DynamicEntityObservation QML Type

GeoElement that represents a static observation of a DynamicEntity received from a DynamicEntityDataSource."> DynamicEntityObservation QML Type | ArcGISQtQml
  • Esri.ArcGISRuntime
  • DynamicEntityObservation
  • A GeoElement that represents a static observation of a DynamicEntity received from a DynamicEntityDataSource. More...

    Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime
    Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 200.1





    Detailed Description

    Dynamic entity observations are objects streamed by a DynamicEntityDataSource. Each observation is a snapshot of the state of a DynamicEntity at a given point in time.

    Observations are stored in a local data cache as they are received from the data source. Observations may be purged from the local data cache according to DynamicEntityDataSourcePurgeOptions.

    Multiple observations may be associated with a single DynamicEntity (via a shared track ID). These observations may be retrieved using DynamicEntity::observations(int). The most current observation of a DynamicEntity may be retrieved using DynamicEntity::latestObservation.

    Observations may also be retrieved by identifying observations on a map or scene, or by handling events directly from the DynamicEntityDataSource.

    Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

    See also GeoElement and DynamicEntityLayer.

    Property Documentation

    [read-only] attributes : AttributeListModel

    The attributes of the DynamicEntityObservation.

    See also GeoElement.

    geometry : Geometry

    The geometry of the DynamicEntityObservation.

    See also GeoElement.

    [read-only] observationId : string

    A unique identifier for the DynamicEntityObservation (read-only).

    This property uniquely identifies a DynamicEntityObservation and is useful when determining if two observations are the same.

    Signal Documentation


    Emitted when the geometry property changes.

    Note: The corresponding handler is onGeometryChanged.

    Method Documentation

    DynamicEntity dynamicEntity()

    Gets the DynamicEntity associated with this observation.

    Use this method to retrieve the DynamicEntity associated with this observation.

    This method returns null if the associated DynamicEntity has been purged from the local data cache, which happens when all observations associated with a dynamic entity have been purged.

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