UtilityNetworkCapabilities QML Type

  • Esri.ArcGISRuntime
  • UtilityNetworkCapabilities
  • Defines the supported capabilities for a utility network. More...

    Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime
    Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 200.0



    Detailed Description

    These non-configurable capabilities indicate which utility network operations are supported. They are dependent upon the utility network service capabilities or the contents of the geodatabase.

    Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

    Property Documentation

    [read-only] supportsQueryAssociations : bool

    true if this utility network can query associations, false otherwise (read-only).

    Access to the system-defined associations table is required to enable querying associations.

    The associations table is available for a utility network if:

    • Utility network feature service grants access to the association table
    • Partial or full utility network model was requested when replica geodatabase was created
    • Association table was included with the stand-alone geodatabase exported from ArcGIS Pro

    See also Enums.UtilityNetworkSyncMode.

    [read-only] supportsTrace : bool

    true if this utility network can run a trace, false otherwise (read-only).

    Access to network topology is required to enable tracing capability.

    The network topology is available for a utility network if:

    • Utility network service has enabled network topology
    • Full utility network model was requested when replica geodatabase was created
    • Network topology was included with the stand-alone geodatabase exported from ArcGIS Pro

    See also Enums.UtilityNetworkSyncMode.

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