Attribute Table

The Attribute Table widget displays a tabular view of a feature layer's attributes.

Configurable attributes

The following table describes the configurable attributes of the Attribute Table widget.



Array of object. An array of feature layers. There is no default.

  • name: String. The name of the feature layer. There is no default.
  • id: String. The identifier of the feature layer. There is no default.
  • layer: Object. Reference to the feature layer. There is no default.
    • url: String. URL to the ArcGIS Server REST resource that represents a feature service. There is no default.
    • fields: Object[]. If undefined, displays all fields. There is no default.
      • name: String. The name of the field. There is no default.
      • alias: String. The alias of the field. There is no default.
      • show: Boolean. Indicates whether the field will be shown in the table. There is no default.
    • show: Boolean. Indicates whether the layer will be shown in the table. There is no default.


Boolean. Initially expands the widget. It is set to false by default.


 "layerInfos": [{
        "name": "USA_hostingFS - Cities",
        "id": "USA_hostingFS_7710",
        "layer": {
            "url": "",
            "fields": [{
                "show": true,
                "name": "OBJECTID",
                "alias": "OBJECTID"
            }, {
                "show": true,
                "name": "AREANAME",
                "alias": "AREANAME"
            }, {
                "show": true,
                "name": "CLASS",
                "alias": "CLASS"
            }, {
                "show": true,
                "name": "ST",
                "alias": "ST"
            }, {
                "show": true,
                "name": "CAPITAL",
                "alias": "CAPITAL"
            }, {
                "show": true,
                "name": "POP2000",
                "alias": "POP2000"
            }, {
                "show": false,
                "name": "GlobalID",
                "alias": "GlobalID"
        "show": true
    }, {
        "name": "USA_hostingFS - Highways",
        "id": "USA_hostingFS_2758",
        "layer": {
            "url": "",
            "fields": [{
                "name": "OBJECTID",
                "alias": "OBJECTID",
                "show": false,
                "format": null
            }, {
                "name": "LENGTH",
                "alias": "LENGTH",
                "show": true,
                "format": {
                    "places": 2,
                    "digitSeparator": true
            }, {
                "name": "TYPE",
                "alias": "TYPE",
                "show": true,
                "format": null
            }, {
                "name": "ADMN_CLASS",
                "alias": "ADMN_CLASS",
                "show": true,
                "format": null
            }, {
                "name": "TOLL_RD",
                "alias": "TOLL_RD",
                "show": true,
                "format": null
            }, {
                "name": "RTE_NUM1",
                "alias": "RTE_NUM1",
                "show": true,
                "format": null
            }, {
                "name": "RTE_NUM2",
                "alias": "RTE_NUM2",
                "show": true,
                "format": null
            }, {
                "name": "ROUTE",
                "alias": "ROUTE",
                "show": true,
                "format": null
        "show": false
    "hideExportButton": false,
    "initiallyExpand": true,
    "filterByMapExtent": true

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