Image service preparation

Data hosting
Use data management tools to import your imagery into ArcGIS to create image services.

Before hosting raster data in ArcGIS as an image service, you should take steps to optimize the raster data. This will ensure the best performance and user experience to perform analysis and visualization. In most cases you will use your own raster data, but you can also use existing data hosted in ArcGIS. This page outlines the tools to optimize downloaded and curated raster data locally for image services in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise.

How to prepare raster data

The general steps for preparing raster data:

1. Get the raster data

There are several types of data sources you can use to create an image service but this step will highlight two important ones: your own raster data and data hosted in ArcGIS.

Data SourceDescription
Your dataFor example: GEOTIFF, PNG. See supported raster input formats.
ArcGIS OnlineProvides a platform for users to host and share their own raster data that can then be accessed and used for visualization and analysis purposes.
ArcGIS HubContains many imagery layers from various sources that you can use in your applications. Some of the raster data can be obtained from the original sources and hosted in your ArcGIS Online organization.
ArcGIS Living AtlasA collection of geographic information that includes a raster data. You can access and visualize raster data in your maps and apps.

2. Optimize raster data

There are data preparation toolbox tools available in ArcGIS Pro to optimize your raster data before creating an image service:

Building pyramids and statisticsBuilding pyramids enhances raster display performance. Calculating statistics aids raster data display. All raster formats are processed. Learn more in Build Pyramids And Statistics (Data Management).
Calculate statisticsCreate important statistical information like minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation values are generated for your raster data. This statistical information is important for tasks like applying contrast stretches and classifying the raster data. Learn more in Calculate statistics

3. Decide image service capabilities

By default, an image service is published with Image Service capabilities, but additional capabilities such as WMS (Web Map Service) and WCS (Web Coverage Service) can also be enabled as needed. The differences in service capabilities and use cases are listed below:

CapabilityImage ServiceWCSWMS
On-the-fly Processing

Additional technical considerations for enabling capabilities for an image service:

Image service- Supports full range of capabilities.
- Enables custom raster functions.
- Allows client-side and server-side processing.
WCS- Provides raw data access.
- Supports server-side processing.
- Limited client-side manipulation.
WMS- Primarily for visualization.
- Limited to pre-defined rendering options.
- No analytical capabilities.

This table provides an overview of other concepts involved in deciding which capabilities to enable for an image service:

CategoryComponentDetailsTechnical Implementation
Advanced ProcessingRaster FunctionsSingle functions and chainsApply using ArcGIS Pro or create .rft.xml files
MensurationHeight and 3D measurementsConfigure using SetRasterProperties()
Data AccessDownloadSet limits, enable in service definitionUse SetMosaicDatasetProperties()
UploadEnable editing, set allowed typesConfigure with SetMosaicDatasetProperties()
Performance OptimizationCachingTile cache generationUse ManageMapServerCacheTiles()
Overviews and PyramidsFor mosaic and single rastersUse BuildOverviews() and BuildPyramids()

Benefits of data preparation

The key benefits of preparing your data before creating an image service in ArcGIS are:

CategorySpecific BenefitsTechnical Details
Improved performance- Faster rendering at different zoom levels
- Quicker and more accurate default display
- Improved read speeds and reduced storage
- Create image pyramids
- Generate statistics
- Optimize raster formats and compression
Enhanced functionality- Efficient on-the-fly processing
- Improved metadata accessibility
- Seamless dynamic mosaicking
- Enable functions like orthorectification, mosaicking, band algebra
- Enhance querying and selection capabilities
- Optimize multiple image integration
Flexible sharing- Support for various service types
- Controlled access and permissions
- Wide application compatibility
- Enable WMS, WCS, WMTS capabilities
- Implement user group access controls
- Ensure compatibility with desktop, web, and mobile clients
Scalability and management- Systematic organization and updating
- Efficient handling of large collections
- Integration of multiple sources and formats
- Utilize mosaic datasets for organization
- Implement efficient data structures for large volumes
- Enable multi-source and multi-format integration
Analysis and processing capabilities- Efficient raster analytics
- On-demand processing
- Faster analysis on large datasets
- Optimize for information product creation
- Enable dynamic product generation
- Implement distributed processing capabilities

Best practices

Listed below are the best practices to optimize raster data to create an image service:

Raster dataset considerations- Decide whether to publish a single raster dataset or multiple datasets. If multiple datasets compose a single image service, consider creating and publishing a mosaic dataset.
- Learn about workflows and tools for creating and editing mosaic datasets.
Image service usage- Determine the purpose of the image service, whether it's for viewing, analysis, mensuration, or measurements.
- Consider whether users will need to download or upload imagery from the service.
- Differentiate between capabilities such as Image Service, WCS, and WMS for various usage scenarios.
Data enhancements and processing- Explore options for enhancing image appearance, such as adjusting band combinations or histogram stretch.
- Define processing functions for server-side application, including orthorectification, hillshading, band algebra, and pan sharpening.
- Understand the support for raster functions and chaining them together using raster function templates.
Speed and accessibility- Evaluate caching options to improve access speed for users.
- Consider cache limitations based on band count and the choice between accessing cached or dynamic image services.
- Explore configuration settings for caching in ArcGIS Pro, including enabling or disabling cache view mode.


API support

Use data management tools or Client APIs to create, manage, and access data services. The table below outlines the level of support for each API.

ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript1
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin1
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Swift1
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java1
ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET1
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt1
ArcGIS API for Python
Esri Leaflet2
MapLibre GL JS23
Full supportPartial supportNo support
  • 1. Use portal class and direct REST API requests
  • 2. Access via ArcGIS REST JS
  • 3. Requires manually setting styles for renderers


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