NmeaLocation Class

  • NmeaLocation
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::NmeaLocation

    An NMEA location object. More...

    Header: #include <NmeaLocation.h>
    Since: Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10
    Inherits: Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Location

    Public Functions

    virtual ~NmeaLocation() override
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::NmeaAccuracyType accuracyType() const
    double dgpsAge() const
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::NmeaFixType fixType() const
    double geoidalSeparation() const
    double hdop() const
    double heightAboveGeoid() const
    double pdop() const
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Point receivedPosition() const
    int referenceStationId() const
    double vdop() const

    Detailed Description

    Contains information about parsed NMEA location.

    Member Function Documentation


    Default constructor.

    Warning: This is for convenience only and will construct an empty object.

    [override virtual] NmeaLocation::~NmeaLocation()


    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::NmeaAccuracyType NmeaLocation::accuracyType() const

    Returns the accuracy type of the location.

    Warning: In the case of an empty NmeaLocation type, Gst accuracy will be returned.

    double NmeaLocation::dgpsAge() const

    Returns the DGPS age of the location in seconds.

    The DGPSAge shows the age of the differential data (in seconds) and the time elapsed since the last valid differential correction was received. Because the validity of a differential correction depends on the difference between the time the differential signal is calculated and the time it is used by the receiver, smaller values are better.

    This property will return NaN when the object is empty.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::NmeaFixType NmeaLocation::fixType() const

    Returns the fix type of the location.

    This property will return Invalid when the object is empty.

    See also NmeaFixType.

    double NmeaLocation::geoidalSeparation() const

    Returns the geoidal separation in meters.

    This property will return NaN when the object is empty.

    double NmeaLocation::hdop() const

    Returns the HDOP (horizontal dilution of precision) of the location, 0.5 through 99.9.

    This property will return NaN when the object is empty.

    double NmeaLocation::heightAboveGeoid() const

    Returns the height above the geoid surface in meters.

    This property will return NaN when the object is empty.

    double NmeaLocation::pdop() const

    Returns the PDOP (positional dilution of precision) of the location 0.5 through 99.9.

    This property will return NaN when the object is empty.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Point NmeaLocation::receivedPosition() const

    Returns the position originally returned by the receiver.

    If the incoming data was projected, this position may differ from the position.

    This property will return a default constructed Point when the object is empty.

    int NmeaLocation::referenceStationId() const

    Returns the reference station ID of the location.

    In the case of an empty NmeaLocation type, -1 will be returned.

    This property will return -1 when the object is empty.

    double NmeaLocation::vdop() const

    Returns the VDOP (vertical dilution of precision) of the location, 0.5 through 99.9.

    This property will return NaN when the object is empty.

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