Learn how to apply renderers and label definitions to a feature layer based on attribute values.

Applications can display feature layer data with different styles to enhance the visualization. The type of Renderer
you choose depends on your application. A SimpleRenderer
applies the same symbol to all features, a UniqueValueRenderer
applies a different symbol to each unique attribute value, and a ClassBreaksRenderer
applies a symbol to a range of numeric values. Renderers are responsible for accessing the data and applying the appropriate symbol to each feature when the layer draws. You can also use a LabelDefinition
to show attribute information for features. Visit the Styles and data visualization documentation to learn more about styling layers.
You can also author, style and save web maps, web scenes, and layers as portal items and then add them to the map in your application. Visit the following tutorials to learn more about adding portal items.
In this tutorial, you will apply different renderers to enhance the visualization of three feature layers with data for the Santa Monica Mountains: Trailheads with a single symbol, Trails based on elevation change and bike use, and Parks and Open Spaces based on the type of park.
Before starting this tutorial, you need the following:
An ArcGIS Location Platform or ArcGIS Online account.
A development and deployment environment that meets the system requirements.
An IDE for Android development in Kotlin.
Open an Android Studio project
To start this tutorial, complete the Display a map tutorial, or download and unzip the Display a map solution in a new folder.
Modify the old project for use in this new tutorial.
On your file system, delete the .idea folder, if present, at the top level of your project.
In the Android view, open app > res > values > strings.xml.
In the
<string name="app
element, change the text content to Style a feature layer._name" > strings.xmlUse dark colors for code blocks <resources> <string name="app_name">Style a feature layer</string> </resources>
In the Android view, open Gradle Scripts > settings.gradle.kts.
Change the value of
to "Style a feature layer".Project.name settings.gradle.ktsUse dark colors for code blocks dependencyResolutionManagement { repositoriesMode.set(RepositoriesMode.FAIL_ON_PROJECT_REPOS) repositories { google() mavenCentral() maven { url = uri("https://esri.jfrog.io/artifactory/arcgis") } } } rootProject.name = "Style a feature layer" include(":app")
The UI theme composable in Display a map tutorial was
. Rename the theme composable throughout the tutorial by refactoringA Map Theme Display
.A Map Theme In the Android view, open app > kotlin+java > com.exmple.app > ui.theme > Theme.kt.
Right-click the function name
and select Refactor -> Rename. Replace the name withA Map Theme Style
.A Feature Layer Theme Theme.ktUse dark colors for code blocks Copy @Composable fun DisplayAMapTheme( darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), // Dynamic color is available on Android 12+ dynamicColor: Boolean = true, content: @Composable () -> Unit ) { val colorScheme = when { dynamicColor && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S -> { val context = LocalContext.current if (darkTheme) dynamicDarkColorScheme(context) else dynamicLightColorScheme(context) } darkTheme -> DarkColorScheme else -> LightColorScheme }
Click File > Sync Project with Gradle files. Android Studio will recognize your changes and create a new .idea folder.
Get an access token and set the API key in MainActivity.kt.
An API Key gives your app access to secure resources used in this tutorial.
Go to the Create an API key tutorial to obtain a new API key access token using your ArcGIS Location Platform or ArcGIS Online account. Ensure that the following privilege is enabled: Location services > Basemaps > Basemap styles service. Copy the access token as it will be used in the next step.
In Android Studio: in the Android view, open app > java > com.example.app > MainActivity.
In the
function, find theApi Key() ApiKey.create()
call and paste your access token inside the double quotes, replacing YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN.MainActivity.ktUse dark colors for code blocks Copy private fun setApiKey() { ArcGISEnvironment.apiKey = ApiKey.create("YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN") }
Add import statements
In the Android view, open app > kotlin+java > com.example.app > MainScreen.kt. Replace the import statements with the imports needed for this tutorial.
package com.example.app.screens
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.fillMaxSize
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.padding
import androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api
import androidx.compose.material3.Scaffold
import androidx.compose.material3.Text
import androidx.compose.material3.TopAppBar
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.res.stringResource
import com.arcgismaps.Color
import com.arcgismaps.data.ServiceFeatureTable
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISMap
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.BasemapStyle
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.Viewpoint
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.labeling.ArcadeLabelExpression
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.labeling.LabelDefinition
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.FeatureLayer
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.ClassBreak
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.ClassBreaksRenderer
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.FontStyle
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.FontWeight
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.PictureMarkerSymbol
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.SimpleFillSymbol
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.SimpleFillSymbolStyle
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.SimpleLineSymbol
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.SimpleLineSymbolStyle
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.SimpleRenderer
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.TextSymbol
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.UniqueValue
import com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.UniqueValueRenderer
import com.arcgismaps.toolkit.geoviewcompose.MapView
import com.example.app.R
Create a function to add a feature layer
You can add a feature layer from a feature service hosted in ArcGIS. Each feature layer contains features with a single geometry type (point, line, or polygon), and a set of attributes. Once added to the map, feature layers can be symbolized, styled, and labeled in a variety of ways.
Define variables that store feature service URLs used by the app's layers, and then create a helper function to add a layer to the map's list of operational layers. You will use this code throughout the tutorial as you add and symbolize various layers.
add four read-onlyMap() String
variables: three for accessing feature layers, and a fourth for accessing a static image for use in a picture marker symbol. You will use these resources in future steps.MainScreen.ktUse dark colors for code blocks 54 55 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. fun createMap(): ArcGISMap { val parksAndOpenSpaces = "https://services3.arcgis.com/GVgbJbqm8hXASVYi/arcgis/rest/services/Parks_and_Open_Space/FeatureServer/0" val trails = "https://services3.arcgis.com/GVgbJbqm8hXASVYi/arcgis/rest/services/Trails/FeatureServer/0" val trailheads = "https://services3.arcgis.com/GVgbJbqm8hXASVYi/arcgis/rest/services/Trailheads/FeatureServer/0" val trailheadImage = "https://static.arcgis.com/images/Symbols/NPS/npsPictograph_0231b.png" return ArcGISMap(BasemapStyle.ArcGISTopographic).apply { initialViewpoint = Viewpoint( latitude = 34.0270, longitude = -118.8050, scale = 72000.0 ) } }
In the
block forArcGISMap
, insert code that addsFeatureLayer
s to the map'soperationalLayers
. For now, thelist
function has no parameters. In this tutorial, you will be adding each new feature layer to the list of parameters.Of() MainScreen.ktUse dark colors for code blocks 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 79 80 81Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. fun createMap(): ArcGISMap { val parksAndOpenSpaces = "https://services3.arcgis.com/GVgbJbqm8hXASVYi/arcgis/rest/services/Parks_and_Open_Space/FeatureServer/0" val trails = "https://services3.arcgis.com/GVgbJbqm8hXASVYi/arcgis/rest/services/Trails/FeatureServer/0" val trailheads = "https://services3.arcgis.com/GVgbJbqm8hXASVYi/arcgis/rest/services/Trailheads/FeatureServer/0" val trailheadImage = "https://static.arcgis.com/images/Symbols/NPS/npsPictograph_0231b.png" return ArcGISMap(BasemapStyle.ArcGISTopographic).apply { initialViewpoint = Viewpoint( latitude = 34.0270, longitude = -118.8050, scale = 72000.0 ) operationalLayers.addAll( listOf( ) ) } }
Add a top-level helper function named
that takes a feature service URI as an argument and returns aFeature Layer() FeatureLayer
created from the URI.MainScreen.ktUse dark colors for code blocks Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. fun createFeatureLayer(featureServiceUri: String): FeatureLayer { // Create a service feature table from a Uri val serviceFeatureTable = ServiceFeatureTable(featureServiceUri) // Return a feature layer created from the service feature table return FeatureLayer.createWithFeatureTable(serviceFeatureTable) }
Add a layer with a unique value renderer
Create a method to apply a different symbol for each type of park area to the Parks and Open Spaces feature layer.
Add a top-level function named
.Open Space Layer() UniqueValue
assigns a symbol to a value or values. A unique value renderer uses a collection of unique values to assign the appropriate symbol for each feature it renderers.For this example, the renderer uses a feature's
attribute value to apply the correct symbol.MainScreen.ktUse dark colors for code blocks Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. Add line. fun createOpenSpaceLayer(featureServiceUri: String): FeatureLayer { // Create fill symbol objects to represent the parks and open spaces layer val magentaFillSymbol = SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.fromRgba(255, 0, 255), null) val greenFillSymbol = SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.green, null) val blueFillSymbol = SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.fromRgba(0, 0, 255), null) val redFillSymbol = SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.red, null) // Create a unique value for natural areas, regional open spaces, local parks, and regional recreation parks val naturalAreas = UniqueValue( description = "Natural Areas", label = "Natural Areas", symbol = magentaFillSymbol, values = listOf("Natural Areas") ) val regionalOpenSpace = UniqueValue( description = "Regional Open Space", label = "Regional Open Space", symbol = greenFillSymbol, values = listOf("Regional Open Space") ) val localPark = UniqueValue( description = "Local Park", label = "Local Park", symbol = blueFillSymbol, values = listOf("Local Park") ) val regionalRecreationPark = UniqueValue( description = "Regional Recreation Park", label = "Regional Recreation Park", symbol = redFillSymbol, values = listOf("Regional Recreation Park") ) // Create a unique value list with the fill symbols val uniqueValuesList = listOf( naturalAreas, regionalOpenSpace, localPark, regionalRecreationPark ) // Create and assign a unique value renderer to the feature layer val openSpacesUniqueValueRenderer = UniqueValueRenderer( fieldNames = listOf("TYPE"), uniqueValues = uniqueValuesList, defaultLabel = "Open Spaces", defaultSymbol = null ) // Create a parks and open spaces feature layer val featureLayer = createFeatureLayer(featureServiceUri).apply { // Style the feature layer using the unique value renderer renderer = openSpacesUniqueValueRenderer // Set the layer opacity to semi-transparent opacity = 0.2f } return featureLayer }
, add the Parks and Open Space feature layer to the map's operational layers by callingMap() create
.Open Space Layer() MainScreen.ktUse dark colors for code blocks 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 77 78 79 80 81 82 83Add line. fun createMap(): ArcGISMap { val parksAndOpenSpaces = "https://services3.arcgis.com/GVgbJbqm8hXASVYi/arcgis/rest/services/Parks_and_Open_Space/FeatureServer/0" val trails = "https://services3.arcgis.com/GVgbJbqm8hXASVYi/arcgis/rest/services/Trails/FeatureServer/0" val trailheads = "https://services3.arcgis.com/GVgbJbqm8hXASVYi/arcgis/rest/services/Trailheads/FeatureServer/0" val trailheadImage = "https://static.arcgis.com/images/Symbols/NPS/npsPictograph_0231b.png" return ArcGISMap(BasemapStyle.ArcGISTopographic).apply { initialViewpoint = Viewpoint( latitude = 34.0270, longitude = -118.8050, scale = 72000.0 ) operationalLayers.addAll( listOf( createOpenSpaceLayer(parksAndOpenSpaces), ) ) } }
Click Run > Run > app to run the app.
When the app opens, Parks and Open Spaces feature layer is added to the map. The map displays the different types of parks and open spaces with four unique symbols.
Add a layer with a class breaks renderer
Create a method to apply a different symbol for each of the five ranges of elevation gain to the Trails feature layer.
Add a top-level function named
.Trails Layer() A
assigns a symbol to a range of values.For this example, the renderer uses each feature's
attribute value to classify it into a defined range (class break) and apply the corresponding symbol._GAIN MainScreen.ktUse dark colors for code blocks