DataSource configuration

The following table describes the attributes for data source configuration.



String. The data source ID.

For each data source below, the source ID is as follows:

  • A map: map~<layerId>~<filterId>
  • A widget: widget~<widgetId>~<dataSourceId>
  • Added through an extra data source: external~<id>


String. The filter expression applied to a layer or extra data source.


Boolean. Whether or not the query is in the current map extent.


String. The data source label.


Boolean. If true, the data source will be updated periodically. If false, once the data source is initialized, it will not be updated.


Number. For a dynamic data source only, the unit is in minutes.


String. There are two types of data source you can add:

  • Layer—A subset of data of a feature layer, a table, or an image service vector layer.
  • Statistics—Stores the feature count of group data (if specified) and calculates the sum, average, maximum, and minimum values of the group (if specified) based on one or more numeric fields.


String. The data source URL.


Object. The data schema of the data source.

  • Features data source
    • geometryType—String. esriGeometryPoint, esriGeometryPolyline, or esriGeometryPolygon.
    • fields—Field[]: Class: Field.
    • orderByFields—String[], Class: Query.
    • displayFieldName—String. The display field name.
    • objectIdFieldName—String. The object ID field name.
    • typeIdFieldName—String. The type ID field name.
  • FeatureStatistics data source
    • geometryType
    • groupByFields—String[].
    • statistics—StatisticDefinition[]. Class: StatisticDefinition.
    • fields—Field[]: Class: Field.
    • displayFieldName—String. The display field name.
    • objectIdFieldName—String. The object ID field name.
    • typeIdFieldName—String. The type ID field name.


String. This attribute has three values:

  • Service limit—The maximum number of records specified when the service is published.
  • All—All the records from the service.
  • Custom—The number of records you want to retrieve from the service.


Number. The result count.

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