
A raster type object.


Interfaces Description
IObjectUpdate (esriSystem) Provides access to methods for updating an object.
IRasterBuilder2 Provides access to members that control a raster builder.
IRasterBuilderInit Provides access to members that initialize a raster builder.
IRasterBuilderInit2 Provides access to members that initialize a raster builder.
IRasterType Provides access to members that control a raster type.
IRasterTypeOperation Provides access to members that control raster type operation.
IRasterTypeProperties Provides access to members that control raster type properties.
IRasterTypeProperties2 Provides access to members that control raster type properties.
IRasterTypeProperties3 Provides access to members that control raster type properties.
IRasterTypeProperties4 Provides access to members that control raster type properties.
IXMLSerialize (esriSystem) Provides access to members that XML serialize and deserialize an object to/from XML.
IXMLVersionSupport (esriSystem) Provides access to members that help in serializing an object to different namespaces (versions).

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