Release 1.4

See what's new for the latest release.


Several new samples have been added, which include the following: how to generate an output data source in your widget, creating a message action, and how to use a data action. See below to access some of the newest samples:

Builder updates

ArcGIS Experience Builder includes several new widgets such as Chart, Coordinate Conversion, and Query, support for output data sources, data actions settings, and new templates. Some of the highlights are listed below.

  • Data sources—When setting a data source throughout your app, you can now choose a selected features view or use output data generated by Query and Chart widgets.
  • Data actions—Use the new data actions settings to provide an action menu in supported widgets, so end users can process data at runtime, such as exporting to a file or showing records in a target widget.
  • Templates—Choose from four new default app templates and three new page templates to visualize data using a narrative tour and single- or multipage layouts for monitoring status.
  • Windows—Customize a window's position, size, and layout for different screen sizes.
  • Layout—Advanced snap lines now appear in the canvas to help align and precisely position widgets in a fullscreen page, window, and fixed panel or sidebar layout.
  • Experience Builder developer edition can now be installed as a Windows Service.


  • Branch Version Management (new)—Manage the versions of branch versioned datasets. Use this widget on a page with or without a displayed map. Changes made in this widget affect data across your app, so other widgets that use the same services display versions accordingly.
  • Chart widget (new)—Visualize quantitative attributes from an operational layer to reveal potential patterns or trends.
  • Coordinate Conversion widget (new)—Convert coordinates between coordinate systems using multiple notation formats.
  • Query widget (new)—Retrieve information from a data source by running an attribute or spatial filter query. Use the new Records Created trigger to add actions, such as automatically displaying query results on a map and zooming to the features.
  • Embed widget—A web experience can now communicate with an embedded app by passing URL parameters to control what appears in the embedded app at runtime. Use a single URL editor to form dynamic URLs from connected data attributes or app URL parameters, or add static URLs directly.
  • Map widget—Use new quality options for web scenes to balance the visual effect and loading efficiency.
  • Table widget—The Table widget is out of beta and supports attribute editing by checking data capabilities and user credentials. Selection modes have also been added so you can allow users to select single or multiple records in the table.

Breaking changes

  • The JimuMapViewComponent prop useMapWidgetIds: string[] is changed to useMapWidgetId: string.
  • FeatureSetDataSource was removed.
  • DataSource's makeSureSelectedRecords method were removed. The selected record ids in URL parameters will be loaded when selection data view is ready.
  • Replaced Geometry in jimu-core with IGeometry in @esri/arcgis-rest-types.
  • The method toColorVariable was moved from jimu/basic/color-picker to jimu-ui utils.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
