Ogc3dTilesLayer Class

  • Ogc3dTilesLayer
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Ogc3dTilesLayer

    A layer to visualize 3D tiles data that conforms to the OGC 3D Tiles specification. The 3D Tiles Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specification defines a spatial data structure and a set of tile formats designed for streaming and rendering 3D geospatial content. A 3D Tiles data set, known as a tileset, defines one or more tile formats organized into a hierarchical spatial data structure. For more information, see the OGC 3D Tiles specification. More...

    Header: #include <Ogc3dTilesLayer.h>
    Since: Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.4
    Inherits: Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Layer and Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RemoteResource

    Public Functions

    Ogc3dTilesLayer(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalItem *portalItem, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    Ogc3dTilesLayer(const QUrl &url, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    virtual ~Ogc3dTilesLayer() override
    double altitudeOffset() const
    QMap<QString, QString> customParameters() const
    bool isOccludeSurface() const
    void setAltitudeOffset(double altitudeOffset)
    void setCredential(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Credential *credential)
    void setCustomParameters(const QMap<QString, QString> &customParameters)
    void setOccludeSurface(bool occludeSurface)

    Reimplemented Public Functions

    virtual Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Credential *credential() const override
    virtual Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RequestConfiguration requestConfiguration() const override
    virtual void setRequestConfiguration(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RequestConfiguration &requestConfiguration) override
    virtual QUrl url() const override

    Detailed Description

    An Ogc3dTilesLayer displays data from a public service, a tileset (.json), or a 3D tiles archive format (.3tz). If a service requires an API key, use the customParameters property to populate the key and value.

    Functional characteristics

    3D Tiles datasets can contain many types of data, which can be of integrated mesh or 3D object type. An integrated mesh represents the continuous meshes with textures and replaces the surface. If a dataset needs to be drawn as an integrated mesh, the isOccludeSurface property must be true. This will cause the layer to draw on top of the surface.

    3D Tiles have a default horizontal coordinate system of World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) and a vertical coordinate system of WGS84, which defines height based on an ellipsoidal model. However, a Scene uses the Earth Gravitational Model (EGM) or "gravity-related geoid" vertical coordinate system. Therefore, the z-values of Ogc3dTilesLayer objects are projected and rendered at the resolution of EGM96 within the scene. If you would like to use higher precision projection engine data such as EGM 2008, you can provide the path to the directory containing projection engine data by setting the TransformationCatalog::projectionEngineDirectory property.

    Performance characteristics

    For an Ogc3dTilesLayer, the rendering of 3D data is based on the current level of detail (LOD), which is determined by the distance from the current viewpoint camera. Each object in the 3D tiles layer represented differently at various LODs determined by the camera distance. As the camera distance changes in the scene, objects are displayed appropriately for the current LOD. This results in optimal client performance, and avoids frequently loading and unloading objects.

    OGC3DTilesLayer supports:

    • Batched 3D Model (b3dm) data representing heterogeneous 3D models like textured terrains and surfaces, buildings and so on.

    Relevant samples:

    • Add 3D tiles layer: Add a layer to visualize 3D tiles data that conforms to the OGC 3D Tiles specification.

    See also Layer.

    Member Function Documentation

    [explicit] Ogc3dTilesLayer::Ogc3dTilesLayer(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalItem *portalItem, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Creates an Ogc3dTilesLayer object with a portal item.

    {PortalItem::PortalItem(const QUrl&, QObject*)}, {Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Layer::item} {Layer::item}

    See also PortalItem and Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalItem::PortalItem(const QUrl&, QObject*).

    [explicit] Ogc3dTilesLayer::Ogc3dTilesLayer(const QUrl &url, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Creates an Ogc3dTilesLayer object.

    • url - The URL of a public service, the path to a tileset (.json), or the path to a 3D tiles archive format (.3tz) file.
    • parent - The optional parent QObject.

    [override virtual] Ogc3dTilesLayer::~Ogc3dTilesLayer()


    double Ogc3dTilesLayer::altitudeOffset() const

    Returns the layer altitude offset.

    This raises or lowers all features in the layer by the given offset.

    See also setAltitudeOffset().

    [override virtual] Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Credential *Ogc3dTilesLayer::credential() const

    Reimplements: RemoteResource::credential() const.

    Returns security credentials to access the remote resource. Only applicable if the resource is secured.

    See also setCredential().

    QMap<QString, QString> Ogc3dTilesLayer::customParameters() const

    Returns a QMap (aka. dictionary) of custom parameters (such as an API key) to be sent with the requests issued by this layer.

    See also setCustomParameters().

    bool Ogc3dTilesLayer::isOccludeSurface() const

    Returns true to hide the surface if it intersects the layer, false otherwise.

    The default value is true.

    [override virtual] Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RequestConfiguration Ogc3dTilesLayer::requestConfiguration() const

    Reimplements: RemoteResource::requestConfiguration() const.

    Returns the RequestConfiguration in use by this 3D tile layer.

    See also setRequestConfiguration().

    void Ogc3dTilesLayer::setAltitudeOffset(double altitudeOffset)

    Sets the layer altitude offset to altitudeOffset.

    This raises or lowers all features in the layer by the given offset.

    See also altitudeOffset().

    void Ogc3dTilesLayer::setCredential(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Credential *credential)

    Sets the credential to credential.

    See also credential.

    void Ogc3dTilesLayer::setCustomParameters(const QMap<QString, QString> &customParameters)

    Sets the customParameters to customParameters.

    See also customParameters().

    void Ogc3dTilesLayer::setOccludeSurface(bool occludeSurface)

    Sets whether to hide the surface if it intersects and appears above this layer to occludeSurface.

    The default value is true.

    See also isOccludeSurface().

    [override virtual] void Ogc3dTilesLayer::setRequestConfiguration(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RequestConfiguration &requestConfiguration)

    Reimplements: RemoteResource::setRequestConfiguration(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RequestConfiguration &requestConfiguration).

    Sets configuration parameters used for network requests sent by this 3D tile layer to requestConfiguration.

    See also requestConfiguration().

    [override virtual] QUrl Ogc3dTilesLayer::url() const

    Reimplements: RemoteResource::url() const.

    Returns the URL of the layer.

    {Ogc3dTilesLayer(const QUrl&, QObject*)}

    See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Ogc3dTilesLayer::Ogc3dTilesLayer(const QUrl&, QObject*).

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