
Workspace Object.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux


Interfaces Description
IDatabaseCompact Provides access to members for compacting a file or personal geodatabase.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo Provides access to members that provide information about the Workspace's connected database.
IDataset Provides access to members that supply dataset information.
IDatasetContainer Provides access to adding datasets to the dataset container.
IFeatureWorkspace Provides access to members that create and open various types of datasets and other workspace level objects.
IFeatureWorkspaceAnno Provides access to creating an annotation class as well as managing a symbol collection.
IFeatureWorkspaceManage Provides access to dataset deletion and renaming, table and index analysis, field validation and version and object class registration .
IFeatureWorkspaceSchemaEdit Provides access to altering the instance CLSID and the class extension CLSID.
IGeodatabaseRelease Provides access to members that provide information about the release version of a geodatabase.
IRasterWorkspaceEx Provides access to members that create and open raster catalogs and datasets.
ISpatialCacheManager Provides access to members that control the Spatial Cache Management.
ISpatialCacheManager2 Provides access to members that control the Spatial Cache Management.
ISQLSyntax Provides access to members that supply information about SQL functionality.
ITransactions Provides access to members that control Transaction management.
ITransactionsOptions Provides access to members that control Transaction options.
IWorkspace Provides access to members that have information about the workspace.
IWorkspace2 Provides access to members that have information about the workspace.
IWorkspaceConfiguration Provides access to configuration keywords.
IWorkspaceDomains Provides access to members that return information about domains and allows you to add or delete domains.
IWorkspaceDomains2 Provides access to members that allow you to alter a domain.
IWorkspaceDomains3 Provides access to members that allow you to alter a domain.
IWorkspaceEdit Provides access to members that control Workspace Editing.
IWorkspaceEditControl Provides access to method that controls if insert and update cursors on simple classes can bypass store events
IWorkspaceEvents Provides access to events that may be fired by a Workspace.
IWorkspaceEvents2 Provides access to events that may be fired by a Workspace.
IWorkspaceExtensionManager Provides access to members that manage a workspace extension.
IWorkspaceSpatialReferenceInfo Provides access to spatial reference information for the workspace.


A Workspace is a container of spatial and non-spatial datasets such as feature classes, raster datasets and tables. It provides methods to instantiate existing datasets and to create new datasets. Workspaces**are classified into types specified by the esriWorkspaceType**enumerator; FileSystemWorkspace, LocalDatabaseWorkspace, and RemoteDatabaseWorkspace. Shapefiles and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced workspaces are examples of FileSystemWorkspace. A personal geodatabase stored in an Access or a File Geodatabase is an example of a LocalDatabaseWorkspace. A geodatabase stored in an RDBMS such as Oracle, DB2, SqlServer, or Informix and accessed via ArcSDE is an example of a RemoteDatabaseWorkspace.

A Workspace**hands out a WorkspaceNamename object as the value of its FullName property. The WorkspaceName for a workspace can be persisted, for example, in a map document. An application can call the Open**method on the workspace name after loading it from persistent storage in order to connect to and get an object reference to the workspace.

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