor from other RendererSceneProperties.



    QString RendererSceneProperties::extrusionExpression() const

    Returns the extrusion expression in the scene properties.

    An extrusion expression specifies the z-direction extrusion distance for the feature or graphic. The expression often contains the name of the attribute of the feature or graphic.

    For example, the expression "[storeys] * 3.5" indicates that the renderer will look up the value of the "storeys" attribute and multiplies it by 3.5.

    Note: This type of expression only works for extrusion, not for 3D rotations.

    When extrusion is applied to points, they are always extruded as cylinders irrespective of the style.

    See also setExtrusionExpression().

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExtrusionMode RendererSceneProperties::extrusionMode() const

    Returns the extrusion mode from the scene properties.

    See also setExtrusionMode().

    QString RendererSceneProperties::headingExpression() const

    Returns the heading expression in the scene properties.

    A heading expression specifies the value or attribute the renderer will use for the heading of the feature or graphic. For attributes, the name of the attribute should be in square brackets, such as "[heading]".

    See also setHeadingExpression().

    bool RendererSceneProperties::isEmpty() const

    Returns whether the class is empty.

    A RendererSceneProperties is considered empty when it contains no set properties.

    QString RendererSceneProperties::pitchExpression() const

    Returns the pitch expression in the scene properties.

    A pitch expression specifies the value or attribute the renderer will use for the pitch of the feature or graphic. For attributes, the name of the attribute should be in square brackets, such as "[pitch]".

    See also setPitchExpression().

    QString RendererSceneProperties::rollExpression() const

    Returns the roll expression in the scene properties.

    A roll expression specifies the value or attribute the renderer will use for the roll of the feature or graphic. For attributes, the name of the attribute should be in square brackets, such as "[roll]".

    See also setRollExpression().

    void RendererSceneProperties::setExtrusionExpression(const QString &extrusionExpression)

    Sets the extrusionExpression to extrusionExpression.

    See also extrusionExpression.

    void RendererSceneProperties::setExtrusionMode(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExtrusionMode extrusionMode)

    Sets the extrusionMode to extrusionMode.

    See also extrusionMode.

    void RendererSceneProperties::setHeadingExpression(const QString &headingExpression)

    Sets the headingExpression to headingExpression.

    See also headingExpression.

    void RendererSceneProperties::setPitchExpression(const QString &pitchExpression)

    Sets the pitchExpression to pitchExpression.

    See also pitchExpression.

    void RendererSceneProperties::setRollExpression(const QString &rollExpression)

    Sets the rollExpression to rollExpression.

    See also rollExpression.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RendererSceneProperties &RendererSceneProperties::operator=(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RendererSceneProperties &other)

    Assignment operator from other RendererSceneProperties.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RendererSceneProperties &RendererSceneProperties::operator=(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RendererSceneProperties &&other)

    Move operator from other RendererSceneProperties.

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