ArcadeEvaluationResult QML Type

  • Esri.ArcGISRuntime
  • ArcadeEvaluationResult
  • The result from the successful evaluation of an Arcade Expression. More...

    Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime
    Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.14




    • var castTo(Enums.ArcadeExpressionReturnType toType)
    • bool equals(ArcadeEvaluationResult other)

    Detailed Description

    Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

    Property Documentation

    [read-only] result : var

    The result of a successful evaluation (read-only).

    Method Documentation

    var castTo(Enums.ArcadeExpressionReturnType toType)

    Cast the result of an evaluation to another type using the Arcade casting rules.

    • toType - The type to cast to

    Use to ensure that the final return value from a script is cast to an expected type in an Arcade-consistent manner. For more information on the casting behavior for each type, see Enums.ArcadeExpressionReturnType. Only types to which a value can be cast are available in Enums.ArcadeExpressionReturnType. Other types, such as GeoElement, should be accessed via the result property. An error is not thrown when casting fails. Instead, an error is returned whose value depends on the type of cast attempted.

    bool equals(ArcadeEvaluationResult other)

    Returns true if two ArcadeEvaluationResult objects are equal, false otherwise.

    • other - The second object

    This is a deep comparison so two separate dictionaries with the same keys and values will compare equal.

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