Image Measurement

The Image Measurement widget allows you to perform measure operations (supported by the image service) on an image service layer.

Configurable attributes

The following table describes the configurable attributes of the Image Measurement widget.



Object array. The properties of the array item are as follows:

  • layerTitle—String: Title of the image service layer in the web map.
  • displayMeasureResultInPopup—Boolean. Determines whether the measure result should be displayed on a pop-up in the map. The default is false.
  • linearUnit—String. The default linear unit for the widget. The available values are as follows:
    • esriInches
    • esriFeet
    • esriYards
    • esriMiles
    • esriNauticalMiles
    • esriMillimeters
    • esriCentimeters
    • esriMeters
    • esriKilometers
  • angularUnit—String. The default angular unit for the widget. The available values are as follows:
    • esriDURadians
    • esriDUDecimalDegrees
  • areaUnit—String. The default area unit for the widget. The available values are as follows:
    • esriSquareInches
    • esriSquareFeet
    • esriSquareYards
    • esriAcres
    • esriSquareMiles
    • esriSquareMillimeters
    • esriSquareCentimeters
    • esriSquareDecimeters
    • esriSquareMeters
    • esriAres
    • esriHectares
    • esriSquareKilometers
  • displayOperations—Array. An array of operation strings that displays on the widget. The available values are as follows:
    • esriMensurationDistanceAndAngle
    • esriMensurationAreaAndPerimeter
    • esriMensurationHeightFromBaseAndTop
    • esriMensurationHeightFromBaseAndTopShadow
    • esriMensurationHeightFromTopAndTopShadow
    • esriMensurationCentroid
    • esriMensurationPoint3D
    • esriMensurationDistanceAndAngle3D
    • esriMensurationAreaAndPerimeter3D
    • esriMensurationCentroid3D


  "ImageMeasurement": {
    "layerTitle": "Dubai",
    "displayMeasureResultInPopup" : false,
    "linearUnit": "esriKilometers",
    "angularUnit": "esriDUDecimalDegrees",
    "areaUnit": "esriSquareKilometers",
    "displayOperations": ["esriMensurationPoint", "esriMensurationDistanceAndAngle"]

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