AnnotationSublayer Class

  • AnnotationSublayer
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::AnnotationSublayer

    A sublayer of the annotation layer. More...

    Header: #include <AnnotationSublayer.h>
    Since: Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6
    Inherits: Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LayerContent

    Public Functions

    virtual ~AnnotationSublayer() override
    QString definitionExpression() const
    double maxScale() const
    double minScale() const
    float opacity() const
    bool scaleSymbols() const
    qint64 subLayerId() const

    Reimplemented Public Functions

    virtual bool canChangeVisibility() const override
    virtual bool isAutoFetchLegendInfos() const override
    virtual bool isShowInLegend() const override
    virtual bool isVisible() const override
    virtual bool isVisibleAtScale(double scale) const override
    virtual Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LegendInfoListModel *legendInfos() const override
    virtual QString name() const override
    virtual void setAutoFetchLegendInfos(bool autoFetchLegendInfos) override
    virtual void setShowInLegend(bool showInLegend) override
    virtual void setVisible(bool visible) override
    virtual QList<Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LayerContent *> subLayerContents() const override

    Detailed Description

    You can change the sublayer's visibility and interrogate its read-only properties, such as the maximum and minimum scale, opacity, and definition expression.

    Use the LayerContent::subLayerContents to get a read-only collection of sublayers from the AnnotationLayer. Each AnnotationSublayer object only exists as part of an AnnotationLayer object and is populated when the AnnotationLayer is loaded.

    Relevant samples:

    Member Function Documentation

    [override virtual] AnnotationSublayer::~AnnotationSublayer()


    [override virtual] bool AnnotationSublayer::canChangeVisibility() const

    Reimplements: LayerContent::canChangeVisibility() const.

    Returns a flag indicating whether the layer content's visibility can be changed.

    A flag indicating whether the layer content visibility can be changed. Will return false if an error occurs.

    See LayerContent.

    QString AnnotationSublayer::definitionExpression() const

    Returns the where clause of the SQL expression that defines which annotation features from the feature table are selected into this sublayer.

    The definition expression string uses the SQL-92 where clause syntax ( Be sure to escape special characters in the expression string as required for your platform. The DATE keyword expects the date format yyyy-mm-dd and the TIMESTAMP keyword expects the time stamp format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. For more information, see the ArcGIS Blog article Querying Feature Services Date-Time Queries.

    The definition expression string uses the SQL-92 WHERE clause syntax. Be sure to escape special characters in the expression string as required for your platform. The DATE keyword expects the date format yyyy-mm-dd and the TIMESTAMP keyword expects the time stamp format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. See the ArcGIS Blog article Querying Feature Services Date-Time Queries for more information.

    [override virtual] bool AnnotationSublayer::isAutoFetchLegendInfos() const

    Reimplements: LayerContent::isAutoFetchLegendInfos() const.

    Returns whether legend infos are automatically fetched by the sublayer.

    See LayerContent.

    [override virtual] bool AnnotationSublayer::isShowInLegend() const

    Reimplements: LayerContent::isShowInLegend() const.

    Returns a flag indicating whether the layer content participates in the legend.

    A flag indicating whether the layer content is shown in the legend.

    See LayerContent.

    [override virtual] bool AnnotationSublayer::isVisible() const

    Reimplements: LayerContent::isVisible() const.

    Returns the layer content's visibility.

    See LayerContent.

    [override virtual] bool AnnotationSublayer::isVisibleAtScale(double scale) const

    Reimplements: LayerContent::isVisibleAtScale(double scale) const.

    Returns the layer content's effective visibility at the specified scale.

    • scale - The scale the visibility has to be calculated for.

    Returns the effective layer content visibility. This effective visibility takes care of the effective visibility of the parents at the specified scale. Will return false if an error occurs.

    See LayerContent.

    [override virtual] Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LegendInfoListModel *AnnotationSublayer::legendInfos() const

    Reimplements: LayerContent::legendInfos() const.

    Returns a list model of LegendInfo objects.

    See LayerContent.

    double AnnotationSublayer::maxScale() const

    Returns the maximum scale at which to display the sublayer.

    double AnnotationSublayer::minScale() const

    Returns the minimum scale at which to display the sublayer.

    Zero indicates that the annotation will be visible no matter how far the user zooms out.

    [override virtual] QString AnnotationSublayer::name() const

    Reimplements: LayerContent::name() const.

    Returns the layer content's name.

    See LayerContent.

    float AnnotationSublayer::opacity() const

    Returns the opacity of the annotation text associated with this sublayer.

    Opacity is a value between 0 and 1, with 0 indicating that the annotation will be completely transparent, and 1 indicating that the annotation will be completely opaque.

    bool AnnotationSublayer::scaleSymbols() const

    Returns true if the annotation text scales with the MapView.

    The scaleSymbols value is always true.

    [override virtual] void AnnotationSublayer::setAutoFetchLegendInfos(bool autoFetchLegendInfos)

    Reimplements: LayerContent::setAutoFetchLegendInfos(bool autoFetchLegendInfos).

    Sets whether legend infos are automatically fetched by the sublayer's legend info list model to autoFetchLegendInfos.

    See LayerContent.

    See also isAutoFetchLegendInfos().

    [override virtual] void AnnotationSublayer::setShowInLegend(bool showInLegend)

    Reimplements: LayerContent::setShowInLegend(bool showInLegend).

    Sets the showInLegend to showInLegend.

    See also isShowInLegend.

    [override virtual] void AnnotationSublayer::setVisible(bool visible)

    Reimplements: LayerContent::setVisible(bool visible).

    Sets whether the sublayer is visible to visible.

    See also isVisible.

    [override virtual] QList<Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LayerContent *> AnnotationSublayer::subLayerContents() const

    Reimplements: LayerContent::subLayerContents() const.

    Returns a list of layer contents for any sublayer.

    See LayerContent.

    qint64 AnnotationSublayer::subLayerId() const

    Returns non-negative integer id number of the AnnotationSublayer within its AnnotationLayer.

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