
Esri Geometry Definition object.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux


Interfaces Description
IClone (esriSystem) Provides access to members that control cloning of objects.
IGeometryDef Provides access to members that return information about the geometry definition.
IGeometryDefEdit Provides access to members that modify the geometry definition.
IPersist (esriSystem)
IPersistStream (esriSystem)
IXMLSerialize (esriSystem) Provides access to members that XML serialize and deserialize an object to/from XML.


The GeometryDef object defines the spatial qualities of a feature class. The most fundmental spatial quality is the Geometry type, for example, point, line, and polygon. Other information necessary to define the feature class includes the spatial referencing system, whether the vertices have height or measure data, and, for geodatabases, the spatial index parameters.

The GeometryDefcan be accessed from a shape field, that is a field of type esriFieldTypeGeometry. The actual geometry type is defined by the esriGeometryTypeenumeration, though currently only four values are acceptable with respect to GeometryDefobjects: esriGeometryPoint, esriGeometryMultipoint, esriGeometryPolyline, and esriGeometryPolygon.

Beware of the confusion between the esriGeometryType enumeration and the similarly named esriFeatureType and esriShapeType. The following table shows the different roles of those enumerations.

ArcObjects Enumeration Values Interfaces that use the enumeration
esriGeometryTypeType of geometry in a geodatabase. Those in bold are valid for feature classes, others are component geometry objects. esriGeometryPointesriGeometryMultipointesriGeometryPolygonesriGeometryPolylineesriGeometryLineesriGeometryCircularArcesriGeometryEllipticArcesriGeometryBezier3CurveesriGeometryPathesriGeometryNullesriGeometryRingesriGeometryEnvelopeesriGeometryAnyesriGeometryBagesriGeometryMultiPatchesriGeometryTriangleStripesriGeometryTriangleFanesriGeometryRayesriGeometrySphereesriGeometryTriangles IFeatureClass::ShapeTypeIGeometry::GeometryTypeIGeometryDef::GeometryTypealsoIGeometryDefEdit,IGeometryFactory,IEditSketchExtension,IGridConversionOp,IDimensionConstructor
esriFeatureTypeFeature types defined byfeature class extensions esriFTSimpleesriFTSimpleJunctionesriFTSimpleEdgeesriFTComplexJunctionesriFTComplexEdgeesriFTAnnotationesriFTCoverageAnnotationesriFTDimensionesriFTRasterCatalogItem IFeature::FeatureTypeIFeatureClass::FeatureTypeIFeatureClassDescription::FeatureTypeIFeatureWorkspace::CreateFeatureClassIFeatureDataset::CreateFeatureClassalso, IGeometricNetwork andINetworkLoader
esriShapeTypeType of geometry in ashapefile See the help for esriShapeTypefor a full list IFeature::FeatureTypeIFeatureClass::FeatureTypeIFeatureClassDescription::FeatureTypeIFeatureWorkspace::CreateFeatureClassIFeatureDataset::CreateFeatureClassalso, IGeometricNetwork andINetworkLoader

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