Loading Page

The Loading Page widget allows you to configure a loading page for the app.

Configurable attributes

The following table describes the configurable attributes of the Loading Page widget.



String. The background color of the loading page.


Object. The background image. Its properties are as follows:

  • visible—Boolean. Controls whether the background image is visible. If false, the other backgroundImage properties are ignored.
  • uri—String. The URI of the background image whose path is relative to the root of the app.
  • width—Number. The width of the image.
  • height—Number. The height of the image.


Object. The GIF image. Its properties are as follows:

  • visible—Boolean. Controls whether the GIF image is visible. If false, the other loadingGif properties are ignored.
  • uri—String. The URI of the GIF image whose path is relative to the root of the app.
  • width—Number. The width of the image.
  • height—Number. The height of the image.


				"loadingPage": {
    "backgroundColor": "#508dca",
      "uri": "configs/loading/images/background.png",
      "width": 812,
      "height": 972
    //Controls whether the gif image is visible. If it is false, the other options under "loadingGif" will be ignored.
      "visible": true,
      //The uri of the gif image whose path is relative to the root of your application.
      "uri": "configs/loading/images/predefined_loading_1.gif",
      //The width of the image.
      "width": 58,
      //The height of the image.
      "height": 58
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