ExportTileCacheParameters Class

  • ExportTileCacheParameters
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters

    The parameters that specify how a tile cache (.tpkx) is exported from an ArcGIS map or image service using an ExportTileCacheJob. More...

    Header: #include <ExportTileCacheParameters.h>
    Since: Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0

    Public Functions

    ExportTileCacheParameters(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters &other)
    ExportTileCacheParameters(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters &&other)
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Geometry areaOfInterest() const
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters clone() const
    double compressionQuality() const
    bool isEmpty() const
    QList<int> levelIds() const
    void setAreaOfInterest(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Geometry &areaOfInterest)
    void setCompressionQuality(double compressionQuality)
    void setLevelIds(const QList<int> &levelIds)
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters &operator=(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters &other)
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters &operator=(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters &&other)

    Detailed Description

    To generate parameters populated with values from the underlying service, call ExportTileCacheTask::createDefaultExportTileCacheParametersAsync(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Geometry&, double, double). You can then modify these parameters with any desired changes. Alternatively, you can generate an empty set of parameters using ExportTileCacheParameters and set the parameters individually.

    Before you export the tiles you should ensure that your device has sufficient space for the tile cache. Generate an EstimateTileCacheSizeJob by passing the parameters to ExportTileCacheTask::estimateTileCacheSize(). Run this job to obtain an estimate of the tile cache size found in the EstimateTileCacheSizeResult.

    To export the tile cache, create an ExportTileCacheJob, pass the parameters to the ExportTileCacheTask::exportTileCache(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters&, const QString&) method and provide a path where the .tpkx file can be downloaded to on the device.

    You can also use the ExportTileCacheParameters to provide more fine-grained control over the tiles that are exported when an offline map is generated. For more information, see the GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides class.

    Relevant samples:

    Member Function Documentation


    Default constructor.

    ExportTileCacheParameters::ExportTileCacheParameters(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters &other)

    Copy constructor from other ExportTileCacheParameters.

    ExportTileCacheParameters::ExportTileCacheParameters(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters &&other)

    Move constructor from other ExportTileCacheParameters.



    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Geometry ExportTileCacheParameters::areaOfInterest() const

    Returns area of interest geometry. May be set to empty to specify retrieval of the full tile cache extent.

    The supported geometry types for the area of interest are Envelope and Polygon. The area of interest must have a spatial reference. Where a Polygon is supplied, tiles will be filtered according to the polygon geometry, which can help reduce the size of the resulting tile package. Note that the filtered set of tiles may vary, depending on the underlying service.

    See also setAreaOfInterest().

    [since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.1] Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters ExportTileCacheParameters::clone() const

    Clones the ExportTileCacheParameters to a new instance.

    Returns a new instance of the current ExportTileCacheParameters.

    This function was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.1.

    double ExportTileCacheParameters::compressionQuality() const

    Returns the compression quality.

    Compression quality is a value from 0 to 100 or NaN. A lower number reduces the size of the exported tile package, but reduces the quality. This applies to JPEG format tiles. If the value is NaN the service will use its default compression quality. The default compression value for the service is accessible on the services metadata under TileInfo::compressionQuality.

    See also setCompressionQuality().

    bool ExportTileCacheParameters::isEmpty() const

    Returns true if this ExportTileCacheParameters is empty.

    QList<int> ExportTileCacheParameters::levelIds() const

    Returns the level IDs that should be included in the tile cache.

    See also setLevelIds().

    void ExportTileCacheParameters::setAreaOfInterest(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Geometry &areaOfInterest)

    Sets the areaOfInterest to areaOfInterest.

    See also areaOfInterest.

    void ExportTileCacheParameters::setCompressionQuality(double compressionQuality)

    Sets the compressionQuality to compressionQuality.

    See also compressionQuality.

    void ExportTileCacheParameters::setLevelIds(const QList<int> &levelIds)

    Sets the levelIds that should be included in the tile cache.

    The values should correspond to level IDs in the service's tiling scheme. You can specify consecutive levels ( for example 1,2,3,4,5) or skip some levels (for example for the ranges 1-3 and 7-9 you would specify 1,2,3,7,8,9).

    See also levelIds().

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters &ExportTileCacheParameters::operator=(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters &other)

    Assignment operator from other ExportTileCacheParameters.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters &ExportTileCacheParameters::operator=(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters &&other)

    Move operator from other ExportTileCacheParameters.

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