FloorLevel QML Type

  • Esri.ArcGISRuntime
  • FloorLevel
  • A floor level within a facility for a floor-aware map or scene. More...

    Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime
    Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.12




    Detailed Description

    A floor level describes the footprint of each occupiable floor contained in a FloorFacility. You can get the floor levels from the FloorManager associated with a floor-aware map or scene.

    Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

    See also FloorManager::levels.

    Property Documentation

    [read-only] facility : FloorFacility

    The facility that contains the floor level (read-only).

    This property will be null for orphan levels (those not contained in a facility).

    [read-only] geometry : Geometry

    The level geometry (read-only).

    [read-only] levelId : string

    The level ID (read-only).

    [read-only] levelNumber : int

    The level floor number in the facility (read-only).

    [read-only] longName : string

    The level long name (read-only).

    [read-only] shortName : string

    The level short name (read-only).

    [read-only] verticalOrder : int

    The vertical order within the collection of levels for the facility (read-only).

    The default value is 0, which represents the ground floor.

    visible : bool

    The level's visibility.

    The level visibility, true if the level is visible; false otherwise. The default value is true in 3D and for the ground floor in 2D.

    Signal Documentation


    Emitted when the visible property changes.

    Note: The corresponding handler is onVisibleChanged.

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